
{1} New School

"Wake up or I'll tickle you!" Loras mom said with a smirk.

"Hell no you wont" Lora said still having her face in her pillow.

"Watch me!"

She came running at Lora and Loras first reaction was to slide out of the bed in what it seemed like half a millisecond.

"D*mn, I forgot you took Ninja Warrior classes!" Lora rolled her eyes and then walked over to the bathroom.

While in the bathroom Lora had glanced in the mirror, she saw a beautiful young women staring back at her. Her hair was jet black and and she had light green like eyes. She had a small waist and a bigger chest. She also has light freckles from one cheek to the other.

She bent over the sink and reached for the face scrub. While rubbing it on her face her fair skin turned red due to the rough texture of the scrub. After rinsing off the scrub she was able to feel her bare skin, it was so soft that it reminded her of the time that she held her new-born baby cousin. After making sure that the scrub was all off of her face she started to brush her teeth.

"Lora your strawberry oats are done!"

"Ok I'll be down there in a sec!" Lora said with a happy tone in her voice.

While running down the stairs Lora was stuffing her laptop in her book bag, along with her mini book bag that had pads, perfume, deodorant, and little snacks for through out the day. At the bottom of the steps her puppy Emie met her there. Her puppy was a blue pit-bull that was only four weeks old.

"Feed Emie before you eat please."

"Ok" Lora said. They had found Emie on the side of the road and her ears were clipped. She has a grey/blue coat and her eyes where icy blue.

After feeding Emie, Lora sat down at the table and started to eat her breakfast.

"So are you excited to be going to a new school?" Loras mom said with a grin on her face.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous." Lora said while stuffing her face with oats.

"There's no need to be nervous honey!" Loras mom said while tilting her head and smiling warmly.

"Yeah but when you were little you traveled all the time because of your dad." Lora grunted. Loras mom just looked at her and made a straight line with her lips.

"Anyways, I love you mom. See you this after noon!"

"Love you to!" Loras mom said with a warm aura. Lora then walked out of the front door.


When walking to the bus stop, her anxiety got worse and worse. It was like every time she got closer to the bus stop something was making her nerves get tighter and tighter. When Lora had made it to the bus stop there where already two people there. They looked like juniors just like Lora. One was a male and had blond fluffy hair and the other was a female and also had blond hair. Both were wearing the same school uniform as me. When approaching them they both turned around and looked at Lora. The girl ran up to Lora and said "Ahhh! You must be new girl, nice to meet you! Also you are so freaking pretty!"

"Awe thank you so much!" Lora said a little bit flustered. The male was just standing there blushing. Then we all heard a big vehicle come to a stop. We all turned around and looked at the bus. It had our school name on it and it looked really fancy.

"D*mn thats one fancy bus!" Lora said with her jaw dropped open.

"I know right, just wait till we get to the school." Said the boy. Then we all got on the bus…

This is my very first novel and I hope you all luv it so far. I luv writing, like I wish I could sit here and write all


Maddy_was_herecreators' thoughts