
The Second Demon

What happens when the first demon that Muzan turned happened by accident due to his ignorance? ~ What happens when that demon's soul couldn't handle the stress, dies and his body was thrown away? ~ And what happens when a foreign soul got reincarnated into the body of the said demon? ~ Follow this story as we explore the journey of the second demon as he strive to live in the world of Kimetsu No Yaiba and alter the fates of the characters. ~ Kimetsu No Yaiba doesn't belong to me, I only own my OC characters, all other characters in Kimetsu No Yaiba Belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge Sensei. ~ Trigger goes click click, Pigs go eat eat, Please Read this fanfic, You might like it. .. ... Did..did that rhyme? Do..do you like it? FYI!! The Cover Picture is not mine, I only edited it a little bit!

TediousHamster · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: What a cliché development

Narrator POV

Flashback starts

A man can be seen jumping around in the middle of the forest.

The man was our Mc, seems normal enough no?


Yeah....the thing is, he's currently surrounded by a horde of wolves


...also, he seems like he's freakin furious. Oh, he splitted apart a wolf's head using an axe while shouting loudly.


He kept chopping the wolves around him, limbs and head were all over the place.

Needless to say, not all of the wolves died instantly, those that got their limbs hit laid on the ground, whimpering.

Also, not all of them got hit, some of the wolves managed to evade the mc's wild swings. Yup, the mc was swinging wildly, like a bear in rage.


He then shouted in frustration before cursing. He then lifted the axe and threw it at one of the wolves with all his might.

The ax hit the wolf on the head, split it apart, kept flying till it hit a tree and got it's head embedded in the tree's trunk.

The wolves took this as a chance to attack him. But before they could pounce on him, he made his move first.

He grabs the head of the wolf that's currently sticking on him via biting his neck.

"*Grunt*, Shit!!!"

He then forcefully rips the wolf from him neck, or his shoulder to be exact befofe grabbing one of it's hind legs.


He then proceeds to hit the other wolves using the wolf he's currently holding. Needless to say, it seems it's quite effective?

The wolves that were pouncing on him the got hit and was thrown back from the momentum of the blow.

The wolves that didn't got hit retreated back a lil bit and growled at the man meancingly instead.

Yamato then spins around in place for a few moments before letting go of the wolf. It flew with a woosh and hit another wolf on the head. A bone crunching sound resounded in the area indicates that their skulls are probably broken.

He shouted in anger once again before jumping towards his embedded axe, which he then pulled out with a grunt.

The wolves started retreating backwards in fear, but then a howl from the wolf with gleaming fur stopped them in place.

They then growled once before pouncing towards our mc once again. But Yamato was ready and started running towards them.

This time he aimed for the legs, slicing legs here and there. He also bit some of the wolves on their necks, or to be specific, on their arteries.

He also grabbed some of them on the snout before snapping it. All the while slicing the wolves at times.

Unfortunately, the Mc didn't escaped unscathed, he got clawed and bitten by the wolves as well.

He shouted in anger before cutting the wolves that sticked on his legs on their abdomen and slicing the head

He grabbed one of the wolves by the scruff of it's neck before pulling it forcefully from his shoulder.

He then bit off it's ears before biting the back of it's neck with gusto. The wolf yelped in pain before it struggles from his grip.

He threw the wolf to the side after wiping him mouth on it's furs.

He then proceeds to run towards the wolves. He then started dancing and weaving among them while cutting them once again.

Not long after, 3/4 of the wolves were down on the ground, some of them were dead, cut in half, had their head sliced off or just got loads of cuts here and there on their body.

Some were still alive but whimpering in pain due to having their limbs cut off, the one's that got bitten weren't off easy too.

The remaining wolves backed up a bit but didn't stop growling. Just as our mc look at them, he felt something coming from behind him.

He turned around to face it, but he got hit first, on the ass no less. He shouted in pain, "FUCK!!" before swinging the axe behind him and hitting the air.

He saw a wolf jumping away from his side. He threw the axe at it but misses. The wolf turns around and he finally got to see it's form.

It's eyes were rolling to the opposite sides. Moreover, it's tongue was lolling outwards from the side of it's open mouth.

