
-prologue- a date with death

Kolin sighed softly, stocking a few items his store ran out of "as usual, it's such a boring day" he finished stocking the items and walked to the back, before he opened the door to his office he heard a car skid to a halt outside, screams of terror ripping through the silence.

he quickly ran outside to see what happened, there was a demon rampaging and stomping through the small area. a car was heading straight for kolin, he wasn't paying attention but turned just in time to see the on coming car. not having time to move the car hit kolin, pinning him against the wall of the store. he started fading in and out of consciousness as the screams around him grew quieter, a few people had rushed over to help move the car but by the time they git to him he was already gone.

now that his life has ended he roams the town as a ghost for awhile before being reincarnated as a 21 year old scientist who now has the task to get to heaven, this particular task is a hard one but he will get through it. having little to no memory of his past life and how he had died.


join us on the first chapter of this story to see what happens next, see ya there hopefully!