
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


"You can't be serious!" Caulifla yelled after Akuma explained his plan to work with Shigaraki and he didn't know what to say to her, "How do you know he's telling the truth?!"

"I don't like the idea either but I can't see any other way." All Might told her with a grim look and she gave him a look of disbelief. She turned to Nezu and Aizawa but they just shook their heads.

"Shigaraki wouldn't lie about something like that." Akuma told her and everyone gave him confused looks, "We were both raised by All for One and, while we don't see eye to eye anymore, we've always treated each other like brothers. We really didn't have anyone other than him and each other so it's only natural that we'd end up close."

"So you're saying that he may see her as a niece?" Nezu asked with a curious look and Akuma gave him a nod, "Are you sure you can still trust him?"

"The look he had in his eyes when I explained who she was told me I could." Akuma told them with a sad look before his face turned serious, "I will get her back no matter the cost. I need you to trust me with this."

"It's not like we can stop you anyways." Aizawa said as he pinched the bridge of his nose before he gave everyone a serious look, "Nothing that we say leaves this room."

"It's almost time." Akuma said as he checked his newly acquired phone and Caulifla hugged him tightly as he put his hood and mask on. He returned the gesture before teleporting to Shigaraki and startling the villains.

"Right on time." Shigaraki said as he leaned against the wall and he turned to Kurogiri, "Let's go."

"As you wish." Kurogiri said as he opened a portal and they quickly stepped through. Akuma immediately felt Pasley's energy in the nearby town before a man in a black costume slid along the ground and Akuma instantly grabbed him by his throat.

"Where's the girl you took yesterday?!" Akuma asked as he lifted the man up and the villains didn't dare interfere. When the man didn't answer Akuma began to squeeze his neck tighter and the man felt his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen.

"You're not going to get anything out of him if you strangle him." Dabi told Akuma with a chuckle and Akuma loosened his grip just enough for the man to breath, "Now where's the girl?"

"I'll lead you down there if you would just let me." He told them and Akuma dropped him to the ground with a snarl of his face. As they followed him down the cliffside Akuma could feel hundreds of people hiding in the buildings and he quietly let Shigaraki know. Once they were a few blocks into the town the members of the Liberation Army sprinted out of the buildings and instantly separated them as if they had been planning that from the start. Shigaraki was surprised by a sudden burst of wind and he realized that Akuma had brought him high above the town.

"She's in there." Akuma told him as they looked at the skyscraper towering of the rest of the town before he was hit in the back by a large chunk of concrete and they saw a giant man glaring up at them, "I'll handle him."

"Just drop me off on that roof." Shigaraki told him as he pointed to one of the houses and Akuma quickly brought him down as they heard the man charge into the town. Akuma lept to the ground as the man burst from one of the buildings with his arm pulled back and he stopped it with ease as he went Super Saiyan Two. The man didn't have a chance to think before Akuma unleashed a barrage of fierce punches and kicks to his face and ending the combo with a devastating kick to his chin. The man fell on his back as his vision went black and a large group of the Liberation Army ran at Akuma.

"Get out of my way!" Akuma yelled as he fired a massive energy wave at them and they were disintegrated instantly. Re-Destro watched the energy attack wipe out a small portion of the town in surprise before he heard Pasley become excited behind him and he turned around with a confused look.

"I told you he was coming." Pasley told him with a smug grin and he quietly watched the fight unfold again, "You're going to die."

"We'll see about that." Re-Destro said as several blue explosions began to clear a path straight for his tower and he got a wicked grin. Akuma wanted to fly into the tower as he tore through the town but the villains had led him to Pasley so he owed them that much.

"I have to admit that it's been fun working with you again!" Shigaraki told Akuma as they destroyed a group of soldiers trying to flank them from both sides, "I'll have to kill you after today though!"

"We'll cross that bridge later!" Akuma yelled as several more soldiers sprinted towards them and he spiraled past them with energy blades formed on his hands. Shigaraki saw blood splatter on the ground a moment later before their bodies collapsed and he was surprised by how uncharacteristically brutal Akuma was being. They both looked at the windows on the top floor of the tower as they reached it and Akuma saw Re-Destro watching them closely.

"How will you get past my men?" Re-Destro asked with a wicked grin before Akuma suddenly crashed through the window with rage covering his face and Re-Destro quickly lept back as Akuma tried to bring his foot down on his head, "So you're the one she was talking about."

"Pasley are you ok?" Akuma asked as he turned away from him and walked up to Pasley with a serious look in his eyes. His eyes turned yellow when he saw the bruise on her cheek and tears began to fill her eyes before he untied her.

"I knew you'd come!" Pasley yelled as she hugged him tightly and he could feel her tears staining his shirt. He put a hand on her back to try to comfort her and Re-Destro was taken back when wind began to spin at their feet as Akuma glared at him. He felt like he was looking into the mouth of a giant beast as Akuma's aura overtook him and every window in the room shattered from the immense power coming off of Akuma.

"Can you fly?" Akuma asked Pasley with a soft smile and she wiped her face as she looked up at him, "It's ok if you can't."

"I think I can." Pasley told him in a quivering voice before Shigaraki entered the room and Akuma gave him a serious look, "Why?"

"I want you to fly as fast as you can in that direction. Caulifla will be able to sense you after a little while." Akuma explained as he pointed into the distance and Pasley nodded before rocketing out of the room, "Now she won't see what I'm about to do to you."