
The Secondary Magician

Ranjha has dreamed to be an Attack Magician all his life but on the day of the tryout he could only muster enough magic to be a Secondary Magician, what is going to happen Will be updated every Monday

Ishaan_agarwal · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Adventurer

The sun shines brightly outside over this small bustling village, as everyone goes to work there is but one boy oblivious to the time as he sleeps in bed snoring without care. The door flings open and a towel flies through it hitting him in the nose with more accuracy than an elven archer.

"Wake up kiddo, or have you finally found your senses?" shouts the shooter of this lovely towel and the mother of this sloth like sleeping guy.

"Huh, WAIT!! what time is it, am I late" he hurriedly tries to get out of the bed while looking at the tree outside to gauge the time. After all he was gonna become an adventurer today and he didn't need no precisely placed sun dial every tree can tell the time to a man of the wild.

After commending himself a little thinking on how he had already read many books that made him almost an adventurer he realised that he was indeed running a bit late.

"No no no no no no!!! not today… not today !!" he ran out hurriedly water in his mouth and half a tshirt on.

"you are already late give up become an alchemist or blacksmith or something, only a few adventurers make it any way" his Mom said smiling stuffing his mouth with breakfast as tied his super new adventurer shoes.

"Ooh come on Mom no jokes today" he says while his mom is highly nauseated because he is spitting food everywhere.

he runs out hearing is mom shout "Best of luck!!" he only waves in response realizing the food mistake from earlier.

Yet today he didn't need luck, he had already done the research and also finished school with a very good grade he had the choice to become almost anything, yet he was going to be an adventurer.

This tall fresh baked bread skinned boy with scruffy black hair was running through the village as he saw people go up and down the pulley elevator at the far end of the village, yet his destination was far closer to him under the cave just across from the village chief's house, it was The Adventure guild of Idnia. He entered the doors just in time to go and stood in the line beside his childhood friend Ruhi.

"Hey Ranjha, you are late",

" You weren't so early yourself considering you are also at the end of the line", answered the boy breathing heavily and hunched over a bit.

"Tired?? gonna fail the physical, are we ??"

"Nah, just couldnt sleep because of the excitement, I am gonna ace the physical so well they are gonna make me a warrior or a tank or a tank warrior",

"Sure, sure and I am gonna be the next queen of Idnia" she says jokingly.

A man walks out with a notebook and a quill and asks the impending question to all "Is everyone ready??"

no one replies but a string of confident young faces is an answer in itself. "I'll approach each one of you and ask your name age and preferred class please keep that information clear in your mind".

As he saw Rohan, Sara, Deep all fill it he knew he will be the last but couldn't help the excitement. even though he had told Ruhi he wanted to be a tank right now his real aim was something else, he wanted to choose an attacking magician one of the most difficult classes, because he needed to ace all three tests academic, physical and most important Magic.

The examiner walked up to him and asked " Next"

"Ranjha Idnia, 18 years old and I want to be an Attacking Magician" this declaration turned all eyes to him.

He gave his old stupid big smile and stood there thinking how awesome he was and then everyone laughed.