
The Sea-Witch's Tale

This is the story of a girl from our world waking up as the sea-witch of the little mermaid. Ursula Weiss lives with her grandmother in a small house at the edge of the cliff. Their humble abode sits upon the border of the Kingdom of Atlantea and Kingdom of Ecrin. One day as Ursula does her regular walks on the seashore she notices a mermaid trying to save a human male, that's when she realizes that she may have been reborn to a parallel world where fairy tales exists.

azchrrynn · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue: The tales we grew up with.

When we're children we listen to different versions of fairytales. Like how Cinderella's sisters cut off their toes to fit in her shoes, or how it wasn't actually a shoe that she lost but rather a corset.

We also heard about Snow White and her stepmother and the different types of modern movie adaptations we've watched a million times.

Then there's also sleeping beauty, where they always seem to forget to invite the evil fairy Maleficent to the party.

And last but not the least, the Little Mermaid. The poor mermaid who fell in love with a human, depending on which version you've read or heard, either becomes seafoam when she couldn't carve out her beloved's heart or they kill the sea-witch who ordered her to do so.

In this parallel world called Asteria, these fairy tales come to life. It may not be the same story you've heard or read before but that doesn't mean they're not real.