
Chapter 122: Looking for dad

The next day.

Richard fell on his bed and held his waist in pain. He stood up and looked at the time. It was 7:00 in the morning, and he didn’t bother to bathe. He just wanted to know if his father had arrived home or not. He rushed out of his room and went to Mr Kingston’s room.

He knocked on the door but no response. He opened the door and found the room well organized with no one inside. He walked into the room and stared at the bed. But it was well dressed as if no one had been there.

He walked to the bathroom and opened it just to be sure his dad is not home. He sighed and walked back to his room. He took his phone and dialed Mr Kingston’s number, but his phone was still switched off. He put his phone on the bed.

"Where the heck is my dad?" He said, asking no one in particular, and took the phone back. He called his assistant but he was telling him that his dad hadn’t been to work since yesterday.

"This is getting serious," he said, and quickly walked to the bathroom.  He bathed in haste and put on a blue jersey and black jeans.

He took his phone and ran down the stairs.

He wanted to walk out of the house when he stopped and stared at the bodyguards stationed at the entrance of the house. He wanted to go to Sofia’s house to confirm if his dad wasn’t there. But he didn’t want to go alone.

"Follow me." He said to two bodyguards, and they smiled and followed him. He entered his car and they both sat in the back seat as he drove off at great speed and his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller. It was Dave.

He didn’t have the intention of answering the call, so he continued driving. He arrived at Sofia’s house and was walking out of the car with the bodyguards when the two bodyguards ran up to him.

"Who are you searching for?" one of them inquired.

"I am here to see Mr Marcus." Richard said, with his head held high.

"I am afraid you can’t go inside, he is not at home." The bodyguard said, and Richard stared at the time on his phone.

"What do you mean he is not at home? Who leaves home so early in the morning?" Richard asked.

"It’s 7:30 and my boss leaves home at 6:00 daily." he replied.

"Okay, is my dad here?" Richard asked, and the bodyguard wrinkled his nose.

"Hell no, he isn’t here." He stated in a shaky voice.

"Are you sure?" Richard asked with his mouth hanging loosely.

"I assure you that he is not here." He declared glaring at him. 

Because of his body language, Richard had a gut feeling the bodyguard was lying to him.

"I want to go inside." Richard said, pushing the bodyguards aside. as he staggered backwards.