
The Secret Love has an End.

Sang Tian chased Meng Ting for a year, had a relationship that couldn't be publicized for two years, and was a fool for three years. She wrote songs for Meng Ting's White Moonlight to sing, and she gave up her chance for fame for Meng Ting. And for all the important moments in her life, Meng Ting was absent. After another of his absences, Sang Tian mentioned breaking up, Meng Ting disdained it, betting with his friends, "within a month, she will beg to get back together." Sang Tian did not beg to get back together, she completely disappeared from Meng Ting's world. Until one day. An official blog exposed that the top stream of the entertainment industry, Xie Shili, will join Sang Tian to participate in a large-scale couple's life variety show. Crowd: Who's with who? Is a husband and wife?Just like that?Publicized?! Meng Ting can't believe that Sang Tian just doesn't want him anymore. As the rain poured down, Meng Ting stood in front of Sang Tian's house and waited for Sang Tian to turn around. After waiting for half an hour, the window on the second floor opened, and the tall man loosely draped in a black bathrobe leaned on the window, his handsome, cold-feeling face showing the lethargy of the aftermath under the night, "My wife's asleep, what's the matter with Meng looking for her?" ----On the day Sang Tian and Meng Ting broke up, Seven Points Media played Good Day for the whole day. Seven Points Media Big Boss: Xie Shili.

Sophora · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter 24

The shallow breath will be entangled together immediately, but I do not know who first messed up the heart, in the moment of breathing disorder to separate.

Jiang Yinhua said from behind the monitor, "Let's do a test shoot first."

After handing over the script to the staff, Sang Tian took a deep breath, forcing herself to quickly get into the state.

Xie Shili was too tall, with a height of 188 centimeters, and Sang Tian could not touch a single edge of that photo even if she stood on her tiptoes.

Her body was already very close to Xie Shili at this time, and Xie Shili took advantage of the situation to grab her waist.

At the moment when Sang Tian raised her eyes in panic, Xie Shili's throat knots rolled along, his slightly dark eyes gathered all the waves, and he covered his lips.

Warm, soft.

And his hand also slowly slid down from Sang Tian's waistline, a slight force can make the two of their bodies more closely together.


No one could tell whose heartbeat was louder.

For Sang Tian, this was not only the first kissing scene, but also her first kiss.

But she hadn't expected it to be in a scene like this at all.

The warm touch and burning breath almost devoured Sang Tianan's senses by inches.

Her heartbeat was violent and clearly audible, that is, even her body stiffened in place.


Jiang Yinhua walked over and patiently said, "Just now was the first time may not be skillful enough, so it looks very stiff in the picture. You guys slow down for a bit to get the feel of it, and we'll shoot again in a while."

The corner of Xie Shili's lips slightly hooked and said, "Which aspect do you think is problematic just now? We can discuss it."

Sang Tian raised her head and saw Xie Shili's slightly raised thin lips, the touch in her mind about that place then instantly became clear again.

Her cheeks heated up, and subconsciously she pursed her lips, as if she wanted to banish that touch.

"Was I stiff just now?" Sang Tian asked in embarrassment.

Xie Shili gently shook his head, and his complexion became a bit more serious, "It's my problem, this kiss was originally my initiative, so I should have done a bit better. Don't be psychologically burdened, try to relax and imagine how you should react if your boyfriend kissed you."

He guided with a gentle tone, which in turn caused Sang Tian to take a breath of relief in her heart.

She was indeed too nervous, so both her expression and body movements seemed rusty and unnatural.

Sang Tian expressed her gratitude and thanked Xie Shili, "Thank you Mr. Xie, I'll adjust it."

"That kissing scene just now, do you think there's anything that needs to be corrected in terms of posture?" Xie Shili asked.

Sang Tian had to force herself to think back to the kissing scene that made her blush, but hurriedly fixed her mind and tried to be more professional.

She thought for a moment and said, "My neck is a bit tired, and the angle doesn't seem to be very good, the left side of my face looks better."

As soon as those words fell, Xie Shili moved closer once again.

"Director Jiang, help us look at the angle."


Before Sang Tian could react, Xie Shili clasped her waist with one hand and hooked the back of her head with the other.

"Is this okay?"

He leaned down, and was then only a stone's throw away from Sang Tian's lips.

When that burning breath came close again, Sang Tian's heart also instantly tightened, and all of her senses became especially sensitive at this moment.

Obviously his lips have not yet touched his own, but it is such a distance that will be touched not touched in favor of letting the ambiguity grow infinitely.

Sang Tian eyes crossed a piece of panic, but still have to try to stabilize the mind.

"It seems to be getting better." Even so, there was still a tremor in her voice.

