
The Secret Obsession of the CEO

***COMPLETED*** Aurora Roberts' entire life revolves around her four-month-old baby Aurelia. The father of her baby... not in the picture at the moment. Liam Roberts used to be her best friend and the one she trusted with all her heart, until he broke her heart one day by asking for divorce out of nowhere. It's been more than a year since that happened and she thought it was water under the bridge. Even at twenty-three, Rory is financially stable thanks to the life insurance payment. Also, she is the co-partner of a Café that does fairly well. She plans to take the LSAT as becoming a lawyer is her dream. But, a single phone call set a domino effect that changed all her plans. Her grandmother--the one who mandated her marriage-- is suffering from vascular dementia. And when her caretaker called Rory to ask her to meet her grandmother, she knew she must visit her. But what should she do when she is asked to bring the baby's father with her? He is the one who asked for a divorce and he didn't take any responsibility for the baby! But can she deny the last wish of her grandmother? Does she need him? No! She can take care of herself and her baby. She does not need the pity of anyone. Does she want him back? No! She has her pride! She won't beg him to come back. Does she miss him? Yes, um, No..! Actually, it is complicated! And will her daughter need her father? ... As for Liam, where does he stand? What does he want? Why did he ask for the divorce out of nowhere? Why is he refusing to acknowledge their baby? She doesn't know. What should she do? Should she give him one more chance to explain himself? Will he be willing to open a conversation with her for the sake of their baby? Liam Roberts is the CEO of a start-up online company that became an instant hit. He became a billionaire in the span of a year. Rory is his first love and the most favorite person in the world. But he cannot let her stay with him. She will be destroyed if she stays with him. And so, he will keep her away from him. He hoped the secret he is hiding stays hidden forever. Maybe then he will not hurt Rory. But can he keep Rory away? Will the hidden secret surface? And will it affect Rory? ***** Hello lovely readers, This is my fifth book and my third contemporary romance book in Webnovel. This book is participating in WSA 2022. Please give it a chance. Leave comments and reviews. Vote with PS and GT. Check out my profile and leave a heart. You can follow me in Twitter, Insta and Discord.

Golda · Urban
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Hope And Expectations

Rory bowed her head and took a deep breath as she stood up. Her pride is something she values a lot and she is keeping it aside to meet him. She hoped that she doesn't get trampled by him.

She didn't have the energy to bear his hurt once again. But at the corner of her heart, she held hope. She walked with her head held high.

Rory came across many curious gazes. She saw the staff peeking from behind the pillars and some casually walking through the hallways just to have a glance at her.

Is it because of my beauty?

Rory guzzled in her heart. But she knew the reason for those curious glances.

People do love gossip!

"Ms. Roberts, are you a relative to Mr. Roberts?" the secretary asked very hesitantly.

Rory didn't know which Roberts she is asking about. But since she was in a fairly good mood, she decided to clear her curiosity.

"No," she told the secretary with a smile.

The secretary gave a polite nod, but Rory wondered why she got more confused by her answer. She didn't mind that though. She gets this reaction all the time.

Her surname and his surname are the same. LR Holdings is his uncle's company. Fitzwilliam is the CEO of one of the start-up subsidiary companies of LR Holdings.

Her grandparents and his grandparents are neighbors. When they were in school it did cause a lot of confusion and rumors.

Although they all shared the same surname, they are not related at least for seven or eight generations. They did every ancestry test there is just to prove that they might be related—anything to stop their wedding. But the results proved them wrong and gave the family more reasons to get them married.

Rory checked herself in the pocket mirror as she was led through the hallways. Her makeup was perfect. Her side brushed curtain bangs and slightly wavy shoulder-length hair, brought out the blue in her eyes. Her eyeliner came out well today and her lipstick was perfect.

She nervously fixed her pale pink dress once more. Even she was amazed when she fit into this dress she bought two years back. In fact, this dress has become a much better fit now. Her chest fills in more perfectly.

Who knew breastfeeding has its advantages?

