
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Little sibling ??

Sunday morning arrived with a gentle caress of sunlight, filtering through the curtains of Zero's room. The digital numbers on the clock read 8:00 am as Zero yawned and stretched, the warmth of the new day coaxing him from his slumber. With a rejuvenating shower, he shook off the sleepiness in his eyes and descended the stairs.

In the cozy kitchen, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of warm pancakes. Zero's mother, Allysa, was at the stove, skillfully flipping pancakes onto a plate while humming a familiar tune. His father, John, sat at the table, engrossed in the morning newspaper. The clatter of utensils and the soft sizzle of cooking formed a gentle symphony that resonated with comfort and familiarity.

"Good morning, dear," Allysa greeted with a warm smile as Zero entered the kitchen. "Sleep well?"

Zero returned her smile and nodded. "Yes, Mother, like a log."

John looked up from his newspaper and offered a nod of acknowledgment. "Morning, Zero. Ready for the day?"

Zero took a seat at the table, "Absolutely, Father. It's going to be a productive one."

As breakfast was served, the family engaged in light conversation. Allysa shared anecdotes from her latest gardening endeavors, while John discussed a recent development at work. Zero contributed his own stories from school.

Zero's father then shifted his tone, his expression turning more serious. "Zero, there's something we need to discuss."

Zero observed his parents' faces, their sudden change in demeanor raising a wave of concern within him. He wondered about the nature of the impending conversation. In his mind, he pondered the possibilities – had something gone wrong in his regression? Were there unforeseen repercussions affecting his family? His thoughts raced as he tried to anticipate the topic at hand.

His father's lips curved into a small smile, accompanied by a soft chuckle. "Don't worry, it's not bad news."

Zero's mother chimed in, her laughter echoing in the room. "You should have seen your expression, Zero. It's not a dire matter."

A sense of relief washed over Zero as he realized that whatever it was, it wasn't a negative development. He met his parents' gazes, curiosity mixing with intrigue. "Alright, you've piqued my interest. So, what's the wonderful news?"

His father's smile broadened, revealing a warmth that melted away Zero's anxiety. "Well, Zero, you're going to have a little sibling soon."

The words hung in the air for a moment, their significance sinking in. Zero's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind struggling to process the unexpected revelation. In his previous life, the concept of siblings hadn't existed, and now, here he was, confronted with the reality of a new family dynamic.

His mother joined in the laughter, her joy contagious. "Your face is priceless, Zero. You're going to be a big brother."

The realization hit him like a wave, leaving him momentarily speechless. He looked at his parents, his astonishment gradually giving way to a mixture of surprise and excitement. "A sibling? Seriously?"

His father nodded with a grin, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Yes, seriously. We just found out recently. We're not sure if it's going to be a little brother or a little sister, but we're thrilled."

His mother's laughter was infectious as she added, "And you better be prepared for some diaper-changing duty, mister!"

Zero's mind raced, processing the newfound information. Siblings – a concept that had been alien to him until now. He let out a chuckle, a blend of disbelief and amazement in his voice. "I... I never thought I'd hear that. This is incredible."

"And I'm not changing diapers" Zero continued.

His father's tone turned more playful. "Well, we thought it was quite lonely for you Zero, So we decided to have another one, What do you think zero?"

Zero's astonishment gradually transformed into a warm smile. "I think it's amazing, Father. I mean, I didn't even consider having siblings before, but now I'm really looking forward to it."

His mother's smile mirrored his own as she reached across the table to pat his hand affectionately. "We're glad to hear that, Zero. And don't worry, you'll be a fantastic big brother."

The family fell into a comfortable silence, the atmosphere light and full of joy. It was Zero's father who broke the silence. "So, since we're on the topic, any ideas for names, Zero? We haven't decided anything yet."

Zero tilted his head thoughtfully, "Names, huh? How about Leo if it's a boy? It's strong and resonates leadership."

His mother looked pleasantly surprised. "Leo. I like that. It has a certain charm to it. And for a girl?"

Zero chuckled, "Hmm, maybe Lea? It sounds sweet and has a similar ring to Leo."

His father laughed, "Keeping it in the 'L' family, are you? Well, both are great suggestions."

