
The Second Great Rebellion: Uriel's Vision

This is an experiment into blasphemous chaos. I do not promise you satisfaction, but I swear you shall see Gad and you shall be intrigued.

Vlad_the_impaler · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Since the beginning of time, Gad had been indestructible. However, the demiurge himself had created the factors necessary for his possible destruction. Now, as Uriel looked upon the earth, he searched diligently for the perfect weapon among the many sons of men. For unto them had God given the power of absolute destruction and subpar creation.

See Uriel needed to choose a weapon that fit a long list of criteria. His chosen human must be ambitious enough to take on the colossal task, intelligent enough to be led to the secret of true power, while still foolish enough to be manipulated and cajoled.

Uriel couldn't just walk up to any man and tell him that in him lied the power to be anything, even the killer of Gad himself. Even if Uriel managed to break Gad's trust and reveal the celestial secret, the human would be easily destroyed if his mind couldn't fathom, accept and apply the new truth. Uriel was very familiar with the mind of mortals and he knew it as weak and feeble. Great mysteries drive them mad, and that in truth, is why their greatest scientists are eccentric to the height of total madness.

Uriel had to build the mortal slowly. He had to guide the human on the path but it is the human who must do the walking. The human must attain power and get comfortable with said power and eventually realize that it is quite easy to cultivate power. And then finally understand that there really is no limit to how much power he can have.

It was a wonky system and to the average human, immensely unbelievable. That is why the task was so difficult. Determining the man with the perfect mind was a real hassle. He needed a great and powerful mind belonging to a man who is ambitious and uncomfortable with his lot in life. Someone who was willing to do whatever it takes to change the very fabric of reality and shake the pillars of existence. He wasn't trying to create a king or a new god, he was trying to create a new omnipotent.

First, he looked into the Kings and Queens. The human who had gained immense control of their potential. However, they were all too proud. They believed in the already laid down status quo. They weren't rebellious and their minds were too stiff to accept new ideas.

Then he looked at the middle class. Those who had been blessed but didn't have enough power to own territories and great wealth. These people didn't live happy lives. However, they were rather resigned to fate. The system gave them enough to survive and they felt that if they played by the rules their lot would change.

As for the poor they were too malnourished and depressed to be useful to any man or angel. Their mind was way too focused on acquiring their next meal that a heavenly rebellion was never going to interest them. Their greatest ambition was to have enough to eat for a lifetime and after fulfilling that ambition for them, Uriel knew they would be too comfortable to reach for more.

Uriel, quickly realized that what he needed was a rebel. Not a leader or a follower, but a rebel. He wanted to topple the sovereignty in heaven and he couldn't do that with someone who obeyed the sovereignty on earth. Kings and followers were all sheep following the system. He needed someone who was willing to bring the system down and create a new one.

Therefore, the angel began to look into rebels. Humans who led rebel armies in the name of change and betterment. It didn't matter that most of them were poorly blessed, or in some cases totally unblessed. Uriel knew that all humans had the potential to be great. Every human had the potential to be powerful. What mattered was their mind and their will. However, in time, Uriel found rebels unsatisfactory.

For rebels were radicals with radical beliefs. Men and women driven mad by their personal values and virtues, and their vision of the good that they wanted to see in the world. They didn't want power, instead, they wanted reform. This type of people were going to be immensely useless to Uriel as they already had stiff values and beliefs and were going to be hard to morph and bend into the perfect weapon. A man who wasn't ready to kill innocent women was surely not going to kill his creator.

Of course, there were the self-centered rebels. The people who weren't rebelling because they believed they could lead better or because they wanted to lead better. The self-centered rebels were simply rebelling because they wanted power. And one would think these people more suitable for Uriel's task for they were ambitious, clear-minded, and short-sighted. They would be easy to manipulate through their thirst for power and short-sightedness, and their mind wasn't foggy from ridiculous beliefs and principles.

However, these people were also unsatisfactory. Their short-sightedness also infected their ambition. They didn't have plans or dreams of ruling the world. No, they were too short-sighted to think of that and too clear-minded to dream beyond their perceived abilities. See, these were practical mortals. Their minds were powerful enough to reject the folly of religion and unnecessary values, and it was also powerful enough to analyze their power and make plans according to their abilities. They were smart enough not to overreach as that was sure to mean death.

Yes, they were intelligent but they lacked intuition to see beyond their nose. Uriel, needed a rebel who was greedy and soulless, who lacked morals and wielded great intelligence. And above all who dared to believe. He needed to find someone intelligent enough not to be scammed by foolish dogma, and yet capable of intuitively viewing the new mysteries of the universe.

The universe has changed, and it had given great gifts to mankind. But only the most intuitive, intelligent, and ambitious of mortals could utilize said gift. And yet, this mortal must be foolish enough to fall under Uriel's manipulation and remain under his compulsion forever.

This by all standards seemed like a highly impossible task. However, for Uriel, finding the perfect mortal and training him, was less impossible than defeating Gad with his flaming sword. So although the chances of his success were low, his plan still had the highest chance of success among his few options.

For ten years, Uriel searched for the perfect mortal to do his bidding. And for ten years Uriel found none that was worthy and capable of carrying out his rebellion. And that was when it hit him that Michael's words had put the fear of Gad in his heart, making him too careful and chaining him to a spot. He was so scared of failure that he was excessively cautious so much so that he couldn't make a move without feeling like he would fail.

The first stage of the game had already begun and he was losing. Michael was after all nothing if not cunning. In that moment, Uriel decided to go into the earth and choose anyone he found promising. And if the person turned out to be a poor choice, Uriel felt he could simply discard the foolish mortal and move on to the next option. However, never again shall he be forced into inaction because of the fear of Gad.

Uriel rose and was about to descend on earth in all his might when he noticed a star on planet earth


I am not certain that anyone is reading. But if you are, I am glad you are coming along for this journey. Feel free to drop your comments. Your perspective and criticism is most welcome.

Vlad_the_impalercreators' thoughts