

It is very strange, we are all the same species but still there is an abundance of difference among us. Some like tanned skin while others want fair skin. Some like to live in urban areas and live luxuries while others seek for mother nature..

Like the cold wind of fall, time passed and so did my age, living in Yangokum. A young, eighteen years old orphanage living under the roof of my uncle, Baboi and today I was kicked out. Just kidding, he is a man filled with angel's blood. Not even a single curse word did I hear in my life from his mouth.

After my mom and dad were gone. Baboi took care of me, I officially graduated high school and now it was time for post graduation and to do so I will need to come out from the den.

Yeah of course, the missing hours arrived for i will miss my uncle but anyway his son had returned back on the same day after finishing his studies. The return of Yay, Baboi's son, acts as walking sticks for my mind.

The bus arrived with a horn, I hugged my uncle and said goodbye to Yay. My homeland size shrunk with time and at that point it vanished from my sight. People say," Man don't cry ". Indeed it is certain, we cry deep in our hearts without shedding a tear which is more painful than sobbing with tears.

I took out my black diary . My childhood was filled with books and books. When I was ten my Mom gave me the book of Anne Frank, which is still with me. I started writing down my memories from then, it's been eight years and still it is a part of my life.

Miles away in the north was my destination, Gogamukh. The hills got bigger and bigger and lands started to fill with houses. Finally after an hour, the wheels stopped at my destination.

It was my first time, I only know a single person here, Uncle Marc, Baboi's best friend. Baboi said that Marc would come to pick up from the bus station. I have seen him often but i don't know where exactly his house was in South Karpunpuli.

I stepped out from the bus and I searched for Marc but he was not there so I went to a small cafe as I was hungry.

" Good morning young man! How can I help you?" asked the waitress in a high tone.

" Can I get a cup of tea and some cookies or any sweets for 10 rupees?" I said

" Sir, the tea alone cost 10 rupees. Are you new to the city?" The waitress asked very gently.

" I am sorry, I mean to say sweets for 10 rupees and yeah, this is my first time in Gogamukh", I said

" Oh great! Welcome to Gogamukh. Your order will be in a minute" the waitress smiled and left. I rubbed my hands and put it on my eyes. I looked outside of the cafe. I saw a young lady standing near the bus stop who seemed frustrated, maybe she had missed the bus. Before I could think about her, the waitress arrived." Here is your order sir. Hope you like it",

I paid the check and I was just about to leave and i accidently hit someone's shoulder. It was the young frustrated lady.

" Are you blind? Watch where you are going!" the young lady barked.

" I am sorry" I apologised and went to the bus station and sat on the bench. I was tired of waiting there.

After a few minutes the young lady walks out from the cafe and she murmured, " Where is that bastard…" She looked into her watch and grinned, " I have class after 15 minutes… ugh… I don't care'' she kicked at a pole and went in the opposite direction.

After 30 minutes

The waitress passed through the bus stop and went to a nearby shop and she returned after a while.

" Whom are you waiting for? The next bus? It will be after an hour. You should better have atour of the city."

" I was waiting for my uncle. His name is Marc. He told that he would pick me from the bus stop"

" Why don't you gos house? It's been almost an hour if I am not wrong ",the waitress said

" I would have if i had known his address ", I said.

" Is your Uncle's name Marc Payeng? ",

" Yes", I said

"Who lives in South Karpunpuli? ", She asked.

" Yes! Do you know him? ", I asked.

" Yeah, I am his neighbour. I can drop you there but only after 12 pm ", she said.

" Great! I will have a tour of the city till then ", I said

" Have you ever seen Uncle Marc's family? ", She asked.

" No ",

" That's explain a lot ", She smirked

"Explain what? ", I asked.

" Nothing. A surprise…Ok I will need to go back to my business where there is a customer. Bye ", The waitress left.