
Chapter 352: After party

They both walked into the party together. The sound of the music was making the whole place vibrate. Daisy was wearing a white gown that reached her thighs.

"You are welcome, bro. Happy married life." Richard beamed, lifting a glass of wine. 

"Congratulations, boss." Mr. Josh beamed, walking toward them with Gwen.

"Thank you, guys." Daisy beamed.

"We are sorry if we haven't let you guys rest yet, and have..." Elena hit Richard on the back before he could complete his speech.

"Let's get this party started!!" Richard yelled at the top of his lungs, sipping wine as the DJ started playing upbeat music. All the people in the club started dancing with their sweaty bodies.

Raymond and Daisy started dancing together. Raymond grabbed her hand and twirled her in the air. She landed on his chest, breathing continuously. He placed a soft kiss on her nape, and Richard ran to them.

"I will take it from here." He said taking Daisy away from Raymond. and started dancing with her on the other side of the club.

Raymond was angry as he narrowed his eyes at Mr. Josh, who was having fun with Gwen, and went over to them, extending his hand to Gwen.

"I will take it from here," Raymond said with an evil grin.

Mr. Josh screwed up his face.

Raymond started dancing with Gwen, so it will hurt Daisy.

He put his hand on Gwen's waist, and she put her hand on his shoulder. Daisy's

face flushed. She let go of Richard's and went over to Raymond and pushed Gwen aside with her butt.

"Naughty boy." She teased, and Raymond smirked.

"I was just trying to have fun and you took things to heart." Richard whined.

"Don't play with a married man's wife." Mr. Josh stated, and they all burst into laughter.

They all danced till their hearts' content and got tired. Raymond drank a little so he would be able to drive Daisy home.

Raymond put Daisy's hand around his shoulder and started helping her out of the club.

He carried her into the car and put the seat belt around her. She kissed him on the cheek, making him blush.

He got into the car, started the engine, and drove off.

Richard and Mr. Josh went their separate ways as Richard's driver came to pick him up with his girlfriend.

Raymond drove Daisy to their dream house and drove into the mansion as the gate opened on its own for him to enter.

He parked his car in the garage and carried her out of the car.

He dropped her on top of the rose petals strewn across the bed and removed his shirt.

He covered her with the duvet and kissed her on the forehead.

He walked out of the room and opened Ryan's room a little. He was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Raymond sighed and shut the door.

He laid next to Daisy on the bed and cuddled her to sleep. 

One year later.

*Raymond's POV*


I have been away from home for one year on a business trip. Ryan has been calling me on the phone all day. I wondered why Daisy gave him a cell phone.

I was in my car driving home from work to see them. I couldn't wait to see their beautiful faces, I miss the two of them so much. Our wedding night hasn't been fulfilled yet. I can't wait to have her under my arms.

My phone started buzzing. I brought it out and saw that it was Ryan calling, speak of the devil.


I didn't tell him I was coming, so it was a surprise, so I didn't need to pick up his call. I put my phone on silent because I knew he would still be trying to reach out to me.

After hours of driving, I drove into my garage and heard the sounds of footsteps. They must be on their way.

I parked my car and got out immediately. I hid behind my car. 

"Mom, isn't that dad's car?" I heard Ryan's voice. His voice has changed and he doesn't say "Mommy" anymore. He will scold me for missing his 8th birthday. It's funny how time flies.

"Yes it is, but I don't see him in it. Did the car drive itself?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Who knows? I will have to take a look inside." Ryan stated.

Ryan opened the door of my car and looked inside.

"It's empty." He muttered my legs were wobbling where I was standing.

"Boo!!" I yelled and jumped out of hiding.

"Ahh!!" Daisy and Ryan yelled at the top of their lungs.

"It's me, guys." I said, spreading my hands in the air man I miss them.

They both ran to me. Daisy hit me lightly in the face and hugged me with Ryan. I hugged them passionately and missed Daisy's scent.

"You shouldn't have gone on that stupid business trip." Ryan whined.

We disengaged from the hug.

"How can you say such a thing? Don't you know how much it means to your father?" Daisy scolded.

I squatted at his level.

