
The Second Chance of Mira [Tempest Heart]

Mira died because she was stupid enough to trust the people around her. Her reputation, her career, her identity and her... Marriage. All of it disappeared while she was powerless to do anything. At death's door, she swore that if she could restart it all, she would change everything. She wouldnt fall in love with the same man. Now given another chance, she vowed that she will get the happiness that she deserves and definitely live a good life. Screw everyone who wronged her in the past! [tags: weak to strong FL, school life, friendship, returning to past, fantasy]

Jammiru · General
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52 Chs

"No, Never."

"Thanks for the food!" Kang Jun called out while rubbing his stomach.

Mira worriedly looked at the bill in Jamie's hands. It was quite outrageous since Kang Jun made sure to order all the best and most expensive dishes. "Will you be fine Jamie?"

Jamie glared at Kang Jun before nodding.

"Do you need help in paying?" Kang Jun grinned.

"No need." She snarled before asking the counter. "Do you accept cards?" She presented a gold card to them.

Kang Jun whistled when he saw this. "I would have ordered more if I knew that you have a card like that."

"Im glad that you didn't know then, shameless."

After they paid for everything, they walked slowly to the bus station. It was already dark and the streets are already bustling with night life. Mira smiled in contentment while walking.

Luigi nudged her. "Thanks for inviting me."

"Thats nothing. I owe you anyway." Mira said, flustered.

Eugine who is walking a few steps away from her is looking at the surroundings curiously. He tried to keep himself from looking at the girl walking beside him.

"I almost forgot, I need to drop by at the pharmacy." Sophie suddenly said.

Justun looked at his girlfriend. The usually indifferent expression is gone, replaced with a gentleness that is only reserved for Sophie.

"Is it for your mother?" He asked.

Sophie nodded. "Do you guys mind if we stopped by a pharmacy?"

They all looked at each other before shrugging.

"That's fine. Let's go."

They stayed at the sidewalk while waiting for Sophie and Justin to come out of the pharmacy. Mira stared at the sky, her heart feeling content. She felt someone staring at her so she looked to see who it was.

Her eyes met Eugine's.

Stupidly, Mira's calm heart started to beat fast and loud that it seems to drown everything else.

"What is it?" He asked.

As if slapped, Mira hastily averted her eyes before shaking her head. She realized that she's been staring at him for too long.

Stupid. Stupid. She kept on telling herself.

Fortunately, Sophie and Justin came out. Mira found a reason to avoid Eugine's piercings gaze.

"Thanks guys. Lets go." Sophie called out.

They started walking, but maybe because of Eugine's presence beside her that her heart once again became restless. Her eyes keeps on darting around. She looked back to see Luigi talking something about schoolwork to Justin, with Sophie clinging to the latter's arm, and also noticing a group of boys walking behind them. They turned in a corner, before stopping.

There was a group of boys blocking the street.

"Hey Justin. How have you been?" The one in the front of the group asked.

Justin's expression became serious. "Lets go the other way." He said.

"Hey! Im still talking to you, you bastard! Dont run away!" That guy shouted but they ignored him. They turned around and prepared to walk fast, but once again stopped.

Another group of boys were blocking the other side of the street.

Mira realized that they were the ones she saw a while ago. They are wearing the same uniform as the ones who first blocked them. She recognised their uniform, remembering that it belonged to an all-boys school near ISOA. She looked worriedly around their surroundings. Most of the shops in this streets are closed and under renovation.

"I told you right, we're still talking." The leader of the group said.

Luigi pulled Mira behind him, with Jimin doing the same to Song Yi. "Hey Justin, what's this? Do you know them?"

"They're from St. Anthony." Jimin answered.

"Hey hey hey, is this the group you had trouble with two weeks ago?" Kang Jun asked, while trying to pull Jamie who slapped his hand away.

"I can protect myself." She said.

"Who are these people? Are they your friends? Hey Justin, introduce us to them." The leader said while grinning.

Justin coldy looked at him. "You sure are talkative today. How's you teeth? You lost some of them right?"

Jamie looked at Justin as if he was an idiot. "I dont think goading him is a good idea."

"We're also outnumbered. There's twelve of them, there's seven of us. Not to mention three of us are girls." Kang Jun said.

Kang Jun looked at Eugine who is standing quietly at the side.

"Do you know how to fight? Have you ever been in a fight like this before?" He asked.

Eugine paused.

"No. Never."

Kang Jun froze when he heard his answer. Even Luigi and Justin stared at him incredulously. What kind of male highschool student have never experienced fighting? As a child, its normal to get into fights right?

"Not even once? Have you ever punched someone?"

Eugine didn't answer, but the answer was obvious. Truth to be told, Euginw was extremely aloof, even as a child. His father and mother dabbled in Business and Medicine, so he grew up being taught how to settle things without violence.

"We'll try to get past them then. We'll run when we get the chance." Jamie muttered under her breath.

They all nodded.

The leader's face became ugly when he saw that he's being ignored. "Your friends are also rude huh. I told you that you'll pay for beating me up right? You have beautiful friends there. Maybe we'll talk after we beat the crap out of you."

He nodded at his lackeys. "Get them."

Sorry for grammar errors and typos. Sankyu for reading. *-*

btw. Who do you think is the male lead? XD

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