W-wait a second! Is is it also...grinning? The wolf is grinning! Damn, it's a derp wolf!

Yamato was fuming, he gritted his teeth before shouting in anger once more, he then pounced towards the wolf. The wolf couldn't evade in time and got tackled.

The Mc then held it by it's lower body using his left arm or to be specific, he hugged it using his left arm and made sure it's body was touching his left side.

He grins evilly, "Payback time!" He then made a fist with his right hand and clenched it hard....before plunging it deep inside the wolf's ass.

The wolf howled in pain as it struggles and tries to bite the Mc. The Mc holds him in place with his strength and repeatedly punched the wolf's ass.

The other wolves trembled in fear and started to retreat. The wolf with the gleaming fur started to show fear in it's eyes and howled loudly, it's fur gleamed even brighter than before.

The other wolves's eyes turned blank and they stopped retreating, they then suddenly pounced towards the Mc.

The wolf's gleaming fur stopped gleaming. It then turns around before dashing away. It didn't look back as it ran away in fear.

It's whole body exploded into smoke before the white wolf turns into a white fox with two tails with black tips.

"How scary!! That demon just turned into a whole different demon! I need to get away from here!" it suddenly yipped.


It's fur gleamed once, suddenly it's speed increases as it ran even faster than before.

Meanwhile, our Mc was still currently beating the crap out of the remaining wolves.

None of them noticed a crow perched on a tree branch, looking over the whole area since the very beginning.

??? POV

The sight shown from the crow's eyes that was projected into the orb was quite shocking.

"....this is strange, the demon suddenly acted differently...it's as if it's not the same demon."

This is worrisome, this demon suddenly became aggressive and violent..that means that it's quite volatile which could endanger the villagers.

"This could be bad for the village, I need to go back now! They have no means to fight against it."

I then heard the flapping sound of the curtain being flapped open.

I turned towards the sound and saw a white cat with orange stripes and two tails entering the room.

"Nya, meowster~we should prepare for the ritual soon."

Ah, of course....I still have to finish my work. "*sigh*, well done Tama. Is everything prepared?"

"Nya, of course meowster, everything is purrfect."

'*sigh, I hope I can finish the job before or by midnight.' I sigh tiredly in my heart as I look at the orb showing the demon killing the remaining wolves.

'There was a kitsune controlling the wolves, but it seems like a young one, only two-tailed so..a 200 year old kitsune....hmm, more demons are appearing near the village, I just hope there won't be any gashadokuro, I don't want to deal with any Ryoumin, I'm too old for them. It's such a pain to deal with them.'

"Oh yeah, Tama. What class are we dealing with?"

"Nyahaha, not that high meowster, we're only dealing with a senmins."

I glared at the bakeneko for that statement, "Don't let your guard down Tama, be cautious. What rank is it?"

"Yes, yes meowster, I'll be careful, it's a peak rank Kanko. Our preparation is enough so it won't be a hard battle."

"*sigh*, alright then, let's hope we can finish this soon enough."

I look back to the orb, 'I just hope the village will stay unscathed by the time I get there in the morning.'

I then turned around to exit the room as Tama follows me, I have a demon to exorcise.

Flashback ends

MC Pov

"*sigh*, finally done." I stood up and dusted myself. I've finally finish drinking all the blood that fell on the snow and from the wolves corpse.

"*phew*, I feel a stronger now, my wounds are more or less healed and I'm full of energy! Aight! Let's get all this food back to the village!"

"But first...", I adjust the cloth wrapping my face, it miraculously didn't get torn apart, granted it did got bloody but otherwise intact.

I left the mask behind at the Okitsu's if I remember correctly...danggit, I got to excited to go hunting that I actually forgot to bring it with me...eh, it'll be alright.

I then went and put some wolves inside the sledge before lifting it's handles, "Let's a go!"

Kimetsu~(chibi mc running with the sledge behind him filled with wolves corpse)

I ran all the way till the town center, I actually saw the fire they made from afar but it's even more prominent up close, they didn't create one large fire. Instead they made many campfire in different places, kinda like a grouping of sorts.

It seems like the two family is all here. I skid to a stop before Hoemi and Sora which stopped talking among themselves when they noticed me close.

