
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Character Description


Height: 5'6"

Age: 15

Appearance: Akuma has short, black spiky hair and a well toned body for his age. He has a naturally stoic expression that tends to make people who don't know him uncomfortable.

Personality: His attitude around others may seem uncaring at first but his teachers and fellow classmates have come to realize that he deeply cares for everyone. His overall mood brightens around student Mei Hatsume of Class H-1.

Powers: He has superhuman strength, agility, endurance and durability as well as the ability to fly and manifest energy into different powerful attacks. He has also shown to be able to sense and differentiate others' energy with extreme accuracy as well as being an expert in hand-to-hand combat. When he is pushed too far he takes on the Super Saiyan form, which significantly increases his abilities.

Power Level: In his base form his power is slightly above his fellow first years. When he takes on the Super Saiyan form he has been estimated to be as strong as some of the higher ranked Pro Heroes.

Intelligence: Though he doesn't show it teachers have noticed that he is highly intelligent and has high grades in all of his classes.

Likes: Training, fighting powerful opponents and protecting those he holds dear.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, people who believe themselves to be higher than others and his adoptive father.

Background: Akuma landed on Earth at the age of four and barely has any recollection of his original home. All for One found out about him when several of his underlings went missing around the same area and, to his displeasure, went to investigate himself. He was surprised to find his underlings' bodies near a small child in sleeping in a ship of some kind. He took Akuma in after he realized he couldn't take his powers for himself and raised him to be his original successor. Akuma grew to hate his adoptive father after he began to be punished for any inconvenience to All for One's plans. After All for One's defeat by All Might Akuma decided that if he ever wanted to escape his former life he had to follow in the shoes of the very man he was being trained to kill. After successfully blending into society he realized that if he ever wanted to take down his father then he would have to become a hero and eventually managed to get into school so he could attend U.A. with nothing being evident of his villainous past. After his first year of school he saw the world his father was trying to burn and became more determined to protect the innocent lives around him.