
The Secret Love has an End.

Sang Tian chased Meng Ting for a year, had a relationship that couldn't be publicized for two years, and was a fool for three years. She wrote songs for Meng Ting's White Moonlight to sing, and she gave up her chance for fame for Meng Ting. And for all the important moments in her life, Meng Ting was absent. After another of his absences, Sang Tian mentioned breaking up, Meng Ting disdained it, betting with his friends, "within a month, she will beg to get back together." Sang Tian did not beg to get back together, she completely disappeared from Meng Ting's world. Until one day. An official blog exposed that the top stream of the entertainment industry, Xie Shili, will join Sang Tian to participate in a large-scale couple's life variety show. Crowd: Who's with who? Is a husband and wife?Just like that?Publicized?! Meng Ting can't believe that Sang Tian just doesn't want him anymore. As the rain poured down, Meng Ting stood in front of Sang Tian's house and waited for Sang Tian to turn around. After waiting for half an hour, the window on the second floor opened, and the tall man loosely draped in a black bathrobe leaned on the window, his handsome, cold-feeling face showing the lethargy of the aftermath under the night, "My wife's asleep, what's the matter with Meng looking for her?" ----On the day Sang Tian and Meng Ting broke up, Seven Points Media played Good Day for the whole day. Seven Points Media Big Boss: Xie Shili.

Sophora · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter 14

"Use your style to write, no need to add love, also no need to add commercial elements, my songs do not pursue those." Xie Shili's attitude was cold, no extra emotions could be seen, "Can you write it?"

Xie Shili's music is very personalized, he is very striving for perfection, and has only released three albums over the years, each of which is not vulgar, and still manages to maintain a high level of popularity and heat.

"Mr. Xie, if you write about people, you need to have a relevant understanding of the characters for the words to be complete." Sang Tian closed the book and boldly said, "For the sake of the integrity of the work, I might ask you about some personal privacy, is it convenient?"


"I understand, then I'll go over." Sang Tian did not take the book and walked quickly towards the door, the floor-to-ceiling window in front of the door could see Meng Ting leaning against the SUV in front of the next room. Sang Tian pursed her lips, pulled open the door to the room and walked to the yard, making a big commotion.

Meng Ting really turned his head to look over, and behind him, Xie Shili's cold quality voice rang out.

"Wait a moment."

Sang Tian deliberately didn't take the manuscript, she was there to make Xie Shili send it out.

She stopped her steps and turned her head to look over, Xie Shili walked over but instead of delivering the manuscript, he took a white band-aid and handed it to Sang Tian, his tone light, "You have a wound on your leg, deal with it."

Sang Tian lowered her head and saw the bloodstain on her leg, raising the corner of her lips, "Thank you."

"Thank you, sir." Sang Tian took the band-aid and tore it open, looking at Xie Shili to walk away, took a step forward with a drum and raised his hand to pull his arm, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Xie Shili turned around and shot his stern black eyes straight over, his gentle glasses couldn't cover the cold sharpness under his eyes.

"I want to know your relationship status so I can customize it for you." Sang Tian tiptoe want to get close to Xie Shili, found that the height difference is too big, can't do any ambiguous action at all, simply give up such a high degree of difficulty, back away, "Don't worry, we signed a confidentiality contract, I will not disclose your privacy, just to perfect the work. Anything you say is safe, there won't be a third person to know."

"Single." Xie Shili stuck his hands in his pockets and stood straight, the outline of his spine hidden under the bathrobe.

"Understood, thanks for the band-aid, bye." Sang Tian pulled away and took two steps back, waving as she walked quickly out the door. She put the band-aid on her neck as if nothing had happened and raised her eyes to meet Meng Ting's line of sight.

Instantly, Meng Ting's face was very ugly, gloomy and cold looking straight at her.

Sang Tian lent her hand down and rubbed her neck, her skin was very easy to leave marks, a little bit of force would result in red marks. She pretended to posture wearily lazy yawn and yawn, walked out.

"Xia Qiao said you were looking for me?" Sang Tian muffled her voice, she went to KTV with Xia Qiao last night and sang high notes, her voice itself was a bit muffled today, "Mr. Meng, what's the matter?"

Meng Ting had never seen Sang Tian like this, she had red marks on her neck and a band-aid, her nightgown was wrinkled, cold and sexy and enchanting, very strange, Meng Ting found his voice, "Who are you ... with? What are you doing?"

"I'm with my boyfriend, do I need to report to you? Mr. Meng." Sang Tian laughed, somewhat sarcastically, "We don't have a relationship anymore."

