
The Second Chance of Mira [Tempest Heart]

Mira died because she was stupid enough to trust the people around her. Her reputation, her career, her identity and her... Marriage. All of it disappeared while she was powerless to do anything. At death's door, she swore that if she could restart it all, she would change everything. She wouldnt fall in love with the same man. Now given another chance, she vowed that she will get the happiness that she deserves and definitely live a good life. Screw everyone who wronged her in the past! [tags: weak to strong FL, school life, friendship, returning to past, fantasy]

Jammiru · General
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52 Chs

Anonymous Love Letters

".... Really?"

Mira nodded.

Justin Torres. Sophie's boyfriend since their first year of highschool. To other people, this guy must be undeserving of someone like Sophie; he is unapproachable and he always gets into fights but Mira knows how good this guy is. Sure, he might not be the perfect and charming prince that everyone wants for Sophie, nonetheless, Justin is a good guy.

Since Mira experienced the future, she also knows how strong the relationship of these two is.

Sophie laughed upon seeing Jamie's reaction. She flipped through Mira's notebook and said. "I'll be borrowing this then."

She checked the contents of Mira's notes, then she stopped and stared at it.

"This handwriting... I've seen it before."

They stopped what they are doing and looked at Sophie.

Kang Jun spoke."What are you saying, you've known Mira since first year, of course her handwriting would be familiar to you. You might have seen it somewhere."

"No no no. Im pretty sure its not like that. Where have I seen it?"

Sophie racked her brain trying to remember. Then she stopped, her eyes becoming serious. She went to get something in her bag and returned to them with something clutched in her hand.

It was a letter.

Song Yi opened the letter and brought it close to Mira's notebook to compare the handwriting. It was identical.

"Was it you?!" Song Yi asked Mira. She didnt shout while saying this, her voice still controlled but since their class was never the type to be too noisy, everyone in the classroom heard her. People stopped to watch them but Sophie didn't care about that.

Mira's heart grew cold. She clenched her fist. "What do you mean Sophie?"

Sophie threw the letter in her desk. "These letters, did they came from you?!"

"Hey Sophie, why are you getting mad at Mira suddenly? What is it?" Kang jun frowned.

"Someone have been sending Justin love letters for a year now. He's also been receiving anonymous gifts. Do you know how infuriating some contents of the letters are? So I dont deserve Justin huh? So Im an annoying bitch huh?!"

Justin went to them and held Sophie but she shrugged him off. "Do you know how creepy it is? The whole school knows that he's my boyfriend but he's been getting gifts here and there and those letters suddenly appeared everywhere. If the girl who's been sending him this is not a damn stalker, then what is she?"

Now the whole class is watching them. Even Kang Jun and Jamie is staring at her questioningly.

Her heart cold, Mira stood up to say something. "It wasn't like that."

"But these are in your handwriting. I've already looked into the handwriting of the others and only yours matches with this."

Mira looked at Jenny. Jenny was just watching them, her eyes full of contempt. Mira smiled bitterly. So she still did this. Thats right, the love letters sent to Jimin are the ones that she wrote for Jenny. In the past, this incident distanced her further from her classmates, to the point that only Jenny will talk to her.

When Jenny saw her looking at her, her face changed from cold to panicked. She shook her head at Mira, her face begging her not to tell anything. What a perfect act. If Mira says that it was Jenny's, she will only deny it. And with her perfect acting, everyone will believe her and Mira will be labeled a stalker. That's exactly what happened in the past. In the end, Jenny only apologized to her, Mira forgave her and and she became a social outcast.

But Mira will never let the same thing happen again. If she didn't learn anything, she might as well jump off a cliff again right now.

"Its true... That I wrote it." Mira admitted.

The whole class was shocked. They never expected her to admit it. Even Jamie is staring at her incredulously.

Mira continued. "But.. I only wrote it because someone asked me to. Basically, the letters are not from me."

"Well, who is it?" Sophie asked.

Their other classmates were waiting for her excuse.

"It was... It was.. That.. I couldnt say." Mira pretended to fidget in nervousness, but deliberately looked at Jenny, then looked away.

In that instance, everyone knew.