
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Lines Crossed

"Why not fight me alone? Are you scared?" The clone asked with a smirk as he landed in front of them and Caulifla opened her mouth to say something before Akuma lifted his arm to tell her to stop. Akuma gave his clone a smug grin as Kale and Caulifla lept back to the others and they all watched the two in silence.

"You want a one on one?" Akuma asked as he went Super Saiyan before he suddenly appeared in front of his clone and delivered a powerful punch to his gut, making him stumble back as he tried to catch his breath, "Then let's have a one on one."

"Things are about to get interesting." All for One told them as the clone screamed as he went Super Saiyan himself and both of them flew into the air with a burst of energy. The only thing the others could see were two streaks of yellow energy crashing into each other at high speed before rocketing away from the prison. Akuma saw the city coming to view but when he tried to change directions his clone took his chance and kicked Akuma straight towards the streets below. A bus of onlookers watched as Akuma rocketed towards them before he flipped and managed to stop just before hitting it. They screamed in surprise when Akuma kicked the side of the bus and made it slide out of the way as his clone rocketed towards him.

"What?!" The clone asked as Akuma caught his fists and electricity began to crackle around him before he headbutted the clone in his nose. Akuma roared as he went Super Saiyan Two and threw his clone into one the buildings, making it collapse on top of him. He pointed an energy filled hand at the debris before several police cruisers filled the street and the police quickly climbed out with their guns drawn.

"Get out of here now!" Akuma yelled before any of the cops could say anything and they saw why when the debris exploded as his clone went Super Saiyan Two. The clone kicked Akuma down the street while he was distracted and quickly chased after him while firing a volley of energy blasts. Akuma flew out of the smoke with his arm pulled back and they slammed their fists into each other's faces with enough force to shatter the nearby windows. They both rocketed backwards before destroying the asphalt as they rolled along the road at high speed and sliding to a stop. Akuma was the first to get to his feet and his eyes widened at the destruction their fight was causing to the city as he saw the collapsed buildings and crushed vehicles. He took a deep breath as he went into Super Saiyan Four with an echoing roar and he charged for his clone with red energy burning around his fist, intending to end the fight before anyone else could get hurt. He was surprised when the clone caught his fist and Akuma saw that his eyes had become pure white as he slowly got to his feet. The muscles in the clone's arm began to spasm violently before it turned a deep blue and his grip tightened on Akuma's hand before he whipped him into the ground several times. The clone threw him through several buildings as the rest of its body became larger while the deep blue spread and it was clear that he was beginning to become unstable. Akuma could feel his clone's power rise dramatically and knew if he didn't finish him off then things were going to get a lot worse. Akuma didn't have time to react when his clone appeared in front of him and slammed it's massive fist into his chest, sending him flying further into the city. Hoping the clone was only after him Akuma instant transmissioned to Caulifla before he crashed into one of the skyscrapers.

"What's going on?!" Caulifla asked as they felt the clone rocketing towards them and Akuma launched off of the ground without a word. All of them heard an explosion in the distance before Akuma suddenly soared back towards them and crashed to the ground. They saw the grotesque clone fly in and Akuma rolled backwards before it slammed its massive foot into the ground. Caulifla immediately went Super Saiyan Four and hit Akuma's clone with a large energy ball but he was unfazed by the attack as he walked out of the smoke with an insane smile. Akuma kicked him in the face as hard as he could before the clone grabbed his leg and threw him into Caulifla. They got to their feet but didn't have time to react as his clone appeared in front of them with his hands locked together above his head. Time slowed for them as Kale shoved them out of the way and they watched with wide eyes as she was slammed into the ground with enough force to cause a crater. The clone began to laugh maniacally while they watched blood leak from her body and both of them felt something break free as anger and sorrow filled their minds. They released ferocious, bone rattling roars as their irises turned blood red and they both felt their humanity disappear as their Great Apes took control before golden energy exploded off of them with enough force to make both All Might and All for One hit the ground. Their red fur and black hair became golden as they both lost control and the clone took a step back in surprise as they hunched over with their hands clawed.