
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Welcome To Camp!

"I can't believe they let you come." Akuma told Mei as she watched the trees fly by with a smile, "I wonder why?"

"I just asked and the principal said it was ok." Mei told him as the bus slowed to a stop and everyone climbed out, "This place looks beautiful!"

"This isn't a rest stop." Aizawa told them and they looked at him with confusion before the ground gave way, causing them to fall down the cliff. He pulled Akuma and Mei back up with his scarf and they landed next to him.

"Why can't I go?" Akuma asked as he helped Mei up and they heard the sounds of the students from 1-A and 1-B fighting below them.

"Because you're still hurt." Aizawa told him as they climbed back into the bus and rode towards the base camp, "We don't want to risk making your injuries worse."

"Well that's boring." Mei pouted as she looked out the window again and Akuma couldn't help but chuckle. Aizawa could tell why they were so close but he didn't understand why Akuma couldn't be with others. He that Akuma cared about the wellbeing of his classmates but that's as far as it goes.

"Camp's coming up now." The bus driver told them and they saw the traditional Japanese style buildings coming up. Mei had an excited look in her eyes and Akuma smiled as she ran out of the bus.

"Welcome kiddos! My name is Mandalay and I'll be helping your classes train!" Mandalay said happily as she met them outside and Mei waved at her happily, "You're the kid that got hurt right?"

"Yeah." Akuma said with a sigh and Aizawa put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm fine though."

"I'm sure." Mandalay said as she narrowed her eyes at Aizawa before she motioned for them to come in, "You aren't here to train Akuma. We had U.A. let you come so you could recuperate in peace."

"That's why they let me come!" Mei yelled as she ran up to Mandalay and the woman was surprised by her sudden burst of energy, "It makes sense now!"

"Ms.Mandalay could you please show us to our rooms?" Akuma asked politely and surprised both Aizawa and Mei. Mandalay smile at him before motioning for them to follow her and she showed them a room with two beds.

"We weren't expecting an extra person to come along and we didn't have enough rooms so you two will be sharing one." Mandalay explained as they both gave her confused looks, "I'm sure you two aren't used to being alone and I apologize for this."

"Actually we spent a while alone in the mountains!" Mei told her happily as she threw her suitcase on the better of the two beds, "It was only for his training though."

"Well you guys should do just fine then." Mandalay said with a clap before she left the room to help prepare everyone's dinner. Akuma felt uncomfortable with the situation and he noticed that Mei didn't mind at all.

"You didn't pack anything that's going to explode did you?" Akuma asked as she began to dig around in her suitcase, "I don't think they'd appreciate a hole in their home."

"Not this time no." Mei explained before she pushed him out of the room so she could change clothes. Akuma sighed before walking outside to find an empty spot on the property to train and he saw a a clearing behind the buildings. He balanced on one thumb and began doing handstand push-ups.

"320. 321. 322." Akuma counted as sweat dripped down his face when he was suddenly wrapped up and pulled to Aizawa, "It's not what it looks like?"

"We told you that you're here to rest not train." Aizawa said as he activated his quirk before he sighed and untied Akuma, "I know you want to but if you don't take it easy you could end up injuring yourself worse."

"I've always trained in my down time. What am I supposed to do during this trip?" Akuma asked as he sat on the ground and watched as the sun set.

"Spend time with that girl. I came looking for you because you disappeared on her." Aizawa told him as he pointed to the front of the building, "She asked me to stop you from training."

"Why?" Akuma asked as he stood up and followed Aizawa back, "Mei is always worried about me and Gran Torino said I get mad when she's in danger because of my instincts."

"You're really dense." Aizawa told him with a disappointed sigh and Akuma saw Mei glaring at him, "You need to use common sense kid."

"You know good and well you need to be resting!" Mei yelled as she stomped over to him and Aizawa was surprised to see fear in Akuma's eyes, "Do you want to get hurt more?!"

"I'm sorry. I can't stand sitting around and doing nothing." Akuma told her with a sigh and she suddenly hit him in the head.

"You're going to rest got it?!" Mei yelled and even Aizawa almost laughed at the surprised look on Akuma's face and he lowered his head as he followed Mei back inside. Later that evening the other students finally made it to camp and they were confused to see Mei and Akuma sitting on a bench next to the door of the main building.

"You kids made it just in time for dinner!" Mandalay told them as they walked to the tables, "This is the only night we're doing this so enjoy."