
The Second ML Always Bears the Burden of Humiliation [QT](BL)

The corporate drone Chang Ning is bound to a transmigration system. Because the system has low authority, he can only play as the second male lead character who bears the burden of humiliation every time. [System]: 555, host, you can do it, we will definitely turn around! ——[1] Male god boss—— [The selfish, arrogant and beautiful wife has a weak, penniless, and the skinny corporate drone husband. After the wife cheated and became pregnant, she was chased by her husband's boss] System: Your task is to break up the relationship between the two of them and get your wife back. ... System: ? Wait, why are you and your boss caught in bed by your wife? Chang Ning: Just say whether their relationship was broken up or not! ——[2] Boxing coach—— [The neighbor who lives across the street is a boxing coach. He always laughs at you for being a weak chicken, and question whether you have the ability to get your wife pregnant when you get married and have children. And the vicious younger brother who is ambitious and proud who disapproves of you in one hundred and one ways. But in a blink of an eye, the two of them privately met up and took over your house. ] System: Your task is to restore your relationship with your younger brother... System: Wait, don't seduce the boxing coach and don't just look at him physically 'questioning' your younger brother. ——[3] Vicious creditors—— [After getting married, my wife owed a lot of debts from gambling. Loking at your beautiful wife, the vicious creditor raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: If you don't have enough money, you can pay with meat. ] (T/N : Meat means doing the deed) System: Please help your poor wife get rid of her creditors' harassment. Chang Ning: ... System: Get up from the arms of the creditor! ——[4] Zombie Captain—— [The end of the world is approaching, and the only little white flower's healing ability in the team has become the object of everyone's pursuit. And you are one of those suitors. But he and your best friend privately set a lifelong relationship, you don't know anything about it! In the end, you were tragically infected in order to save the Virgin Mary, little white flower! The former good friend... the current rival in love, slowly turned his guns at you, who is about to become a zombie...] System 68: The task is a bit difficult, please catch your sweetheart first, and then find yourself a partner. System 68: ... Isn't your sweetheart Little White Flower? What are you doing with your rival? Chang Ning: Change your sweetheart. ——[5] The firm LongAoTian—— [Your half-brother is the proud son of the sky, but he has a high spirit, and rejected the firm male protagonist in the original text who pretends to be a pig to eat a tiger, and wants to reach the sky in one step. His arrogance will completely destroy your family, and eventually make you, the head of the family, commit suicide by taking poison. ] System: Uh... In the plot, the male lead from the Steady River sect once wanted to marry your brother... but your brother didn't like the male lead, and leave this matter unsettled. System: Please match the hero and your younger brother... System: ...Don't put a red veil on your head! (LongAoTian : to call sb. a Gary Stu) (Little White : slang for a foolish/pretty boy) (Put on a red veil : marriage culture in china, used by the bride) -THIS IS NOT MY WORK AND ALL THE STORY'S CREDIT GOES TO 墨兔儿!! -This is only a fan-translation translated by yours truly ^V^ -Apologies in advance if my translation bothers you, English is not my first language nor is chinese, if there is ANY error please notify me -This novel is BL -Thank you for reading this novel

Mirage_1876 · LGBT+
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Why you are in such a rush to get your driver's license?