"You've return-." Hoemi turns and smiles at me before her words and smile grind into a halt.

"What's wrong Hoemi? Why-" Sora raised an eyebrow at Hoemi before looking towards me, her words stopped in her throat as well when she saw me.

I look at them in confusion before looking at my body...ah crap, yeah I forgot remove my clothes, I was still wearing the clothes that got torn by the wolves.

I saw the whole family approaching us with worried expressions, but I have no time for this. I unloaded all of the corpse from the sledge at a fast pace.

I then look over at them all, "there are still lots of them, so I'm gonna go back and carry all of it, please cut and clean them all before cooking them."

With that, I dashed away once again, I heard them shouting at me to stop, unfortunately, I outright ignored them.

Need to finish this up real quick. I carried about six wolves so..seven trips left.

Kimetsu~(chibi Mc pulling wolves from the forest to the village back and forth)

By the time I did the last trip, the whole square was buzzing with sound, also there's more people and fire now.

Many of them were cleaning and cutting the wolves, some of them were washing the meat in a basin of water.

'Huh, they must've melted some snow to make water for washing the meats. Well, I better go and help the two family.'

I look around to find them, that's when I felt something slamming into me from behind before gripping my clothes hard.

Now I'm feeling something wet on my back...is someone pissing or spitting at me?

"Alright, alright. Whoever you are, lemme go so I can turn and look at you."

I then felt the thing holding me letting go of its grip on my back. I turned around and saw that the small twins were the ones that were hugging me.

They currently had red eyes and pouty expressions, as if a child that cried in defiance after being caught playing a prank.

I smiled at them before lowering myself into their eye level. "What's up kids? Did you guy's get caught doing something naughty?"

The kids didn't reply back and just stared at me...aight this is kinda worrisome...what's wrong with them.

"They're worried about you Ryu-san." I turned towards the voice and saw Sora approaching us and while carrying something on her arms.

'worried?...ah..of course, they saw my current state', I look at my ripped and bloodied clothes.

I look over at them and smirked, "don't worry kiddos! I'm doing fine~why, those wolves couldn't hold a candle to me!" I would give them the peace sign but I don't think they know about it.

They just stayed quiet and sniffled while rubbing their eyes with their hands. I then sigh and pat their heads." Look, I'll be more careful next time, okay?" I also gave them a soft smile, to reassure them.

They just nodded their small heads and proceeded to hug me, I, of course returned the hug.

I then saw Sora standing in front of me with a soft smile on her face, "You really are a good person Ryu-san."

I let go of the kids, they also did the same before approaching their mother's side. I stood up and stretched myself.

"Me?A good person? Hah!"

"Is something funny Ryu-san?" She raised an eyebrow at me as she handed me what she holding. I took the object from her, which are actually some clothes.

It was a plain black yukata with a white belt. I smiled at her, "I'm not a good person Sora-san. I'm really not."

I then turned around and started walking away without waiting for her reply. I need to find a place to change my clothes.

I noticed the villagers looking up from what they were doing and stealing glances at me. They also started whispering among themselves.

"Is that him? The one that hunted all these wolves?"

"Probably, he seems to be in a bad shape."

"..he got injured getting all these for us.."

"...oi, oi, go get some herbs for him, quickly"

"...poor kid, he must've pushed himself so much in order to hunt all these wolves."

I ignored their murmurs as I quicken my pace. Can't stand praises, not used to it.

"Wait up-"


I looked backwards and saw the older twins jogging after me. I stopped to listen to what they have to say.


"Please follow us"

"Why?" I asked with an eyebrow raised but followed them nonetheless.

"Father asked-"

"For you to"

"Be patched up at our place." they both finished together.

'Oh, well at least I can change my clothes there then."

I gave them a grin, "Sure, lead the way." They both nodded before walking away and I followed after them.

Kimetsu~(chibi twins leading the way while chibi Mc follows)

We've reached the house and they opened the door as I follow behind them.

A room like Arai's storage room was revealed after the front door was opened, another door was in front of us which the twins promptly opened.

We entered the room, it was a living room, albeit slightly smaller than the Okitsu's.