"You will know when you come of age, what is there to eat I am starving." I said, staring at Daisy.

"The maid is still cooking," she replied.

"Let's go inside. Ryan, bring my briefcase to me." I declared and grasped Daisy's hand, walking away with her.

"Where is it?" He asked. 

"In my car." I replied.

Daisy smiled widely at me, men I miss her smile.

"How was the business trip?" She asked, stroking her hair backward. She is still the old Daisy who doesn't like to wear make-up.

"It's fine. I spent all my day missing you." I muttered.

"Spare me that trash. I bet you must have had a side chick there." She teased.

"Your imagination is running wild," I teased as I touched her nose.

"I heard Richard had his wedding a few months ago. I called him and congratulated him. He must be angry that I couldn't make it to his wedding." I stated, as we both settled down on the couch.

"He was furious, but he understood as I attended the wedding on your behalf." Daisy replied.

Mr. Josh quit his job on the wedding day and broke his promise to me, but it's okay, he has his own life apart from being my assistant. I hope he is happy wherever he is with Gwen.

"What country did Mr. Josh migrate to?" I asked bluntly.

"He went to Russia." She replied.

"That's nice." I commented watching the maid as she arranged the food on the table.

Ryan ran into the house with my briefcase and handed it to me.

"Oh, I forgot, you were talking something about opening your own restaurant." I stayed staring at Daisy, who had folded her hand and screwed up her face.

"Yes, but you were too busy to remember me." She whined.

"No, that's not the case. I had a lot on my mind." I stated opening my briefcase. 

"Yes, I know." She shrugged.

"I brought out the gift I brought for Ryan and handed it to him.

"That's your birthday gift." I beamed.

He took it from me, hugged me, and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, Daddy." He beamed.

"You are welcome." I said with a toothy smile, and my eyes drifted to Daisy, who was staring at me with jealous eyes.

"This is for you," I said, handing her a small box.

She opened it and saw a beautiful golden necklace in it. It was actually a couple's necklace.

She handed it to me.

"Put it on for me." She beamed.

I took it from her and put it around her neck. She smiled and touched it.

"It's beautiful." She said in a soft tone.

I took mine out of my shirt and showed it to her.

"Wow, you have one too." She beamed, putting her hand in her mouth.

 "Yes, darling," I muttered, and she hugged me.

"You are the best." She said in a sweet tone that sent shivers down my spine. I wanted her here, and now I want to have kids with her and have her under my grip.


Later in the evening.

 Ryan was taken home to my father's house by my driver. He visits them sometimes.

I talked to the maid about decorating our room like Newly Weds. I wanted to make it up to Daisy.

I stood in front of the room as the maid decorated it.

I went out of the room into the living room. When I got back, I saw Daisy sleeping on the bed.

She must be tired. I laid next to her on the bed and cuddled her. I was so attracted to her. I think I wanted her more than she wanted me. There was this sex drive, this need to have sex with her and only her.

I didn't know when I fell asleep in her warm embrace.

In the morning, she was missing. I moved my hand on the bed, but there was no sign of her. I was wearing only my shorts. I got up from the bed to look for her when I started hearing the sounds of water coming from the shower.

I walked to the bathroom door and opened it. I saw her bathing that gorgeous and magnificent body of hers. She was so hot and sexy that seeing her body alone made my dick hard.

I wanted to touch her wet body. I took off my shorts and tossed them out of the bathroom. I locked the door of the bathroom, grabbing her attention.

"What are you doing here? Go away pervert?" she said in hushed tones, her eyes never leaving my chest or my body. Her eyes traveled down to my dick. She opened her eyes wide in surprise and gulped.

She looked away immediately, pretending not to see anything, and started massaging her body with a fresh flowery soap whose scent covered my nostrils. I smiled and ran into the shower stall and back hug her. The water was sliding down our wet bodies. She was stunned and then calmed down in my warm embrace.

She landed her head on my chest, and I gave her a long kiss on her beautiful neck. Her skin was so smooth and soft, it felt like I had been craving her for all these years. I was feeling her fresh soapy body. I placed my hand on her beautiful belly and moved upwards and rested my hand on her soapy and big breasts. I wanted to hold them forever.

