
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Super Powered Super Saiyan!

"Dammit. Alright we'll stop him but we're not at full strength because we just fought a guy named Zero." Akuma told her as he looked down at the fight and he saw Izuku reaching for Bakugou.

"The only way to beat this guy is to give for my quirk!" Deku yelled as a purple serpent came towards them and just before Bakugou grabbed his hand they watched in surprise as two figures appeared between them and the serpent.

"Don't be trying to give away your gift like that Midoriya." Akuma told him sternly as he looked over his shoulder while Caulifla stopped the attack with an energy wave and Nine looked confused as the smoke cleared, "Caulifla you think you can go Super Saiyan Four?"

"No way. It took you well over a year to pull it off." Caulifla said as she went Super Saiyan Two and Akuna rubbed the back of his head before following her lead.

"Wait you're the one he kept talking about!" Nine yelled as a grin formed on his face and they could feel how much power Nine really had.

"Well that's isn't good." Akuma said as they dropped into identical fighting stances and they both dashed for Nine when he sent serpents at them. Akuma fired a volley of energy bullets into the dragons and canceled them out as Caulifla flew straight for Nine but she lept back when a bolt of lightning came down on front of her.

"You will never stop me from changing the world!" Nine yelled while they dodged the multitude of lightning bolts he was sending at them before Akuma grabbed Caulifla's hand and threw her at Nine.

"We don't give a damn about your plans!" Caulifla told him as she slammed her fist into his face and sent him sliding back.

"You hurt our friends and now you're gonna pay!" Akuma yelled as he kneed Nine in the stomach before he was hit by another serpent attack and everyone watched as it slammed him into the cliff, causing cracks to form in it. Caulifla threw two energy balls at the lightning coming for him and a massive explosion filled the sky. Blood poured down Akuma's face as he pulled himself out of the cliff and he launched for Nine as soon as he landed on his feet. His looked up when he saw lightning coming down again and his eyes widened when he realized it wasn't coming for them.

"If I can't have that boy then neither can you!" Nine yelled as the attack shot towards the kids that they hadn't realized were there and Akuma kicked off the ground as hard as he could to redirect himself. Bakugou caught the kids as Akuma barely got them out of the way and took a direct hit from the lightning.

"Akuma!" Caulifla yelled as the smoke began to clear and they saw him struggling to stay on his feet. Nine took that chance to slam her into the ground with several serpents and Akuma hit his knees when he tried to take a step forward. Akuma looked over his shoulder in surprise when he felt a hand hit the wound on his back and he saw that Izuku had managed to get enough strength to get to him.

"This was the only way to beat him..." Izuku told him weakly as Akuma felt power surge through him and he realized that One for All had been transferred to him. White electricity exploded off of Akuma as he stood to his feet and everyone could feel the anger radiating from him. Izuku was blown back when Akuma suddenly rocketed towards Nine with enough force to destroy the ground and he sent several serpents to stop him. Akuma lept over one of the serpents and the only thing anyone could see was a streak of white electricity gain speed as he launched off of each of the attacks. He dodged a lightning bolt that suddenly hit the ground without losing his momentum. A shining orb of energy formed in Akuma's hand before he formed a fist and light began to sparkle around his arm. Nine threw his arms up to block the attack and Caulifla smirked at the villain when Akuma suddenly disappeared. Nine quickly looked around the destroyed area before realizing far too late that Akuma was flying towards him from above.

"Stardust...Detroit..." Akuma yelled as he reached the villain and delivering a devastating punch to Nine's face, "Smash!"

"Get down!" Bakugou yelled as dust and debris was sent flying in every direction and completely blocked their view. The Pro Heroes arrived as the dust cleared and everyone saw Akuma standing with a foot on Nine's chest and his fist was raised above his head in victory.

"You did good Akuma. You beat a powerful villain without killing him." All Might said as he saw Nine's chest barely rising and he felt something familiar coming from fading from him before his eyes widened in realization, "So Midoriya gave you One for All but it seems like it refused to fully leave Midoriya."

"I guess." Akuma said before he landed on his back and fell unconscious. All Might kneeled down next to him as Caulifla walked over to them while holding her broken arm and she looked at Akuma with a smile.

"He never seems to stop getting stronger." Caukifla said when All Might stood up after checking for any serious damage and he rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh.

"I don't think he knows how to give up and that's what keeps anyone from truly defeating him." All Might said as the medics quickly ran over with a stretcher and Caulifla followed them to ambulance. After arguing with her they finally gave in and let her into the back with Akuma.

"This is one tough kid." One of them said as they checked him themselves, "He's got several broken bones but he's sleeping like a baby."

"You have no idea." Caulifla told her as she leaned her head back and passed out herself.