<p>(Warning!! This novel is a fan translation and is not 100% accurate)<br/><br/>Although this neighborhood is old-fashioned and the houses are stuck next to each other, the residential building's rental home is spacious, with two bedrooms and one living room, but the kitchen and toilet are a bit cramped.<br/><br/>A woman's sharp voice sounded in the old and dilapidated residential building, and she was insulting her fiancé.<br/><br/>Lin Yan Yan looked at the pay card in her hand, she only got 17,000 yuan this month, in addition to the monthly mortgage of 8,000 yuan for the house she bought for her parents, plus she had personal debts of 6,000 yuan per month.<br/><br/>Aside from the family's expenses which are deducted from Chang Ning's bonus salary, the remaining three thousand is what she can spend.<br/><br/>Limited to spending only a hundred a day, Lin Yanyan's face turned red with anger.<br/><br/>"Don't come in! Go back to your company and go work overtime. All you know is to come back and cook for me all day long, but you don't know how to make any progress! Chang Ning, you've worked for a few years already, today's payday yet your card only has this little money, what kind of man are you?!"<br/><br/>"Your boss, that is, your senior in the same major, he is only three years older than you. He jumped into the position of manager of the planning department of your company, and now look at you acting like such a good-for-nothing! I was really blind to ask you for help in the first place."<br/><br/>"Yanyan, let me in first." Outside the door, the man who was insulted didn't get angry, and instead meekly begged in a low voice.<br/><br/>He slumped his back, his soft hair covered most of his eyes, exposing faded cheeks, and he pursed his pale lips lightly.<br/><br/>The shirt is washed white, losing its original color, and wrinkled on his body, making him look thin and frail.<br/><br/>The woman inside the door crossed her arms, her chest trembled violently, and her face, which had become fat due to pregnancy, was flushed with anger.<br/><br/>Lin Yanyan is young and beautiful, although her background is ordinary, the people who chased her can line up from the front door to the back door of the school.<br/><br/>Her dream is to find a rich husband, not to be a yellow-faced woman in this old, dilapidated building!<br/><br/>She's had this idea since college<br/>and has been working hard on it.<br/><br/>When she was in college, Lin Yanyan went 'fishing' and finally caught a rich second generation. Dreaming that she could live the life of a rich wife, it's a pity that the other party has been among thousands of flowers, and none of the leaves have touched his body. He is said to be in love, but in fact providing for Lin Yanyan.<br/><br/>Lin Yanyan concealed her pregnancy with the rich second generation, and even have the wishful thinking to give birth to a child to force upper class people to bow down to her.<br/><br/>But she didn't expect that the so-called rich second generation went abroad, and the contact information left behind was all fake.<br/><br/>At that time, Lin Yanyan was already eight months pregnant.<br/><br/>It was around this time that someone reported to the school that she had a bad working habit, was backed up by someone, and had illegal money transactions.<br/><br/>The matter got fired up into a big mess. With the stack of evidence and Lin Yanyan's pregnant belly that cannot be hidden anymore, the school almost expelled Lin Yanyan for going against public order and morality.<br/><br/>In order to preserve her reputation and studies, Lin Yanyan follows other people's opinion and chose Chang Ning. An ordinary man with an average family background, an introverted personality, and easy to control among the boys who confessed to her.<br/><br/>She demanded Chang Ning to find her parents, the two families came forward to the school and said that they were engaged as boyfriend and girlfriend, and everyone in the family already knew about it.<br/><br/>Lin Yanyan claimed that the pregnancy is a matter of course and put the blame on Chang Ning. <br/><br/>They were originally a fake couple who were forced to marry. As time went by, Lin Yanyan's dislike for him grew, and just looking at him made her feel sick in the end.<br/><br/>The noise woke the upstairs neighbor up, he pushed open the window: "Why are you so noisy at night, what qualifications do you have! You have been scolding your husband for several years, and you still haven't scolded enough! If you can't get used, leave Ah!"<br/><br/>"It's none of your business! Who did you say is husband and wife with this trash! Very crazy ah, are you husband and wife if you live together? How many times have I said that he has nothing to do with me!" Lin Yanyan cursed back, if you keep a dog, then does that mean the dog is your husband?<br/><br/>But when she heard Chang Ning leaving, her face changed slightly, and she opened the door impatiently, letting the man go in.<br/><br/>She can break up with Chang Ning, but she can't give up the things Chang Ning gave her, a place to live, the pay card, and the attentive care...</p>

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Welcome aboard to my new translation, I hope you stay seated during the whole ride, because it will be VERY bumpy and you might get dizzy. Turn off your brain cells and turn on thoughtless mode.

This place serve dog food, they are especially good for mental stability. They even have fruity scent..! Hope you're all as excited as I am to make this work, let's hope the plane don't crash


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