Her lips curved with pride. It has been a while since she dolled up. She didn't have the time to pretty herself. But today, she felt like it and so she did.

And I slay!

"Rory! Girl!"

That voice of the woman running at her from the end of the hall still gave the same feelings as before—when they were in university.

The feeling one gets hearing nails scratching on the wall—Cringe!

"She works here?" Rory asked the secretary enduring the shivers through her spine.

Wow! She colored her hair red…

"She's our Head Secretary," the secretary answered.

"Oh?" Rory nodded. Her initial cringe turned to a pang of pain in her heart.

"I'm in a hurry, Allison Stewart," Rory said, avoiding the claws that were reaching for a hug. Rory's blue eyes turned distant and menacing for a moment before her soft voice cut through. "Let's go for a coffee another day," she added with her spotless smile.

Without even expecting Allison's reply, she walked past her. She didn't dare to listen to her grating voice anymore. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and clutched her hand over her chest which hurt.

Allison stepped aside and watched Rory's back. Her hands fisted to balls.

"This way, please," the secretary held the door for her.

Rory shivered a bit as the cold air from inside the room gushed out immediately after the door was opened.

Along with her upset heart, the drop in temperature made her shiver. Her sinus acted up giving her headache. She gritted her teeth and turned at the secretary and thanked her before closing the door.

Although the entire office is airconditioned centrally, this guy has added a split AC in his office. She handles cold pretty well, but this guy takes it a step too far. He loves his room freezingly cold.

Ah, the fights they had… the poor buttons of the thermostat in their home… They would cry if they had eyes.

Speaking of eyes… Her eyes ended up on the man wearing a dark charcoal-colored tailored suit. Her eyes met with his and her heart skipped a beat. It was a big office and there was a great distance between them. But those eyes…

Heaven help me!

Aurora blinked her eyes unable to meet the intense blue eyes of the tall man leaning leisurely on the table with his arms folded over his chest.

He had brushed back his blond hair and the sunbeams entering through the floor-high windows of the corner office made his head gleam.

It was as if even the sun adored him. It wanted to paint him like an angel. The entire office was white with gold accents and sleek lines. In the lighting, it appeared as if it was heaven.

He would have appeared as an angel with the halo around his head if not for that cold look on his face. She could never get used to this look on his face. It's odd for her to be the recipient of this look.

His thin lips were pressed to a line and his long bony fingers tapped over his arm lazily.

"You didn't…"

His deep voice was laced with uncertainty. His hand reached to her as if he wanted to touch her, but clearing his throat, he put his hand in his trouser pocket.

"Did you meet Allison?" he jerked his head at the door. "She just-"

"I did. I didn't talk to her though. I don't have time," Rory interjected him, rubbing her arms. She didn't like his curiosity to have her meet his girlfriend.

She looked at the floor. She should have expected this. He had told her that he is attracted to brunettes.

Allison was in their major at the University. Although their marriage was public knowledge, Allison didn't hold herself back from showing her attraction toward Liam.

Around the final year, Rory started noticing him staring at Allison unconsciously. It was then the fights started between them. She didn't think that he cheated on her, but…


She heard him turning the AC off.

"You have…" his low voice rumbled as he casually threw the remote on the table. "Five minutes." He pressed his lips, looking at his custom-made Patek Philippe watch.

The room started to warm up, but his voice was cold.

"Yes," Rory said, putting on her smile.

She can accept this. They are not bound by any constraints of relationship anymore, and he doesn't have to spare her his time. If he thinks that he cannot stay in the room with his ex-wife when his girlfriend is outside, he is justified.

Her eyes stang and her nose tickled. She rubbed her nose. She probably is getting an allergic reaction. Her chest hurts a lot too.

"Grandma is very sick. She…" Rory twisted her hair. She has to say it. And he will laugh and mock her. But still, she has to.

"She wants to meet you because… She… I didn't tell her that we are divorced."

She waited… She waited for him to laugh, pointing his finger at her and holding his abdomen; to call her a loser and a chicken.