A soft moan escaped from her mouth. I started caressing her soft breasts and paying special attention to her nipples. They were cozy. I squeezed them, making her moan.

"Aww." She moaned out. 

I held her closer to me with one hand while I caressed her right breast with the other, twirling and pulling it as she breathed out.

I slowly put my hands on her back and moved them down her slim body to her ass. I squeezed them.

"Stop." She moaned out loud, and I took that as an approval. I took some shower gel and washed her neck and belly. I rub it all over her breasts and with play a bit. This feels so good and real, it's like I am in heaven. I have been missing out on this my whole life. 

She rubbed her ass against my naked dick. It was doing strange things to me, and I really just wanted to push it in. But I need to gratify her excitement before we can have sex. 

I moved my fingers down her clit and played with it. She let out a soft moan and grabbed my dick with her hand. OMG, she started stroking it firmly. I didn't know she could be so nasty.

She went down on her knee with my freshly washed dick on her hand. She kissed it a little and looked up at me.

"I didn't know you could be so nasty." I teased.

"You don't know me." She muttered and took my dick in her mouth, sucking it. I could feel her soft tongue doing strange things to my dick. 

I closed my eyes and I literally saw stars as she took me to heaven. She is so good at it. With her gentle pull, she sucked the head, arousing me slowly. 

With my slippery hands, I gripped her wet hair tightly. Her hips moved on their own accord, trying to fuck her mouth. She pressed my balls with her soft hands, and I felt a rush of pleasure while making love to her. 

I stopped her and pulled her up and claimed her mouth, kissing her softly as the water ran down our bodies.

After a cold shower, we both walked out of the shower, wiping ourselves with a big towel. 

I took away the towel and pushed her onto the bed. 

She looked at me. Her eyes were sparkling as she bit her lower lip.

I leaned closer to her and put her leg on my shoulder, separating her folds to find her clit. 

"You are so sexy, baby." I mumbled. Her face reddened, and she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and focused on her clit. I licked and pressed my tongue into it. I started sucking it. I was gentle at first and started sucking harder and harder. She tightened her leg on my shoulder and started shivering as I inserted three fingers into her pussy. She is so wet and also leaking.

"R..R... Raymond." She moaned my name. It sounded too sweet to my ear. It felt like it was the push I needed. She was shivering at my touch, moaning softly. I knew she was about to cum, so I stopped. I wanted the two of us to come together. I removed my head from her pussy and she spread naked on it, her bouncy boobs were pointing at me.  

I lay over her and started sucking her nipple as I played with the other one. 

"You like this baby?" I asked softly. She nodded shyly, avoiding my gaze. 

 I looked into her beautiful set of eyes as she stared at me, pulled me closer to her, and started kissing me hungrily with her hand wrapped around my neck.

I pulled away from the kiss.

"Naughty girl, this night is mine." I whispered in her ear and kissed it.

 My hips started moving, and I knew it was time for the finale.

I got up and she stroked my dick one more time, I lined it up on her opening. I pushed into her and felt her pussy hold me tight. I started moving in and out of her, her pussy massaging me with each stroke 


Her foreskin moved back every time I moved in. It felt like heaven having sex with the love of my life. I continued moving in and out of her again and again and again.

"R..R.. Raymond, slow down." She told me, as the sounds of our skin slamming together filled the air. I couldn't help it. I had never felt like this before. I wanted more.

I kissed her to make her silent a little more as I continued pushing into her. I reduced my pace as our moans filled the air.

I could feel her body reacting to my every touch. The bed was shaking, and we were moaning in each other's mouths. As we kissed, I felt a tingling feeling in my toes.

I touched her clit and rubbed it vigorously. She tried to get away. I held her down so I could keep fucking her. Suddenly, I lose control of myself. Her walls were convulsing around me wildly. It felt like electricity as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Arrgh!!" I groaned in pain as I cummed inside of her, then we lay on the bed together, cuddling and softly catching our breaths. I am thinking of not going to work and spending all day like this with her. 

