
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Next Step

"You're finally awake." Akuma said with a smile as Caulifla sat up in her bed and she seemed confused, "I'm sorry. Because I kept to this world's rules and held back you got hurt."

"That wasn't your fault but what happened after I got knocked out?" She asked him and she saw his face turn serious, "You killed him didn't you?"

"Yeah and it seems like everyone is unhappy about it but holding back was the wrong choice." Akuma admitted with a deep breath, "I don't know what's going to happen because of that."

"It's not like it really matters what they want to do about it. You're one of the three strongest mortals in the multiverse and, while it doesn't really make sense to me, you listen to people who could never force you to listen. It's one of the things I've come to love about you." Caulifla told him with a small smile and he didn't know what to say. They both looked at the door when someone began to knock on it and Akuma went to open it.

"All Might." Akuma said when he saw the retired hero waiting patiently in the hall and he stepped out of the way to let him in, "You're here about last night aren't you?"

"All of us have decided not to tell anyone about what you did but I still need to speak to you about it." All Might explained as he sat in one of the chairs and both Saiyans already looked annoyed, "You went overboard but I don't blame you. What you did was wrong and I'm here to tell you to never do it again."

"No." Akuma told him with a serious tone and All Might looked surprised by his response, "I held back and she got hurt so the answer is no."

"People get hurt and even killed because of your laws but you think him taking out a threat that big was wrong?! There's only two people on this planet that can fight on equal or higher terms as me and I still got hurt because of your dumbass restrictions! The rest of the multiverse would see his actions as correct but you think that he was wrong?!" Caulifla said as her anger built up but she calmed down when Akuma gave her a soft look, "I know for a fact that he's going to try not to kill but if you honestly think he was in the wrong then you need to get over yourself or get the hell out of the way."

"You won't be able to attend U.A. anymore of that's your decision." All Might told him in a serious tone and both Saiyans laughed at that, "You really don't care anymore?"

"I do care but there's no point in us going to a school to learn rules we won't bother listening to." Akuma explained and All Might knew he was right, "If that's all then we need to get ready to leave."

"Can you at least promise me something?" All Might asked as he stood up and Akuma raised a brow, "Please don't turn against us."

"I may not be considered a hero anymore but I will never be a villain." Akuma told him with a serious look and Caulifla nodded in agreement. All Might breathed a sigh of relief before taking his leave and Akuma closed the door behind him.

"So now what?" Caulifla asked as she got off of the bed and Akuma shrugged, "Want to see if Vados will bring us to Universe Seven?"

"That sounds like a good idea. You'll have both me and Goku teaching you how to get Blue and things will go back to normal here." Akuma told her as Kale opened the door, "You want to come to Universe Seven with us?"

"I think I'll stay here for a little longer." Kale told them with a small smile and they gave her a look of understanding that made her feel better about the decision. Caulifla took the device Vados gave them out of her bag and explained the situation to the angel. She seemed surprisingly ecstatic about the idea and told them she'd be there in an hour.

"Tell everyone it's been fun for me Kale." Akuma told her as he opened the balcony door and Kale gave him a nod before waving goodbye as they flew out of the window. They flew to a nearby island and leaned against a tree to wait.

"You sure about this?" Caulifla asked him with a soft look and he smiled as he looked at the clouds.

"This planet won't accept our way of life and I'm not willing to change for them." Akuma explained as a bright beam of light formed in front of them, "Right on time."

"If you two are ready my younger brother is already making preparations for your arrival." Vados told them with a smile and they held on to her in silence. The trip to Universe Seven's Earth was surprisingly short and the moment they arrived they felt a massive power near Goku and Vegeta's.

"Looks like things are already interesting." Caulifla said with a smile before they both flew towards the fight.

"We need a way to get his attention off of us dammit!" Goku yelled as he and Vegeta struggled against Broly and their eyes widened when Akuma suddenly kicked the large Saiyan in the jaw while in Blue.

"Go!" Akuma yelled as Caulifla made it to them and Goku immediately instant transmissioned him and Vegeta away knowing they didn't have time to question the young Saiyans.

"What's the plan?!" Caulifla asked as Broly roared and Akuma just got ready for the fight, "Yeah I figured there wasn't one!"