
Chapter 181: Who will cook?

"He would have been ordering food." Sofia replied bluntly.

"I can't believe it; didn't mom say she was wife material? It was all a joke, I swear." Richard muttered, twisting his lip.

"What do you expect? From a spoilt brat." Raymond stated.

"I will cook." Elena declared

"Babe, don't cook I don't want you to stress yourself." Richard remarked, holding her hand. Raymond weirdly stared at him.

"Are you kidding me? We are all starving and the one person that volunteered to cook for us. You are asking her not to cook." Raymond stated, coldly glaring at Richard.

"You have two wives; ask one of them to cook." Richard snapped.

"You are not hungry." Raymond replied.

"Yes, I'd rather be hungry than have my girlfriend cook." Richard said as Elena held his hand.

"Don't worry, I will cook." She assured.

"No don't cook. I have a feeling that if you cook once, they will turn it into your job before we go back home."  Richard stated

"It's okay, I can do it."

"No, you are not anybody's slave." Richard muttered.

"How is she our slave? I am starting to feel that you have lost your mind." Raymond stated.

And then they both started arguing.

Elena sighed and walked out on them. She walked to the kitchen.

Sofia smirked as they both continued arguing. She walked up the stairs of the house and walked to Richard's room.

She wanted to talk to Mrs Kingston since Daisy had destroyed her phone.

She entered the room and shut the door. She started scanning everywhere with her eyes and walked over to a phone she found under the pillow. She took it and held the phone.

She swiped it up.

"Phew! Thank goodness there is no password." She muttered and dialed Mrs Kingston's number. After ringing for some minutes, she picked up the call. 

"Hello, son." She beamed.

"It's me, Sofia, I couldn't call you because Daisy destroyed my phone." She explained

"What do you mean by Daisy? When did that happen?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"She is here with us."

"What!! How is that possible?"

"I don't know how she did it, but Raymond manipulated the whole thing, so she is here with us." Sofia stated, looking at the door.

"That's insane, I thought you would have consummated your marriage by now." She muttered.

"He doesn't even look at him. How can he sleep with me?" She whined.

"This is bad, you need to find a way to get rid of that wife." Mrs Kingston stated.


"I don't know, send her out or something." Mrs Kingston stated.

"I can't do anything with Raymond around. He is like her protective shield." Sofia commented.

"Wait a minute, you are talking to me on Richard's phone, how is that possible?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"Guess what, Richard is also here." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"What is he doing there?"

"This is not a honeymoon, it's just like a full house, and he even came with his girlfriend."

"This is serious. I will tell my husband. Let me see if he can do anything about it by simply sending bodyguards to come and carry Daisy and Richard home." Mrs Kingston said.