
Chapter 346: Taste of your own medicine

"Does this mean I can go home with my mommy and daddy?" Ryan inquired, holding tightly to Raymond's hand.

"Yes, dear." The doctor answered.

"Let's go home." Raymond muttered, carrying Ryan off the bed.

"My hero, I mean, Daddy, are we going to your house?" Ryan inquired.

Daisy put her hand on her face because of his dumb questions while walking behind them.

"I am taking you to your mom's house. In a few days, I will take you to mine." Raymond beamed.

"You promise?" Ryan inquired.

"Yes, my boy." Raymond answered.

They all arrived in front of the hospital. Ryan jumped down from Raymond's hand as the fresh breeze hit his skin.

"It feels so good to be out of the hospital." Ryan muttered.

"Stop fooling around, let's go home," Daisy muttered, walking towards Ryan. She grasped his hand, trying to lead him to Raymond's car.

Richard walked over to them and stood in front of Raymond, who Ryan ran to and hugged his legs.

"Go away mommy, I want to go with Daddy." He muttered with pouted lips. Raymond smiled his little white smile at Ryan, stroking his hair.

 "Bro, so what's your plan for the wedding?" Richard whispered.

"I don't want a grand wedding, just a small wedding on the....you know." Raymond muttered.

"I am still making arrangements. I heard from Mr. Josh that your house is ready." Richard stated.

"You mean the house I designed for my dream family?" Raymond inquired.

"Of course that one," Richard said, adjusting his suit.

Daisy was standing close to the car, waiting for Raymond. Although she wanted to know what they were talking about, Ryan is not the kind of son that snitches. He is quite mature for his age.

Mr. Kingston pulled up in front of the hospital next to Raymond's car. He stepped out of his car, dressed elegantly with a bodyguard by his side, and his eyes drifted to Daisy, who walked over to him and bowed slightly.

Mr. Kingston's eyes followed Daisy's every move. He lifted his upper lip in disgust.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Keep your voice down, father-in-law. I came with my fiance." She replied.

"Are you talking about Raymond?" He asked, and his eyes drifted to Raymond before he could utter a word. When the headlights of a car flashed on their bodies, Daisy narrowed her eyes at the driver and saw that it was Sofia. She had a vicious look on her face, those looks that could kill. Daisy noticed that Sofia was driving towards her at great speed. Daisy

was about to run, when she stumbled over Mr. Kingston's bodyguard's leg and rolled on the floor towards Raymond when they all heard a loud noise. Boom! And saw Mr. Kingston laying on the floor. Sofia's car had crashed into Mr. Kingston's car. She continued driving, trying to run off when she lost control of her brakes and crashed into a fence close to the hospital with her car.

"Dad!!" Raymond and Richard chorused as they both ran to Mr. Kingston on the floor, whose legs were bleeding.