Eight months later, 

my whole family and I were in front of Daisy Restaurant as she wanted to cut the ribbon. I handed her the scissors.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for coming, and I especially want to thank my husband; none of this would have been possible without him by my side." She beamed and kissed me on the cheek.

"Cut it." I stated.

"I want you to cut it with me." She beamed, and I held her hand. We both cut the ribbon together.

"Woohoo!! Daisy food place is officially open!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. She jumped into my arms and hugged me.

"Stop jumping around. You don't want to endanger our little one." I said softly.

"Bro." I heard Richard's voice. I looked around and saw him walking towards me with Ryan as Daisy's first customer walked into the restaurant with her. He had changed a lot and was looking like a married man, with a beard and all. I smiled at him as he held Elena's hand and I saw her baby bump.

"Wow, you are also expecting." I commented.

"Yes, bro, it's been a long time since we've seen each other." He beamed and gave me a brotherly hug and tapped my back.

"Where is Mr. Josh?" He inquired.

"I don't know. I invited him. I guess he couldn't make it." I remarked when a car parked in front of us.

Mr. Josh got out of the car and opened the back door. Gwen stepped out of the car with an umbrella over her head, and I saw two adorable girls on her chest.

"You gave birth to twins," Elena muttered.

"Hello, boss." Mr. Josh said, shaking me, he was still the same old Mr. Josh.

"So you still call me boss?" I teased.

"I just don't know what to call you." He replied as we all made our way into the restaurant.

"You can call me bro." I said, tapping his back.

Daisy welcomed all of us and organized a table for all of us to dine at, including my parents.

"It's so good to see you, Gwen. They are so cute." Daisy said, blowing kisses at her babies.

"They are so beautiful." Ryan added.

"You can pick one of them as your wife in the future." My dad remarked.

"Dad!!" Richard and I chorused.

"I was just joking." "He said with a hearty laugh.  I rolled my eyes at him.

"My husband wanted a boy as his first child." Gwen commented.

"And I got two adorables. I couldn't be happier." Mr. Josh commented.

"What's their name?" Daisy inquired.

"Chloe and Cherry," Gwen replied.

"Beautiful name." Daisy beamed as we all started eating, and Mr. Josh was on the side cracking jokes.

Daisy has made the last few years of my life magnificent, and I have always dreamed of the day when we would all be happy together, and I guess my dream has come true. I held Daisy's hand under the table and smiled at her. She is a great life partner and companion. She is my angel.



........................🌹THE END🌹...............

Author's note.

Thank you all for coming in this journey with me, all those that left encouraging and sweet reviews that made me smile and I love you all, I couldn't be more happier although I am a softie that got hurt easily. 

Thank to all of you that pray for me when I was sick, I couldn't stop thinking about the story, my fans and all so I decided to end the story one and for all.

Other works by the same author.




 4. RECLUSIVE BILLIONAIRE ( About a serial killer and a detective coming next month)

 5. THE KISS (about a gang leader and a girl who was running for her life) 

 6. THE SUBSTITUTE BRIDE (coming soon)

 7. THE RETURN OF LUCIFER (coming soon)


my other works are in dreame, novelstar and Fasynovel.

Goodbye everyone one love, come to think of it been months. 🤔 Anyway next month I have only one novel on light reader. *No blacks allowed* 

*The secret billionaire (book two synopsis) ❤️❤️CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT

"I want you to kill that superstar as he doesn't want to pay any money to us." Chris said, clenching his fists.

"You have my word." Jade assured with a devious smile.

Ryan Kingston, the superstar of the city, the artist all the girls are going crazy for, had a rough patch in his music career when he was accused of molesting young girls. He tried to prove his innocence but was hated by many, even his fans, who didn't believe him. He started being haunted by fans who wanted him dead. He ran into exile and ran to another country to avoid getting killed, thereby pretending to be a poor man.

Jade, a contract killer who is motivated by blood and money, was sent to kill him. She ran to the country where he was looking for him and met him, but couldn't recognize him. There was a deadline: she would be killed if she didn't kill him within a year.

What will happen if Jade discovers that Ryan was the runaway superstar she thought was a poor man and despised? Will she be able to kill him? When she was the only cure for the insomnia he had developed over the days.

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