
Collateral Damage Chapter 1

Living in a funeral parlor people may think I'm crazy living with dead people in a basement. But we don't, we have a nice three hundred acre lot in town, our house is at the back a quaint little four bedroom three bathroom house.

My name is Kristina May Conrad and my Father Johnathan Conrad is the guy who runs the show. He raised me since my mother's passing at my birth.

Some people think he's wrong bringing me up in a Funeral Parlor.

Before momma's passing Daddy mentioned she mumbled he take care of me for I will be the key to the future I have a strange gift that will help people.

He of course said she was dying.

Anyways I come home straight after School and help my father move bodies and I get to watch him do an autopsy.

Yes rather gory and highly inappropriate a girl of twelve. anyways we have a walk in freezer we store the dead.

Johnathan... Your rather silent Kristina something the matter?

Kristina... Just the bullies at school asking if I seen ghosts lately seeing as where I live and work.

Johnathan... And?

Kristina hesitated

Johnathan... Kristina? he prodded

Kristina... I told her that her mom's going to be a ghost but she better watch out she'll be one too if she's not careful.

Johnathan chuckled... Who ms scully,?

Kristina... May I be excused from dinner? I have homework to do.

Johnathan... Of course I will do dishes then go downstairs and see how our new student is doing in the parlor you can get your homework done and then get sleep. I will be back in an hour.

Kristina... Be careful Daddy we don't want you to be Collateral Damage.

Johnathan kisses her forehead goodnight then walked out. No bad dreams or feelings deal? he asked

Kristina... deal.