"Ryu-san please-"

"Make yourself at home"

With that, they left me alone and jog towards a doorway in the living room. The kitchen perhaps?

I just went and sit in the middle of the room, not long after they exited from the kitchen carrying things.

Kin was carrying a rectangular basket while Gin was carrying a mortar and pestle. They approached me before putting the objects in front of me.

"Inside the basket-"

"Are some herbs"

"Ahh, thank you very much."

"Let us-"

"Help you"

"Never mind, I can do it myself, just give me a bit of a privacy"

They both nodded their heads, they stood up before heading outside, Kin however went to the storage room which is the one before the living room.

Gin just stood outside of the main door, soo enough Kin walked back to me carrying a fur jacket which he promptly gave me.

"Here you-"

"Go Ryu-san" Gin finishes the word from the outside the house.

I smiled at Kin, "thanks." Which earned me a small nod and a smile from him. He then turn around before walking out of the house.

Soon enough, I was alone to 'heal' myself.

'Alright, let's just do this and be done with it.'

Kimetsu~(Chibi Mc pounding the herbs with the pestle half naked)

I wrapped up the strips of clothes that was in the basket on my body, needless to say, under it were the herbs that was inside the basket alongside the clothes.

'Perhaps it's a hemostasis herbs of sorts? The original owner wasn't interested in becoming a doctor, so he didn't dab in herbs...no matter, I'm a demon, I don't need herbs.'

Now...time to change from these clothes...hopefully it'll be a good fit and not too baggy or tight.

Kimetsu~(Mc trying to wear the kimono)

Changing my clothes didn't take that long. The clothes was a bit loose but only a bit, it's no big deal. Also, this jacket is quite comfy.

I left the box, mortar and pestle alone, since they probably prefer to it away by themselves.

I stand up and walk towards the door. I opened it before going through and closing it again, I then repeat the same thing with the main door entrance.

I stepped outside and saw the two twins writing something on the ground with twigs, they turned their heads to look at me when I exited the house.

They both stood up before turning towards me.

"You done-"


I nod my head to their question, "Yes, let us be off." Both of them nodded their head before walking away, I of course followed behind them.

'..I had a thought to take of the cloth mask and show my face...but I cannot risk it.....then again, I don't see any wanted posters of me around the village or any visitors coming here announcing about it either...let's just play it safe for now.'

'Then again, this place is not the Kibutsuji's territory anymore since the mountain separates the domain between the Kibutsuji's and the Mezu's.

(A/N:Mezu literally means 'horse-face'...so yeah, you guys can probably imagine how they look like.)

"Ryu-san, we've-"

"Reached the-"

"Town center" they both finished together with an excited tone of voice.

I nod my head before looking in front of us. The town center was buzzing with life, fire lit the dark night and people were walking here and there, the smell of food was dominating the whole place.

Everyone had a happy expression on their face, children were playing around happily, parents were cooking and talking amongst them with joy and the elderlies are smiling and talking softly amongst themselves.

...this..I know it's not the same, but..it, it reminds me of home, of the modern world....that's when I got hit by reality check like a truck transporting people to another world.

...I can't go back..I, I can't go back home, no more internet, no more modern technologies, no more memes, games or hentai and porn..

I felt my cloth mask turn damp and sticking to my skin, I promptly touch it and found out that I was crying.

I quickly rubs my eyes with my hands, I then cup my whole face with both of my hands before I took deep breaths.


I then rub my whole face with my hands before removing them, I feel a bit better at least.

"Ryu-san are-"

"You okay?"

I look at the twins and saw them look at me with worry, I just gave them a smile, "It's fine, was just a bit tired. How about we go and meet the others? I can't wait to eat soon."

They both nod their heads before walking away, I of course follow behind them.

As we pass by the others, people look at us with curiosity, and when I say us, I mean me.

I heard whispers coming from all over once more but I just tuned it out. We reached the others not long after.

They all saw us and smile at us, the younger twins look excited and so happy when they saw the three of us coming.

We took our place and sat down on some stools that was prepared. The whole family was sitting close to each other and made a circle around a big fire.

I wanted to talk with them but a voice behind me stopped my action, "Has he arrived?"