"Fake right?" Meng Ting grabbed Sang Tian's shoulder, gripping it tightly, the knot in his throat rolled, his eyes staring at Sang Tian dead in the face, "Tell me, fake, deliberately provoking me, getting back at me? You love me so much, Sang Tian, it's impossible for you to be with someone else, we've been together for so many years-"

Sang Tian's brain buzzed, she raised her hand and threw it into Meng Ting's face with all her strength, a huge sound, her palms were numb. She broke away from her shoulder and stepped back, looking coldly at Meng Ting, "Calm down? Mr. Meng."

Meng Ting didn't expect Sang Tian to hit him, Sang Tian would actually hit him!

"I did talk about a new boyfriend, not to irritate you or for revenge. I've done everything with him-what needs to be done, and I realized that this is what love is. I thought seriously about it, and it was my problem before, being young and ignorant and mistaking affection for love. I'm sorry I never loved you; it was you who thought too much--"

Meng Ting suddenly raised his hand and swung it over.

Was he going to return that slap? Sang Tian couldn't dodge and instinctively closed her eyes, the expected pain didn't fall, a dull, intense crash in her ear.

Sang Tian abruptly opened her eyes, Meng Ting fell to the ground, the corner of his mouth with blood eyes shady looking at her?

In front of Xie Shi Li, he is still wearing pajamas, tall and straight, the outline of the spine in the thin material under the vaguely visible, just hit the people on his body of the biting strength has not been completely put away, posture lazy and cold, slow activity wrist, "need to call the police?"

"Is the hand all right?" Sang Tian pulled up Xie Shili's hand, the posture of drooping eyes hides all the emotions, whispered, "Sorry."

"Are you sick? Didn't you not recognize her?" Xia Qiao finally rushed out from the house, carrying a baseball bat and pointing at Meng Ting, who had already stood up, "Didn't you say 'Who is Gan Mu?' , what are you still chasing after now? Gan Mu is dead, you killed her yourself, she disappeared from this world, there's no more Gan Mu who is related to you, from now on, there's only Sang Tian! You stay away from us."

Meng Ting raised his hand and wiped the blood from his face, his beady eyes looking at Xia Qiao. Xia Qiao's head flinched backward and silenced.

His cold and gloomy gaze swept over Sang Tian and Xie Shili's clasped hands, turned around and got into the car with big strides, the SUV rushed out with a bang at a very fast speed and took off.

"People are gone." A cold quality voice rang out overhead without any emotion, "Still not letting go?"

Sang Tian hurriedly let go, Xie Shili saw that she was acting, and just now cooperated with her to finish the scene, "Mr. Xie, thank you just now-"

"I've wanted to beat him up for a long time." Xie Shili stuck his hands in his pockets, looked at the band-aid on Sang Tian's neck, his eyes and tone faded, "It has nothing to do with you."

Xie Shili took a long legged stride austere towards the villa he lived in and quickly entered, the door to the room closing with a sound.

Sang Tian looked down at the palm of her hand, it was already swollen, just now it was with all her strength, for those disgraceful past.

"It's really Xie Tian Wang!" Xia Qiao jumped over from behind and hugged Sang Tian, her face was buried in her back and pressed her voice to scream with excitement, and did not dare to be too loud to be heard next door, all the air tone, "My God! Aura two meters eight! It's so cool to beat people up! I can't believe I didn't film it. My idol looks fucking stunning in his pajamas, God, I'm dying, drowning in his beauty!"

"Come on, go back and pack up and head back downtown." Not used to wearing such revealing clothes, Sang Tian turned and headed for the house.

Xia Qiao let out another squeal, letting go of Sang Tian and said, "I forgot to ask for an autograph, if I go ask for an autograph now, will he still give it to me? Ah! What a great opportunity just now! Why didn't I rush up and ask for an autograph?"

Sang Tian felt that Xia Qiao rushed up to ask for an autograph, Xie Shili wouldn't give it either, he was obviously upset.

Xia Qiao calmed down, carrying a book to the next door to ask for an autograph, the reception is Xie Shili's assistant, Xie Shili pressure did not show up. Xia Qiao did not ask for an autograph, and Xia Qiao came back with Sang Tian's manuscript.

Xie Shili probably doesn't want to get involved with her.

They rushed to the city at noon, and after dinner Xia Qiao sent her back with a car, and she took a taxi home to replace her luggage. If things go well, this trip to Nanzhou might take a long time.