
Chapter 318: The child's father

"She should at least slow down. Does she know the room her son is in?" Raymond whined.

"I don't think she does." Mr Josh replied.

Raymond stepped out of the car, but Mr Josh didn't follow him.

"What are you still doing in there? Come out!" Raymond declared.

"I am coming, sir. I need to rest a little." Mr Josh stated.

"All right," Raymond said as he slammed the door shut.

Mr Josh made sure Raymond was out of sight before he carried his phone and dialed Richard's number.

"Hello." Mr Josh muttered.

"Hi, Mr Josh, what'sup?" Richard inquired.

"Daisy's son got into an accident, and now we are at the hospital." Mr Josh stated.

"Wait, what did you just say, Daisy's son?" Richard inquired.

"Yes, don't you know she has a son?" Mr Josh asked.

"Of course, I don't know; no one told me," Richard replied.

"So now you know." Mr Josh muttered. 

"She is not only married but also has a son. Wait, did you just say we?" Richard inquired.

"Yes, Raymond is very close to her son. He was with him when he got into an accident, so we are here together in the hospital. The most surprising part is Raymond and her son have the same blood group." Mr Josh stated.

"Wow, this is great news. It could be that the son belongs to Raymond," Richard remarked.

"Come on, it can't be." Mr Josh shrugged.

"Just to be sure, we need to conduct a DNA test," Richard suggested.

"We can't do that without Raymond's knowledge." Mr Josh stated 

"We can do it. We just need to take blood samples or maybe we can take a string of their hair," Richard suggested.

"I will just go and put a needle in Raymond's hand and he won't know a thing." Mr Josh said sarcastically. 

"We can pay a doctor at the hospital to do it for us. I am on my way. Just send me the address of the hospital," Richard stated.

"I will." Mr Josh said, and hung up and started operating his phone.

Raymond led Daisy to where Mrs. Louis and Gwen were seated. They were both sleeping.

"Look at the people that came to look after my son," Daisy whined. She was about to hit Gwen on the head when Raymond held her hand in midair. 

"Let them rest; they have been here since the afternoon," Raymond replied.

She pulled her hand from his grip.

"That's why they say no one can be like a mother," Daisy replied.

"I was also wondering where Ryan's father was. Shouldn't he be here at this tough time?" Raymond inquired.

Daisy gulped.

"He is not in this city." She mumbled. 

And ran to the door of the room Rayn was in and started banging on the door.

A nurse came out of the room and locked the door.

"Who are you, Miss?" She inquired, staring at Daisy.

"I am his mother," she stated.

"There is great news: your son is out of danger. He has a head injury and some internal bleeding thanks to the child's father he is much better." She stated, staring at Raymond, who looked away quickly.

"The child's father?" Daisy asked confused and turned to look at Raymond.