
A worried Father

In a hospital of Atlanta the Alpha queen gave birth to two beautiful kids - a girl and a boy. The boy was a light Alpha like his father, but the girl was an ancient alpha like her mother. The king was afraid to loss his daughter since their are many Countries who are looking for an ancient alpha. He kept the fact of having a daughter a secret so, that no other country can find her. The other countries didn't knew that the queen is an ancient alpha, but their wear some traitors in the castle who told this information to the enemy kingdom. Fortunately the traitors weren't able to find the secret of the princess. The contries tried many times to get a hold on the queen, but failed.

The loyal ministers wear able to catch the traitors. The traitors wear then killed by the king.

The king found out that the countries wear trying to investigate their kids. The king was not worried about the prince since he wasn't an ancient alpha, but the princess...