His mother's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Though, of course, if it's a girl, we could always name her 'Zeroette'."

Zero's eyes widened in mock horror, "Mother! Please don't do that to her. It's challenging enough having a name like Zero!"

The family burst into laughter, the room filled with the warm sound of their shared amusement.

Once the chuckles subsided, Zero's father grew serious. "Speaking of preparations, I was hoping you could help me this afternoon, Zero."

Zero raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sure, Father. What do you need help with?"

His father took a deep breath, "We've decided to convert the storage room into a nursery for the baby. But, as you know, it's been a while since we last cleaned it out. I could use some assistance getting it in order."

Zero nodded understandingly, "Of course, I'll be there. We can start right after breakfast if that works for you?"

His father's face lit up in appreciation, "That would be perfect. And you know, with both of us on it, it should take no time at all."

His mother smiled warmly, "Thank you, Zero."

The conversation then transitioned to more lighthearted topics. They discussed possible colors for the nursery, toys, and other necessities they'd need. Zero was amazed at how much preparation went into welcoming a new member into the family.

As they chatted, Zero couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement. The thought of having a sibling, of being a big brother, was new and thrilling. He knew that life would change, and challenges would arise, but he was ready to face them head-on.

By the time they finished their meal, a plan was set into motion. The storage room would be cleared out, painted, and refurnished.

The storage room was situated at the far end of their residence, a place not frequently visited, and hence it had transformed into a sanctuary for old memories, discarded objects, and a thick layer of dust. The room itself was sizable, with a wooden floor now dulled from lack of care and high ceilings that held cobwebs in each corner. The solitary window in the room was streaked with grime, allowing only a muted glow of the afternoon sun to seep in.

As Zero stepped into the room, a cloud of dust rose, making him sneeze. His father chuckled, "Been quite a while, hasn't it? I believe we'll be sneezing a lot today."

Zero grinned, "Seems so. Where should we start, Father?"

His father surveyed the room, then pointed to a corner stacked with old boxes. "How about we start there? We can sort through things and decide what to keep, throw, or donate."

As they delved into their task, Zero stumbled upon a wooden frame covered in dust. Curious, he wiped it clean and was greeted with a beautiful painting. It was an abstract piece, with swirling blues and purples, dotted with shimmering stars. There was a touch of whimsy in it, with shadows of celestial creatures hidden within the colors.

"Father, look at this" Zero exclaimed, holding up the painting for his father to see.

His father's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, that's one of your mother's early works. I remember she painted that shortly after we were married. She used to have such a passion for art before life got...busy."

Zero traced the strokes gently, marveling at the hidden talent his mother possessed. "It's beautiful. Why did she stop painting?"

His father sighed, a distant look in his eyes. "You know how it is, Zero. Life happens. Responsibilities pile up. She had to prioritize other things over her art."

'don't worry father after I'm done with my company, I'll make sure both of you can do whatever you want' Zero thought while smiling.

The two shared a silent moment, appreciating the masterpiece. Zero carefully placed the painting to the side, deciding it was too precious to remain hidden in the storage room.

As they continued clearing, they found more paintings, each unique and breathtaking in its own way. Some portrayed serene landscapes, others had vibrant cityscapes, and a few were of abstract designs similar to the first one Zero had discovered.

In between their sorting, Zero and his father shared memories, tales of the past, and dreams for the future. They talked about the new sibling, the potential changes, and how their family dynamics would evolve. It was a bonding experience.

His father, pulling out an old tricycle, laughed, "Remember this, Zero? You used to zoom around the house on this, knocking over everything in your path."

Zero chuckled, "Oh, I was quite the menace, wasn't I?"

The hours seemed to fly by. By the time they decided to call it a day, the storage room looked vastly different. The clutter had been reduced significantly, and there was now space to start visualizing it as a nursery.

Determined to showcase his mother's artistry, Zero proposed, "Father, how about we hang some of these paintings in the nursery? It'd be a wonderful way to introduce art to the little one early on."

His father smiled, nodding in agreement, "I think your mother would love that."

After cleaning up the room, the two exited the room, leaving behind not just an organized space but also memories refreshed and bonds strengthened.

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So sorry for the inconsistent schedule, I have a lot of exams currently!

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