
Chapter 134: Greedy mum

Chris escorted Daisy to her front porch.

He held her hand and looked into her eyes.

"So, this is it, no matter your mum's decision, do what comes to your mind, don’t listen to her." Chris muttered.

"Don’t worry, it’s my life, I can choose if I want to listen to her or not." Daisy beamed.

Mrs Louis stared at them in the window and quickly walked out of the house. She approached them and grabbed Daisy’s hands from Chris.

"Let go of me, mum, what’s wrong with you." Daisy stated. Mrs Louis glared at Chris. She grabbed and twisted Daisy’s ear, leading her into the house.

"What did I tell you about coming late?" she asked, leading her into the house.

"Chris, help me." Daisy muttered, extending her hand to him. He ran after them. He was about to enter the house when Mrs Louis slammed the door in his face.

She tossed Daisy to the couch.                            And put her leg on the couch, staring at Daisy.

"What did I tell you about looking for another boyfriend?" She asked coldly.

"Wait mum, give me a sec." Daisy beamed and took the money in the envelope Raymond gave her out of her bag.

"My boss paid me today, this money is for you." She stated handing her the money. Mrs Louis snatched it from her and glared at her. She looked into the envelope and smiled at the amount of money she saw inside.

"Are you giving me your salary?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Hell no, that is just the money a billionaire gave to me." Daisy beamed.

"What do you mean by a billionaire." Mrs Louis inquired joining her on the couch. She sat beside her and held her hand.

"It turns out the assistant that has been working for me for months now is a billionaire." She grinned.

"Wow, that’s great news, so is he going to give you money again?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Mum!!" Daisy yelled, glaring at her.

"What! I want to know." She shrugged.

"Anyway, he promised to give me 80 million dollars if I pretend to be his wife." Daisy stated.

"Wow, Really?" Mrs Louis asked, smiling widely.

"Yes, but I wanted to tell you first, so I would know if you wanted me to do it or not." Daisy stated.

"Are you a kid? You have my permission to do it, and don’t forget to seduce him." Mrs Louis muttered, using her shoulder to hit her.

"Mum, what about Chris?" Daisy asked. And Mrs Louis screwed up her face.

"Who is Chris? You mean that your boyfriend that doesn’t want to get married to you?" she asked bluntly.

"Me and Chris were just talking about it, and we are planning to use the 80 million dollars to get married." Daisy beamed.

"Are you guys married? Since when did you guys become we?"

"He is my boyfriend mum." Daisy replied.

"If I ever hear that boyfriend in your mouth again, I will send you to your grave." Mrs Louis threatened. Daisy gulped.

"Do you hate Chris that much?"

"Yes." She stated and stood up from the couch.