Xie Shili was as if he didn't know, but at that moment, he changed to another angle.

His hot breath sprayed onto Sang Tian's cheeks once again, instantly causing a tingling sensation throughout her body.

"How about this?" The person who favored the disturbance was still ignorant and unaware, his tone bland.

Sang Tian's ears had long since reddened, her voice spoke with difficulty, "It seems to work ..."

A smile swept across the bottom of Xie Shili's eyes, and when he let go, he said, "Good, then let's try it again from every angle."

This kind of slapdash kissing scene is generally nothing difficult, except that it so happens that the duo are both novices, which is why they have a bit of a rough time in the beginning.

Sang Tian also adjusted her mindset as soon as possible, allowing herself to rush into her character Xia Qinghuan's emotions.

As soon as the lines were finished, Xie Shili once again took advantage of Sang Tian's inattention to gather her into his arms, and his gentle kisses swiftly fell.

Even if only lips touch, but still make Sang Tian heart surging a touch of throbbing, make her calm heart lake ripples.

Although she wanted to ignore it, Xie Shili's breath, flavor, almost wrapped her tightly, and could not do anything to clear her mind at all.

But what made Sang Tian happy was that at the end of this time, Jiang Yinhua also felt that it was much better than the first shot.

But as we all know, director Jiang Yinhua loves to key in on the details of a scene, so if it's not the most perfect effect, then you need to keep filming over and over again.

Until the end, Sang Tian did not remember how many times she shot, but finally heard the director's voice of satisfaction.

"This time is very good, over."

She was relieved and relieved.

When Xie Shili looked at her expression, he laughed helplessly as well, "You look like you just came down from the torture chamber."

Sang Tian calmed her heartbeat and pursed her lips, "Once I'm back, I'll definitely be better next time."

Xie Shili raised the tip of his eyebrows, "Really? Then I'm starting to look forward to it."

Sang Tian choked and froze without words.

The duo came to Jiang Yinhua's side and watched the kissing scene that was just filmed as well.

"Look at the very beginning, you have this expression as if you are very reluctant, well at least the other party is your boyfriend." Jiang Yinhua said with a smile, "But after adjusting it later, it got better and better."

Sang Tian watched the several clips all over again, and couldn't help but nod her head as well, "It's true that I didn't do a good enough job."

"It's your first time, you can understand." Jiang Yinhua didn't have the slightest idea of harshness, encouragement was predominant, "You'll get better and better in the future."

Arriving in front of the blooper reel.

The staff asked about how the duo felt about filming a kissing scene for the first time.

Sang Tian pursed her lips, "It's a bit awkward, and I still need to get used to it."

After she finished speaking, she immediately tilted her head to look at Xie Shili, as she was also curious about his answer.

"It's also a novel experience for me." Xie Shili slightly hooked his lips, but inadvertently met Sang Tian's gaze.

But in the next second, his eyes slid downwards, quietly crossing away from Sang Tian's lips.

"I also need to get used to it." Xie Shili looked at the camera again, a hint of a smile also contained in the bottom of his eyes, "After all, it's also my first time."

Sang Tian had seen the kissing scene clip just now, naturally, she was very impressed with Xie Shili's performance, so she asked curiously, "Although Mr. Xie is the first time to shoot a kissing scene, but it's much better than I have to perform, can you ask if there's any secret to it?"

Xie Shili looked at her with a sideways glance and a smile, "I'm Cheng Nanyu, and you're Xia Qinghuan, it's normal for couples to do these things, so what secret do you need."

The bottom of Sang Tian's heart jumped violently, she hastily avoided her eyes and made a point of assuring the camera, "I'll definitely be able to get into the mood better for the next kissing scene and not drag my feet for everyone."

Xie Shili lightly laughed, "Then either let the crew make arrangements and shoot the next kissing scene tomorrow."

Sang Tian: ?


One day of filming ended.

When Sang Tian returned to the hotel, she was practically paralyzed on the sofa, not even bothering to move a single finger.

"Why do I feel tired of shooting idol dramas?" She tilted her head and sighed, "Is that reasonable?"

Jiang Yali ordered dinner for her and also smiled as she spoke, "Because of the kissing scene? I see that you're not doing too bad today."

"It's been filmed a dozen times where it's not bad." Sang Tian pursed her lips, also dissatisfied with her own performance.

Thinking that she had kissed a man she still didn't know well a dozen times on her first time, she couldn't let it go soon enough, she hadn't been in love yet!

"The atmosphere is great." Jiang Yali laughed, "I see the staff are praising it, saying that you two have a good sense of CP."

Sang Tian was a bit disbelieving, "Really?"