I turned towards the voice and saw a small old man, clad in fur jacket with a white hair, looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

Beside him was a man as big as Arai, he was clad in fur jacket too and standing quietly next to the old man with a stoic expression.

Now that I look clearly, everyone is wearing a fur jacket, it's cold after all even with all this fire and heat.

"Yes, he has arrived, we can start the feast now." I heard Kibo's voice coming from behind me.

The old man then nods his head before turning towards the other villagers, the man next to him lowered his head, or to be exact, his ears towards the old man, the old man then whispered somthing into the man's ear, a whole later he nods his head before standing up straight once again.

He clears his throat before shouting in a loud voice, "Let us give thanks to the gods for their blessings and to the kindness a stranger had shown us today."

He then turns around towards us, or me to be exact before shouting, "Zarei!" Then a thud sound resounded in the whole place as every single villager that came kneel on the ground before bowing towards me.

(A/N:This is a picture of a Zarei, in the comment section, it's different from kowtow I think?)

"Thank you for your kindness Ryu-sama! We will forever be grateful to you!" the big man started.

"Thank you for your kindness Ryu-Sama! we will forever be grateful to you!" the villagers repeated his words and their combined voice filled the whole place.

I look at them for a moment before laughing loudly for a few seconds. They haven't raised their heads yet.

'So this is how 'respect' feels like huh? I can get used to it...also, everything's going according to keikaku...hehehe' I covered my mouth with my right hand in order to hide the grin I currently have on my face.

I then removed my hand after I calmed down a bit, I smiled at them softly before shouting loudly, "Enough! Raise your heads, I did it out of the whims of my heart, arise!"

Only after I said so did they raise their heads and stood up from their Zarei, but not before thanking me once again.

The big man then turn towards the villager once again, "Now! Let the feast, begin!" this made the the other villagers cheer loudly in excitement.

I then turn towards the Okitsu's and Akagiri's, it's time for a feast! And no, I'm not talking about eating them. We went through this already remember?

Kimetsu~(Mc a meat slowly with a smile on his face which turned strained instantlysince they still taste like rubber.)

The feast then entered a lull in atmosphere as people got more relaxed with time. I didn't even noticed when the old man who is actually the village chief approached and sit with us, of course, his son the big man next to him followed along.

"Ryu-san" the chief started after staring at me for quite some time.

"Yes?" I look back at him, I noticed him looking at me since the beginning, does he want something? I hope it's not something troublesome.

"I hope for a favor." Ah shit, the chief aren't one those type of people that ask for more after getting some help from you right? The ungrateful types?

"Could you take of your mask?" He asked me seriously.


"I wanted to see at least the face of the man that helped us all. You don't know this but our village is practically abandoned by our lord, we sent requests for help since the wolves appeared but Mezu-sama didn't send any help at all."

"Many of my friends died, they died in hunger and pain, suffering all till their dying breath. I, I really though we will die out of hunger and suffering too. Until you came that is."He closed his eyes in sadness tears flow down his before he wiped them away. He then opens them up once more before looking at me with seriousness.

"So, let me burn the face of the person who gave us help when we needed it the most in my memories please."

I gave it a brief thought, it seems plausible, let's just hope nothimg cliché like people who recognize me arriving in the village right after I take off my mask happens. It probably won't happen, right?....right?

I sigh, "very well, but only for. A brief moment." I then untie the cloth mask from my head before removing it completely.

The cool night air and warm heat from the fire hit my face and I nearly moaned out of comfiness.

The chief was looking at me with a smile, the two families were looking at me in curiosity as well, this is after all, their first time seeing my face.

I then suddenly heard the whooshing sound of something cutting through the air.

I turn towards the sound and saw an arrow shooting towards me, right on the head, I of course caught it easily.

That's when I heard a loud voice shouting with rage.


I the gave a frustrated sigh, "*sigh*, me and my loudmouth, also...how cliché"

Yeah....i haven't updated for so long...I was lazy okay!

Also, I was trying to come up with a plausible plot and development as well as doing some research okay? Hopefully it will be good enough to entertain y'all

Also this is the longest chapter I made yet, 4000+ my word...

Well, enjoy the food then, I'll try to fix my habit of slow update m'kay?

Hamsters! Rollout~

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts