
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Stain Vs. 1-A

"Wait." Akuma said as he stopped mid-air but Endeavor kept moving towards the flames and hebpulled his phone out as it began to vibrate. He turned the screen on and saw that Izuku was putting out his position. Akuma knew if Izuku had done something like that he was in trouble and he rocketed towards him.

"Try to stop this kid!" Stain yelled as he lunged towards Todoroki but he was knocked away by Akuma's foot hitting his chest, "Another kid has showed up huh?"

"Are you guys alright?" Akuma asked as he looked over his shoulder at his friends and Stain threw a knife at his throat while he was looking but Akuma leaned his head slightly, making the knife hit the wall instead, "Ida we're going to have a discussion after this."

"I-I understand." Iida said as tears built up in his eyes, "Why are you helping? His fight is with me."

"We don't need a reason why we're helping you because it's the job of heroes to protect those in need. Whether it's physically or emotionally we will always be there." Akuma told him as he turned to Todoroki and Izuku and Stain's eyes widened when he heard that but he had a job to do, "Can you two still fight?"

"Yeah." Todoroki told him as he pulled the knives from his arm, "He's a monster so we need to be careful."

"His quirk can paralyze any person he drinks the blood of." Izuku explained as they stood next to him and Akuma transformed again, "If we mess up he'll kill us."

"You show the true aspects of a hero." Stain told Akuma before he dashed towards him and Todoroki blocked his path with a large block of ice but Stain busted it quickly, "Blocking your line of si-"

"Be quiet!" Akuma yelled as he and Izuku punched him into a wall and Todoroki saw Ida begin to stand up.

"Todoroki can you freeze my leg with block the exhausts?" Iida asked as he pointed to his smoking leg and as they were distracted Stain threw another knife at Todoroki and Ida blocked it with his arm before falling to the ground again, "Do it!"

"I don't care what a murderer has to say. Either fight or give up other wise stop talking so much." Akuma told him as he dropped into his fighting stance and Izuku saw him glancing around the alley.

"You can't go all out with out hurting us can you?" Izuku asked quietly and Akuma shook his head as he looked at the wounded hero on the ground.

"If we were out in the open we could end this a lot quicker but since we're not I'm limited on both my movements and attacks." Akuma explained as Stain dashed for them and he was forced to dodge as Akuma fired a small energy blast at him., "I'll be support this time!"

"On it!" Izuku yelled as he launched off of a wall and barely missed Stain with a punch and the fanatic tried to stab him with a knife that Akuma destroyed with a small energy ball. Stain jumped when Akuma tried to punch him and he realized his mistake far too late as Izuku and Iida delivered devastating blows to his face and ribs. As he fell Akuma made sure he was knocked out by kicking him into the wall with both feet and Stain landed on his face. Todoroki ran and caught Akuma as he stumbled from his lack of energy.

"Sorry I over did it fighting a Nomu before coming here." Akuma explained as he stood up straight and Todoroki made sure he could stand on his own before letting him go, "It wasn't as strong as the ones at the U.S.J. but it was still difficult. I had to limit my Super Saiyan form by a lot because of the pros there and that put a strain on my body."

"You were able to control it?" Todoroki asked as they tied up Stain and Iida looked at the ground when Akuma gave him a thumbs up.

"You were able to control a form that runs on anger but I couldn't hold myself back when I saw Stain." Iida said as he looked at his wounds in disappointment, "I should have called for help but my anger got all of us into this mess."

"What are you kids doing out here?!" Gran Torino asked as they left the alley and before Akuma could answer he kicked him in the face.

"Dammit!" Todoroki yelled as he barely caught Akuma before he fell and lightly set him on the ground, "I knew he was faking it."

"Hey is that..." A female hero asked as she and the other heroes that showed up saw Stain tied up next to them, "We need to get you kids to the hospital!"

"Kid!" Gran Torino yelled as a Nomu with wings grabbed Izuku and flew into the air with him. Stain suddenly freed himself and grabbed Izuku while stabbing the Nomu in its exposed brain, killing it instantly. Endeavor showed up as Stain pinned Izuku to the ground and when Stain saw him they were frozen in fear as his bloodlust filled the air. It felt as though they were being surrounded by it before they suddenly felt a warm energy push it back as Akuma stood up. It took them a moment before they realized both of them were unconscious and none of them helped Akuma as he fell on his face.

"We were too taken back by Stain's bloodlust but a kid who wasn't even conscious stood against him." Gran Torino said as an ambulance showed up and tended to Akuma first.

"This kid has bruised ribs but other than that he was just out of stamina." One of the paramedics explained as he was checking for any broken bones.

"What's that boys name Shoto?" Endeavor asked as the paramedics put Akuma on a gurney and into the ambulance.

"His name is Akuma." Todoroki told him before more paramedics showed up.