
Studio madness

"Who does Sofia think she is to show up in this place, I hate her." Another one of them added.

"She should have allowed the natural beauties to snap first before showcasing her plastic face. No wonder her fiance left her at the altar." Another one, stated in a cold tone.

Daisy stared at them for a while and walked to her desk looking at all the models as they sat angrily on the waiting chair. One after the other, they were angrily leaving. But they were not ready to let Daisy take a picture of them.

While Sofia changed clothes for the third time and walked to the studio.

One, the model stood up, clenching her fists.

"I have had enough!" she stated with her lips pursed tightly and walked to Sofia, interrupting Mrs. Jennifer.

"I don’t see why top celebs like you have to come to this shop to snap a picture, and it seems like you want to snap pictures the whole day. No matter how many pictures you take, you will still be ugly." The model ranted, and Sofia glared at her and walked closer to her.

"Who are you to talk back to me, huh? Sofia said, poking the model on the chest with her fingers, making her move back.

"Who are you? Oh, you are the girl who got left at the altar." The model said, and the other models laughed. Sofia clenched her teeth angrily and slapped the model across the face. The model held her face and pounced on Sofia, raining punches at her, Sofia was on the floor struggling with the model on top of her. She was weak compared to the model and the reporters made their way into the company. 

"This is the kind of news they are looking for, it’s like they knew this would happen," Daisy muttered to herself.

Sofia was laying on the floor with the model on top of her. Her face was red and her nose was bleeding continuously. Daisy stood up from her chair to separate the fight before things get out of hand, and a lot of models ran to separate them too.

Daisy managed to drag the model away from Sofia, who was laying on the floor unconscious. Instead of looking for a way to call the ambulance, the reporters were snapping her and removing her hand from her face to get a clearer picture of her face. Mrs. Jennifer was chasing them away, but they were ignoring her.

Daisy grabbed her phone and called the emergency number.

"How am I going to chase these reporters out of here without harming anyone? Hmm, I know what I will do." Daisy thought 

And walk to the bathroom, she folded a picture and set it ablaze, then stood up on a stool and lifted the paper into the fire emergency hole where the smoke started going in and the water alarm started buzzing and the sprinkles started showering water all over the place.

Daisy walked outside and saw a lot of reporters running outside, some putting their cameras underneath their clothes and running out of the shop, including the models, who were running because of their make-up.

Mrs. Jennifer squatted down to Sofia's level, patting her face as the sprinklers stopped raining water.