
Chapter 108: Back to work

"But why?" he asked bluntly.

"Because the shop was attacked because of you and we lost a lot of money, I'm just hoping she pays me today." Daisy said, looking away.

"I understand her, I can’t believe all you think about is money." Raymond remarked.

"What should I think about you?" She said bluntly and walked away as he stared at her ass.

"About Ava, you haven’t teach me what to do yet." Raymond said, walking after her.

"I can’t believe you are still thinking about your love life at this crucial time." She whined.

"I just wanted to let you know that if you don't do your job properly, I won't pay you." Raymond whined.

"I will look into that when you are fully back." She replied, and her phone started ringing.

"Excuse me." She whispered and walked away. It was Mrs. Louis calling.

"Hello mum." she muttered.

"Has your boss paid you?" Mrs. Louis inquired.

"No mum, she hasn’t and things are not fine here." Daisy said, and her eyes drifted to Mrs. Jennifer, who was counting a bunch of dollars in her hand.

"Why what happened?" Mrs. Louis inquired.                                            

"A man broke into our shop trying to kill my assistant, and we lost a lot of customers." Daisy said.

"Oh, that is serious, she has to pay you, that is not our problem." She scoffed. As Daisy eyed Mrs. Louis, staring at the money in her hand continuously, Mrs. Jennifer’s eyes drifted to her, and she waved Daisy to come to her.

"Mum, I have to go now, I think she wants to pay me." Daisy beamed and hung up.

She walked over to Mrs. Jennifer with her eyes never leaving the money in her hand. Mrs. Jennifer took her bag and shoved the money inside.  Daisy screwed up her face.

"I have to go now, I know the month has ended, I will pay you tomorrow." She assured.

"But.." Daisy wanted to talk when she cut in.

"You are aware of what happened, I will pay you no matter what I promise." She said as she walked out of the shop.

"But I am broke." Daisy muttered and angrily sat at her desk.

Richard was taking pictures for a company, he was advertising their cream.  As he flaunted it in the pictures with Dave by his side, talking to a make-up artist. Richard was just taking the pictures, but his mind was not there, all he wanted to do was to go and look for Elena.

He finished taking pictures, and Dave escorted him to a chair and started using a handkerchief to clean his face and handed him water. Richard took it from him and drank it in one go.

"So are we done for today?" Richard inquired.

"No, we still have one more picture to take." He replied.

"Gosh! I thought it was over, why didn’t they allow me to take it all." Richard asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Because you are supposed to take it with a model and she is not here." He replied. Richard stared at his wrist watch. It was 2:00 pm.