
Chapter 103: Going back home

"We can’t wait It’s a life or death situation." Daisy said.

"I will book a flight for you online now." She said, and hung up.

"Why are you asking Ava to book a flight for us?" Raymond inquired.

"Because I don’t have money, or do you?" She asked, and he nodded negatively.

Daisy looked around and spotted a chair.

"Let’s go wait there." she said, walking towards the chair, and he followed her. They both settled down on the chair. Daisy started sleeping on the bench while they waited for the midnight flight. It was time for their flight. Raymond woke up Daisy, and he followed her as they walked to enter the plane.

Richard arrived at home and saw Mr. Kingston on the couch reading a newspaper with his glasses on.

"Dad, I thought you were sleeping?" he inquired, walking closer to him.

"I was waiting for you." Mr. Kingston said.

"Dad, it’s bad to stress your eyes at night." Richard said, and realized that his dad was watching the news on his phone. In the newspaper.

"I thought you were reading." He said, smiling.

"I didn’t want your mum to disturb me." He said, and put down the newspaper.

"Sit here." He said, tapping the couch, and Richard sat closer to him.

"Dad, I want to ask you why you ask the bodyguards to follow me everywhere I go." Richard said.

"I just want you to be saved because I already released Chelsea’s boyfriend." He said.

"Seriously? Why didn’t you tell me?" Richard asked with his mouth hanging loosely.

 "Is that necessary now that you know you should try to be careful because he might want revenge." He stated.

"Alright, I will, I have to go to bed now. I am really sleepy." Richard beamed and started walking to his room.

He entered his room and shut the door behind him. He didn’t remove his shoes, he just crashed on the bed. And look up at the ceiling.

"Another day, of not achieving anything, I hope tomorrow is different." He muttered to himself and drifted to sleep.


Raymond and Daisy arrived at the airport early in the morning and walked outside. 

Daisy was still sleepy as Raymond was stopping a taxi and she attempted to fall. When he supported her, she looked up at him and pushed him away quickly.

"Who said you could touch me?" She asked bluntly, and he smirked and put his luggage inside the boot of the taxi.

"Where are you going?" the taxi driver inquired.

"Give me a sec." Raymond said and turned to Daisy.

"I am going home, where are you going?" he asked staring at her. 

"hmm, I will go home first before going to work." she said, and walked into the taxi. 

"Adjust." Raymond said, pushing his way into the taxi. 

After hours of driving. Daisy reached her destination and walked out of the car and carried her luggage into her house. 

Raymond was relaxing in the taxi as he watched her go.