
Chapter 336: Deception 3

"So I was not at home. My wife has become a whore." Raymond stated.

"Get out of my house. I don't ever want to see your face here." Raymond declared, kicking the bodyguard on the butt as he ran out of the house. 

Mr. Josh moved forward.

"I didn't want to tell you this earlier because I thought it would ruin your marriage, but now that the damage is already done, I will tell you that Sofia also tried to sleep with me." Mr. Josh stated.

"Is that why you were beating around the bush? Excuse me, I have to go and deal with her." Raymond said, walking up the stairs with great speed.

"My son, what are you going to do to her?" Mrs. Kingston asked, running after him.

Richard smirked and pulled out the divorce papers from his pocket, along with a pen, and ran after them.

Raymond stopped in front of Sofia's room and tried to enter, but the door was locked. 

He started banging on the door.

"Hello, I need you guys here as soon as possible," Sofia whispered, talking to her spies.

"What is the matter, boss? You sound weird." The spy remarked.

"I don't have time to explain. I need you." She muttered.

"Open up Sofia." Raymond finally spoke.

Sofia tossed the phone on the bed, took a deep breath, and walked to open the door. Immediately,

she opened the door. Raymond grabbed her neck and started pressing it, trying to choke her to death.

"What is wrong with you? Let me go." She protested, through clenched teeth.

Raymond was not willing to let her go. He pushed her to the wall, still pressing her neck.

"I can't believe I got married to a monster like you. You tried to kill Ryan." Raymond muttered. Sofia was trying to get his hand off her neck. Her face was extremely red when her eyes drifted to Mrs. Kingston. 

"Mom, please help me." She managed to speak.

Richard stepped forward and put his hand on Raymond's shoulder.

"Stop it, bro, you don't want to be known in society for murdering your wife; this is not you; this is your rage getting the best of you. Richard stated.

Raymond let go of her neck immediately. Sofia fell to the floor, terrified and holding her neck.

"I will call the cops," Raymond stated, taking out his phone from his pocket.

"Hello, inspector, this is Mr. King speaking. I want you to come to my house to arrest a murderer." Raymond stated.

"I can't arrest anyone without evidence. Do you have evidence?" The inspector inquired.

"Don't worry, I have an eye witness," Raymond assured and hung up.

"You can't do this to me! I am your wife!" Sofia yelled.

"You are not my wife, you are a slut." Raymond snarled.

Sofia crawled to Raymond and held his leg.

"Please forgive me just this once, my husband. I promise I won't do it again." Sofia pleaded.

"A leopard never changes its spots, so I am never letting you go unpunished. I am so disgusted by you, I don't even remember when I got married to you." Raymond said, moving his leg away from her.