
The Startup

This is the Story of Three Persons who are Police officers and A Mysterious Murder. Thrice of the Police Officers are Best Friends. There Names are Rajesh, Ramesh and Yuvraj. These All Three have Solved Many Murders Cases in Past Times. They are Also Being Promoted Many Times in Past Years. They All Have Girl friends Named Niya, Ashmeet and Deepika Respectively. Deepika's Mother Died in a Car Accident in last Month . Also Niya Father Also Commited Suicide Due to Loan Pressure. They Have an Bad Life But

three of Them Helps Them as much as they Can. When Ashmeet Proposed Ramesh, they Both are Happy in their Life but a Thing Happens Which Changes There Life. When Ashmeet Visit Ramesh Home She Found that blood is Lying on the Floor and Ramesh has Been killed. As the Time Passed Deepika and Niya Also Commited Suicide. Deepika's Father Strikes With an Heart Attack and He Also Died. When Rajesh Come to Know About this he Start Insvestigating After a FIR is Reported. The Grandfather of Rajesh Come to Know About this he gets so Sad when he Hears this.

This all Murders and Suicides are Due to Just One Accident in Life of all Friends.

Next Chapter.....in June's ending