
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Limits Broken!

"Now what?" Akuma asked out loud as a pink light lit up the arena before hearts shot out of it in every direction and caused some sort of pink smoke to cover everything. He saw a heart flying towards him and he slapped it away with ease as Vegeta fired an energy blast at Ribrianne to force her to stop attacking. Whis watched Akuma closely as two warriors suddenly kicked him in the back and he slid to a stop with an irritated look.

"We've been watching you since the tournament started and we got a good guage of your power." One of them said as they landed in front of him, "You're strong for your age but they should have chosen someone older."

"Can you sense energy?" Akuma asked with a calm tone and they seemed confused about what he meant, "It wouldn't matter if you could anyways."

"You telling us we're wrong?" The other man asked with an irritated tone before he charged towards Akuma, "You should respect your elders boy!"

"Why do none of you ever listen." Akuma sighed as he appeared behind the man in Super Saiyan Two and tried to kick him to the ground but the other man knocked him away with a powerful punch that he barely had time to block. He slammed into a pile of debris and before he could recover the men fired volleys of energy blasts at him, forcing him deeper into the debris. Smoke covered the debris pile as the men relentlessly fired more energy blasts into it and stopped when they noticed a red light glowing inside. Akuma roared loudly as his now red aura blew the smoke away and they were surprised by his now red hair and eyes. In the blink of an eye he had placed his hands on their chests and forced them off of the arena with powerful blasts.

"So another Saiyan has stepped into the realm of the gods." Vegeta said as he landed in front of Akuma and the young Saiyan gave him a smug grin, "I'll be your opponent got it?"

"Prince Vegeta, it's an honor to meet you." Akuma said as he kneeled to one knee and Vegeta was surprised that a Saiyan from a different universe was showing him that level of respect before Akuma tried to punch him. Vegeta transformed into Blue and caught him by his face before slamming him into the ground. He nearly lost consciousness from the impact and he was seeing stars.

"I'd give that a three out of ten." Vegeta told him sternly and he quickly jumped away when he saw a white flicker of energy come off of Akuma for a brief moment, "What was that boy?!"

"Don't know what you're talking about." Akuma told him with genuine confusion as he stood up while rubbing the back of his head and they both immediately turned their attention to Goku and Jiren as they began their fight. The two Saiyans looked at each other before returning to the base forms and hopping on top of a chunk of debris to watch them. Vegeta kept looking at Akuma from the corner of his eye as he tried to figure out what he had just felt from the teen.

'He really didn't notice it?' Vegeta thought as Goku asked Universe Seven for energy while he began to create the Spirit Bomb and neither of them gave him any. Akuma watched Goku throw the massive attack at Jiren with wide eyes until it was obvious that it was a losing battle and Vegeta was surprised when Akuma rocketed towards him.

"What are you doing?!" Goku asked Akuma as he began to help push the Spirit Bomb back and Akuma gave him a nod as his hair turned red again. Goku grinned before they tried to push the massive attack back with everything they had but it still wasn't enough and the Spirit Bomb imploded before it sucked them inside. Everyone fell silent as the Spirit Bomb disappeared and left nothing but a large hole in the arena. Moments later the entire void began to shake violently and a massive pillar of light formed in the center of the hole. When the light faded they saw Goku in a strange form holding an unconscious Akuma under his arm and he set the young Saiyan down before he cleared the gap between him and Jiren in a split second.

"Is that what I think it is Whis?" Beerus asked as he was entranced on Goku but he already knew the answer.

"I'm not sure myself." Whis admitted as Top and Dyspo charged towards Goku and he noticed the sly smile on his sister's face when Akuma's hand twitched.

"Son Goku!" Top yelled as he and Dyspo tried to attack him but they were instantly knocked away by a white silhouette and Goku continued his march towards Jiren. They skidded to a stop as the light around the figure disappeared and everyone was surprised to see that Goku wasn't the only one in a new form. Akuma's hair was pure white and his eyes were a dull blue and he suddenly appeared behind Dyspo. Dyspo quickly spun around with a kick but his foot seemed to faze through Akuma and he realized that Akuma was attacking Top, who was forced into the defensive from the fast and heavy blows. Akuma grabbed Dyspo's leg as he tried to kick him from the side and whipped him into the ground before slamming him into Top like a bat. Both Pride Troopers were sent tumbling away but had no time to recover as Akuma threw two energy balls at them and Jiren slapped them away with ease immediately after he finished with Goku. Akuma lept high above the arena and unleashed a barrage of energy bullet towards Jiren with an Earth shattering battle cry. They were destroyed long before they landed by a Jiren's large, red energy ball that caused massive explosions above the arena and Akuma's eyes widened as the attack engulfed him with a brilliant red explosion. With smoke trailing behind him, Akuma rocketed towards the ground and just before he crash landed Hit stopped time and caught him. The assassin dropped him on the ground next to Kale and Caulifla before making his way to Jiren and the two girls were surprised by the lack of damage on him. It didn't take long for them to realize that he was barely breathing and Vegeta suddenly landed next to them.

"Fool." Vegeta said as he charge energy in his hand and pointed it at him but Caulifla immediately jumped between them with her arms outstretched, "Move girl or he's not going to make it."

"S-Sis we should listen to him." Kale said timidly and Caulifla looked at Akuma before she moved out of the way. Yellow energy floated from Vegeta's hand and was quickly absorbed by Akuma's body. His breathing became stable and Vegeta left without another word as Caulifla threw Akuma over her shoulder.

"We need to bring him somewhere safe until he wakes up." Caulifla explained as they quickly left as well. She didn't like it but the safest place seemed like a pile of debris on the edge of the arena and Kale helped hide him before leaving the area so he wouldn't be found.

"So you were hiding something after all." Whis told his sister with a light chuckle, "Has he done that before?"

"Only once before and it happened shortly after he gained God Ki. I believe it's his Saiyan instincts running wild when he's in a desperate situation." Vados explained with a smile, "He had to go against Kale when she went berserk and it forced the form out of him. He handled her quickly and immediately passed out himself afterwards."

"Interesting." Whis said as he went back to watching the tournament with an amused smile. It didn't take long for two warriors from Universe Four to find Akuma resting against a pile of debris on the edge of the arena and they looked at each other with wicked smiles.

"We should just throw him off." One of them said as he reached for Akuma's hair but Akuma grabbed his wrist quickly and the man easily pulled his hand off of him, "Looks like you don't have the strength to fight after all."

"Let's have some fun th-" The other tried to say before he was kicked off of the edge by Gohan and the first man was sent off immediately after by Piccolo. Akuma stumbled trying the stand up and Gohan caught him before he hit the ground again.

"Why?" Akuma asked in an exhausted voice and Gohan gave him a small smile as he helped Akuma lean against a large piece of debris, "Shouldn't you just eliminate me?"

"You rushed in to help my dad with the Spirit Bomb when everyone else, including myself, just watched." Gohan explained with a genuine tone and Akuma felt his energy get restored, "That should help you out for a bit."

"You're a good guy and you don't deserve to be eliminated like that." Piccolo told him with a grin and they turned to leave, "Don't let that energy go to waste."

"Thank you." Akuma said as they lept away and he sat back down to think about what had happened, "That must have been the form Vados had talked about. I think she called it Super Saiyan White. I definitely need to learn how to control that if I want to win this tournament."