
The Secret of God's Mountain

Four continents were ruled by man. To the barren north there were white faced devils, to the south there were mysterious islanders, to the west there were dessert tribes, and in the center of it all was the Middle Kingdom, the kingdom that strived to one day conquer the world. Unrest could be felt in the shadows of the kingdom. Change was coming. Forgotten myths would become truths, legends would be reborn, and one person was at the center of it all, A-Narah. *** A-Narah's golden eyes burned like molten lava as she stared across a sea of dead bodies to the man who stood tall, and undisturbed by the stench of death. She hated him. Because of him she had lost everything that she had ever held dear. But he was her savior. Because of him she became who she was always meant to be. And ultimately she promised him, "Be it Hell, Earth, or Heaven I will stand by your side." The man had cold gaze, but when he looked at the determined girl, his eyes warmed. "If you hold out your hand, I swear by the all that lives under the skies, that I will never let it go." *** Update: *Currently on pause, back by August* One chapter release a day, no less. More chapters will be released at the creator's discretion or at the point in time when a stockpile allows it.

11am · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Lessons (1)

Another week went pass in the tribal village. A-Narah and the others didn't see much of Elon. He spent most of his time inside the tent working on recovering and helping the shaman. Every day for a few minutes they would visit him though.

A-Narah spent most of her days with Anis. The guards still tried to prevent her from doing chores but one talk from Feme made them halt their amusing antics. A-Narah wasn't sure what was said, though she had tried to ask, but the guards continuously diverted the topic and when she approached Feme, she would just say, "Some things are better left unspoken." And would walk away. A-Narah wasn't sure what she meant.

As A-Narah spent more time with the women and the other younger girls, she was able to become friendlier with them and even made some more friends. The girls were cautious around her at first, but after observing here with Anis, they began approaching her. She had never been surrounded by this many girls, but she found them delightful. She had been scornful of them at first. They only seemed to be obsessed with boys. But as she talked with them, she learned that there was more to them than just interest in husband hunting. They enjoyed playing games and telling stories, doing each other's hair and talking about clothes. It was different from having a brother or a mother. It was someone you could be natural around. Someone who could see eye to eye with you. When she spoke of some parts of her life from Middle Kingdom, these girls were the first ones to understand why she would want to leave. How such a golden cage was suffocating, but A-Narah didn't speak out and say that they lived in a cage as well. One that wasn't made from gold like her's was, and much bigger, but a cage nonetheless.

Until they could stand on equal ground with others and be able to speak their mind and be heard, then all they could be was but lovely exotic birds kept by others.

Adom had free time now that he no longer had to help the shaman. He spent most of it with his mother, helping her. So A-Narah got to spend more time with him and get to know him better as well. She found that they disagreed about a lot of things, but she was able to talk to him. That wasn't something she could do with her brothers back at home nor her adopted brothers that now guarded her. They would do what they thought was in her best interest without discussing it with her, but Adom was different. Maybe it was Feme that made him that way.

One of the days that she spent with Adom he took her to the outskirts of the village with two horses. "Are we planning to run away? Is that why you brought me all of way over here? Because if it, we are going to need a lot more than the clothes on our back and a couple horses. Best if we took a goat or two as well."

Adom chuckled at her quip. "No, I was planning to teach you how to ride. You don't know how to right? It's a crime to own so many beautiful creatures but not be able to make any use of them."

"I made use of them. They used to pull my carriage while I sat comfortably inside."

"Well riding a horse might not be a cushy as the inside of a carriage, but I guarantee that it is a lot more fun."

"How would you know? Have you ever ridden in a carriage? You are surrounded by four walls and get to stare at the same wood paneling all day. What isn't fun about that."

"Well you asked me before what I did for fun, and riding is one of them. Knowing you, I will bet you one…" Adom looked her over and pointed at her hair. "I will bet you your hair pin that you will like it."

"What do I get if you are wrong?"

"You get to learn how to ride a horse."

"That sounds like a very poor bet. I think I will lose."

"It's very likely. You can also think of it as payment. Now let's get started."

