
Chapter 147: Cunning parents

"Stop shouting; she has gone to her parents' house." Mrs Kingston muttered. She was on the couch sipping wine.

"What do you mean she had gone back home? Who made her leave?" He inquired.

"I did." He heard Mr Kingston’s voice, and he turned back to look at him.

"Because you were successful in your plan to get me married to Sofia; mark my words, she will never be my wife."He snarled.

"She will be your wife and you will love and cherish her." Mr Kingston stated.

"In her dreams." Raymond muttered and started walking to the bodyguards at the entrance of the house.

He wanted to ask them about Daisy because he knew his parents wouldn’t tell him.

"Where is my wife?" he asked authoritatively.

Mr Kingston was making gestures at the bodyguard to not speak.

"Which one, sir?" he asked absentmindedly.

"My legal wife." He stated.

"I haven’t seen her." He replied.

Raymond turned to look at the other one.

"Have you?"

"The last time I saw her, she was walking out of the house." He replied and started hearing noises coming from the guest room.

He started walking towards the guest room as someone was banging on the door.

He was about to open it when Mrs Kingston stood in front of the door.

"You can’t go in there," she stated.

"Why? What’s in there? I want to see." He muttered.

"I won’t leave this door. You will have to go through me." She stated. glaring at him.

"Easy," he muttered, and pushed her out of the way. He opened the door and entered when he saw Daisy lying on the floor. She was weak as she was using her leg to hit the door.

He carried her in his arms immediately.

"Are you okay?" he asked, softly staring at her in his arms, but she was unconscious.

Mrs Kingston glared at him as he walked past her with Daisy.

He carried Daisy up the stairs and walked into his room. He dropped her on the bed and realized that Sofia was arranging her clothes in the wardrobe.

"You can’t live here." He said this as he walked over to her, grabbed her hand tightly, and tossed her out of the room. She landed on the ground with a great thud.

He opened the wardrobe and carried all the dresses she had hung in the wardrobe and tossed them outside the room on her face.

He carried her luggage and threw it outside the room before slamming the door.

He walked over to Daisy on the bed and sat beside her.

He removed a strand of her hair from her face.

"I am sorry for whatever you went through. All this is my fault." He muttered and put his hand on her forehead.

It was streaming fire as he walked into the bathroom.

He carried a small white towel and switched on the tap. He put the towel under the water and squeezed it.

He walked outside the bathroom and put the towel on Daisy's forehead as her eyebrows started moving.