
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Zero's Past Life: Memories of Love and Betrayal 2

The echoes of typing and computer sound that often filled the vast office floors of NexTech Solutions during the day were replaced by a haunting silence as night fell. It was on one such silent night that Zero, clad in his casual attire, hurriedly entered the building. His footsteps echoed in the deserted corridors, the only sign that the place was still alive.

He had left behind an essential file that he needed for a presentation the following week. With the weight of this responsibility pressing down on him, he barely noticed the change in the atmosphere, the quiet tension that seemed to hang in the air. It was only when he heard the low murmur of voices that he paused.

The sounds came from the direction of Mr. Donovan's opulent cabin. Donovan, the director, was a man of power and prestige, known for his ruthlessness as much as his business acumen. Curiosity and an inexplicable sense of dread compelled Zero to approach the door which, to his surprise, was slightly ajar.

Peeking in, the dim golden hue from the ornate lamp revealed a scene that would forever be etched in Zero's mind. Aria, her usually radiant face flushed, was wrapped in a close embrace with Donovan. Their proximity, the intimacy of the moment, struck Zero like a sledgehammer.

Trying to process what he was witnessing, he pressed himself closer to the door, inadvertently catching snippets of their hushed conversation.

"Aria," Donovan began, his voice dripping with a mix of charm and condescension, "why do you even bother with him? Zero is competent, sure, but he's nowhere near the top of his field."

Aria pulled back slightly, looking into Donovan's eyes. There was a pause, a moment where Zero hoped she would defend him, remind Donovan of the numerous occasions he had come to the company's rescue with his brilliance.

But instead, she responded with a soft chuckle, "Zero has his uses. He's hopelessly in love with me, and that can be... beneficial."

Donovan smirked, his fingers tracing the curve of Aria's cheek. "You could have so much more. Someone with power, wealth. Not an average Joe who's good with computers."

Aria leaned into Donovan's touch, her voice sultry. "I'm well aware of my choices. But sometimes it's fun to have a puppy dog trailing behind you, hanging onto your every word."

The raw pain of betrayal pierced Zero's heart. Every word was a stab, every chuckle a mockery of the love he had felt for Aria. The world around him seemed to blur as a cold, numbing feeling took over.

Gathering his composure, he pulled away from the door, every ounce of affection he had for Aria replaced by a chilling emptiness. Silently, he made his way to his cubicle, retrieved the file, and exited the building. The cold night air did little to alleviate the burning sensation in his chest.

La Belle Étoile was a restaurant known for its romantic ambiance, with dimly lit chandeliers, private alcoves, and soft piano melodies wafting through the air. It was where Zero had his first date with Aria and was a place imbued with a sense of sacred nostalgia. But tonight, the ambiance held a different tone, charged with tension and the promise of confrontation.

As Zero sat across from Aria, he tried to reconcile the memories of their beautiful past with the bitter realization of her betrayal. The elegance of her black dress, her hair pinned up to reveal the nape of her neck, seemed incongruous to the image of her laughing with Donovan.

"Aria," he began, his voice low and steady, though the weight of the moment made his heart race, "I saw you. With Donovan."

She looked up from her menu, feigning confusion. "What are you talking about, Zero?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes piercing into hers, "At the office. Today. I saw everything."

For a moment, there was a flicker of panic in Aria's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cold, calculating gaze. She leaned back in her chair, her fingers playing with the stem of her wine glass. "I guess I'm busted, huh?" she said with a shrug, her nonchalance sending a wave of anger through Zero.

"Why, Aria?" he demanded, his voice thick with emotion. "If you didn't love me, why did you accept my feelings?"

She laughed, a chilling, hollow sound. "Love? You think this was about love?"

Aria leaned forward, her hazel eyes widening with a mix of malice and amusement. "You were entertaining, Zero. Like a puppy dog, always eager to please. It was... fun."

Each word she uttered was like a dagger to his heart, but he wouldn't let her see him break.

"How can you be so cold?" he whispered, barely holding back his tears. "All those moments, the memories, the love... was it all a lie?"

Aria took a slow sip of her wine, allowing the deep red liquid to swirl around her mouth before swallowing. Zero's hands clenched beneath the table, the stark white tablecloth hiding his agitation.

"You remember our trip to the coast?" Zero questioned, his voice quivering with a mix of anger and sadness. "The promises we made under the stars? Were those just words to you?"

Aria smirked, her fingertips tracing the rim of her glass. "It was a nice getaway. Good food, beautiful scenery. As for promises," she chuckled, "they're as fleeting as the tide."

"You can't possibly mean that," Zero argued, trying to find some trace of the Aria he thought he knew. "What about the nights we'd talk for hours? The dreams we shared? The future we envisioned together?"

She leaned in, her voice dripping with condescension. "Oh, Zero, always the dreamer. Those moments? They were diversions. Pleasant ways to pass the time."

"I loved you, Aria," Zero murmured, raw pain evident in his voice. "Every smile, every touch, every whispered word. I cherished it all."

She raised an eyebrow, her amusement palpable. "And that was your mistake, wasn't it? Believing that something real could blossom from our little charade."

"Was any of it real for you?" Zero asked, desperation coloring his tone. He needed to understand, to make sense of the betrayal.

Aria paused, looking momentarily contemplative. "There were moments, I suppose," she began, "brief flashes of something genuine. But they were fleeting, and in the end, the thrill of the game always won out."

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "And Donovan?"

She smirked, her eyes glittering with mischief. "An opportunity too good to pass up. Power, wealth, influence – he has it all. Something you could never offer."

Zero's eyes darkened. "All this time, I thought our love was special. But to you, it was just another chapter in your twisted game."

Aria raised her glass in a mock toast. "To games, Zero. May you find one you're better suited to."

She smirked, a psychopathic glint in her eyes, "It was never love for me. It was a game, and you, dear Zero, were my favorite toy."

The soft clinking of cutlery and whispered conversations around them felt like a distant echo. The world seemed to shrink to just the two of them, locked in a battle of wills.

As Aria reveled in her power over him, Zero felt a rising sense of clarity. This was the end, and he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing him destroyed. With a final, searing gaze, he rose from the table, leaving behind not just Aria, but the remnants of a love that had never truly existed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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