Adom helped A-Narah get on the horse. It was a beautiful gray gelding. He cupped his hands and had her put her foot in them and throw her leg over the side. Once she was securely on the back he got onto his own horse.

"How does it feel?" he asked her. "high?"

"I've been on a horse before you know. I've even ridden with you."

"Yes, but you were a rag doll. And not in your right of mind. How would you have remembered? And riding alone is very different from riding with someone behind you."

A-Narah had nothing to say to that. It did feel much higher than it had before. Less secure, but she wouldn't tell him that. On his horse he walked up next to her. "Before we start riding, let's work on your posture. Riding takes strength. Ecspecially your legs. Keep your core strong," Adom said hitting his abdomen.

"When you start moving you don't want to be thrown around. Hold onto the reins, but keep your grip light. Hold it too tightly and you will yank his head back. Squeeze your knees to his sides to keep yourself on his back. Got it?"

"I think so," A-Narah said adjusting herself as he had instructed. Adom inspected her and toched her leg, moving it to the correct placement.

A-Narah jumped in surprised and blushed. The horse feeling her movement moved and stamped its feet. The sudden loss of control made fear grip her heart.

"Be careful. Your movements tell the horse what to do, and your feelings will influence its own. You don't have to worry. We will only walk for now and I have you on a lead rope. You don't have to worry about anything except staying on the horse. Once you feel comfortable enough, I will let you take control."

A-Narah nodded and went through the practice. It wasn't what she would call fun. By the end of it her entire body was sore, but she felt accomplished.

"It looks like I will be keeping my hairpin. That wasn't fun at all."

"Once you are good at it, it will be fun. We just have to work our way up."

Everyday in the afternoon Adom took A-Narah out riding instead of going out to hunt with the others. In his place, the guards would join the other warriors and hunt. They trusted Adom to look after A-Narah and keep her safe, and they wanted to observe these tribesmen in action more closely.

"Today, would you like to feel what it's like to be free?"

"I don't think I'm ready for what you have in mind yet."

"You will ride with me. But I will show you what it means to fly."

Adom helped her up and got on behind her. His arms went around her and took the reins. A-Narah could feel the sturdiness of his chest and the warmth of his breath on the back of her head. She felt overly conscious of his presence, but soon that was all forgotten.

With a yell and the kick of the heels, they were off. Wind blew her hair back away from her face, streaming behind her. The open desert became a blur and sand flew up behind them. They raced across the sand. She gripped the mane of the horse, leaned down and squinted her eyes. Their pace kept getting faster and faster. They jumped over a bush, and she didn't even feel when the hooves hit the ground. It was like they were running on air.

Even though she hadn't been the one working hard, she was breathing heavily when they stopped.

"Are you alright? How was it?" Adom curiously asked her. He leaned to the side so that he could get a look at her expression.

"That was marvelous. It makes me wish I had the ability to do that. That I could fly across the open sand, no barriers holding me back. You were right. That was freedom. That was what freedom should feel like."

"I told you there is nothing like it. Once you are good enough, you will be able to do that to. You will be one of the fastest people on the desert. Not many are able to own and ride horses here. You will be able to outrun anyone or catch up to anything."

"Adom, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would have never experienced this for myself."

Adom rubbed her head. She could feel the vibrations from his chest as he spoke. "There is nothing to thank." She could even imagine his wonderful smile behind her. She found that when he was unhindered by the responsibility of the tribe, when he was out here with her. He would smile more. He could be carefree. His smile truly was wonderful. His stern face relaxed and became sunny. They picture of joy. She was jealous that he could make such a face. She didn't think that she would be able to for a long time. To many worries weighed her down. But she liked being around him when he was like this. Seeing him smile made her own heart calm. He was like the oasis in the desert she had been thrown into.

"Let's head back. The sun will be setting soon," Adom said. And without any warning they were off again, racing across the desert. With a sudden spit of courage, A-Narah let go of the main and leaned back into Adom's chest. She raised her arms into the sky and tilted her head back, letting the hot air forcefully hit her as they rode on.