
Chapter 214: News

"How, can this be possible? I heard that this hospital has the best doctors." Mr. Kingston stated.

"Yes, we do have the best doctors, but we have tried our best, I promise you, if it was another hospital, they wouldn’t be able to save his life." The doctor stated.

"So how long will he be in a coma?" Mr. Kingston inquired.

"We don’t know yet, but other doctors are still checking on him, we can’t make promises yet because he has been severely injured on the head. We don’t know when it will heal." The doctor stated.

"Oh no, this can’t be happening? He will be alright, right?" Sofia asked curiously.

"We don’t know, for now, madam, if you will excuse me, I have other patients to attend to." He declared trying to walk away.

"I need to have a word with you, doctor." Mr. Kingston stated as they both walked away.

Mrs. Kingston looked at Daisy and pounced on her, holding her neck, trying to choke her to death as Richard dragged her away from Daisy.

"What is wrong with you, mom? Control yourself." Richard remarked.

"How can I control myself when I know that this whore is the reason why my Ray is fighting for his life." She replied.

"Mom, you are just being skeptical. you know that she was not the one that drove the train that hit them, so you don’t have the right to point fingers at anyone." Richard replied.

"Get out of my sight!! I don’t want to see your face anymore." Mrs. Kingston stated. Daisy chuckled as she folded her hand across her chest.

"Too bad, you are not the owner of this hospital." She snarled.

"What do you mean by that? You stupid…I don’t know what to call you, just get out!!" Mrs. Kingston declared as Richard held her.

"Please Daisy go, it’s all for the best." Richard muttered, staring at her. Daisy smirked.

"I just came to confirm something. Since he is not awake, I will have to go now, I want you guys to pass a message to him when he wakes up that I, Daisy, said that I will come back and take my revenge on him." She declared.

"What revenge are you talking about?" Richard inquired.

"He will understand just tell him that." She stated confidently.

"Isn’t what you have done today more than enough for you?" Mrs. Louis inquired.

"It’s not enough, I will get justice." Daisy declared. She looked at her mother.

"Let’s go, mom." Daisy muttered as she grabbed her mom's hand.

Mrs. Louis looked back at Mrs. Kingston and gave her that I am watching you fingers before following Daisy.

"Why didn’t you tell his family what he had done?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"They are all cunning people, mom. They won’t understand. How can I tell them that the man they think is my husband isn’t actually my husband and he raped me? How do you want them to feel?"  Daisy inquired.

"I get your point now they won’t believe you." Mrs. Louis replied.