
The Sea is Free and so are We

Lee was Givin a once in a lifetime opportunity and took it without hesitation. but that's not what's important right now to his story. What is, is his journey at sea to build a new future for himself. Now with the one wish to be the person who he always wanted to be, no longer holding back his desires. R 18, harem family building story and some AU elements [Warning some trap m/m and Yuri f/f content]

Leekz02 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8

Sura was cute.

The kind of cute that makes straight men see rainbows. The kind of cute that made me honestly wonder how someone could just let him go from their crew. A soft, rounded face with girlish, almost innocent features, the face that a man would return home for after months out at sea… and here he was.

Lee was not the sort of person that would ever waste an opportunity. That's how he got to where he was in the first place! See an opportunity to seize fame, glory, fortune, freedom, everything anyone could've ever wanted, grab onto it with both hands, and never let go, chase it to the ends of the earth, or in this case, the ends of the ocean, if you must! Who cares if it's dangerous, who cares if it's unusual, who cares what people think?

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the journey, and enjoying the fuck out of it!

"I don't know if I'm a pervert or if I'm just too horny to care," Reiju said, "but I really want to watch you destroy this cute boy."

"That's great, because right now, I can think of nothing else than wrecking Sura," Lee agreed.

"That doesn't sound ominous at all!" Sura said, trembling in place, slim, thin legs not taking a single step back, despite his clear apprehension. "I- I- my heart isn't ready for this, and my entire body feels funny just-" he shook his head, raising his hand to look at it, clearly shocked at the sight of precum coating his own hand, having masturbated to the sight of the Captain of the ship screwing the newest join. "This isn't right… I'm not- I'm not like this- I'm gonna turn into a pervert…"

"That means you'll fit right in," Lee said, a grin on his face. "Now stop fooling yourself, and give me your butt already," he said, gesturing with his hand for Sura to join him. "I didn't go through the trouble and expense of making these captain's quarters for them to go unused."

"I'm going to need so many explanations for how any of this works," Sura said. "I- I'm- I don't know if I'm ready," he said, face as red as a tomato, moving his legs to take him away from the place of doubt. "So I'll, uhm, be going-"

"Your mouth's saying no," Lee said, as he put his hands on Sura's upper arm and shoulders, and pulled him close, "but you're obediently coming up to your captain to be ravished."

As Lee pulled Sura up to the bed, Reiju took the opportunity to move away, giving them room and space, moving about and taking care of the matters of the room for them as the captain and the shiphand came close to one another, the muscular, dark skinned and tall frame of the captain casting a heavy contrast against the small, slight, girlish and svelte frame of the shiphand, with his pale skin and light colored hair… it was like yin and yang, black and white, innocence and lustful desire.

"Hiiii, I, aaahhhh I didn't-" Sura trembled in the captain's arms, but before he could say much of anything, his chin was caught, his face was tilted up and at just the correct angle, and his parted lips mashed against the captain's, Lee's tongue going past to meet Sura's own, the two sharing an intense, searing kiss that was making Sura's toes curl, and his entire body tremble.

He was like putty, melting in the hot and powerful embrace of a man, larger and bigger than him in many aspects, stronger, manlier – in some ways, it was humiliating and pathetic to be dominated so thoroughly and completely like this, just by the mere event of skin to skin contact, of a kiss.

But the grand majority of Sura couldn't even comprehend thought, because his brain was getting fried from the intensity of the kiss.

Their lips parted, a strand of saliva connecting their tongues for a few moments, but it broke off, staining Sura's dress and apron a little. Lee pulled him fully onto the bed, and laid him on his back in the middle of it, hiking up the small shiphand's skirt to reveal he was still wearing the underpants he had let out his slippery precum all over.

Lee grinned at the sight of his small cock, erect and hard as steel. "So cute," he muttered, "you really are way too cute," he said, "I can't help but want to make you mine," he added, hooking his fingers around the waistband of Sura's underwear, pulling it down, fingers and palms sliding along the unbelievably soft and smooth skin that was difficult to believe was a young lad's skin.

The crotch of the underwear was almost glued to Sura's little penis, and the skin stretched a bit as Lee insistently pulled down, but soon it was pulled off, and soon, the pair of underwear was completely off of Sura's body, tossed away into the room. Neither paid attention to where it ended, though Lee of course noticed the third person in the room taking care of it for them.

For Lee, putting on a show was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. He lived with three women, all of his life, for whom privacy was someone else's problem, who cared little about propriety, and who could, each in their own way, be known to be incredibly showy and boastful. To him, performing in front of others was no problem whatsoever, something he'd come to terms with ages ago. It was even a little bit exciting on its own.

Lee moved until he was between Sura's legs, and the contrast of his dark, tanned skin and his burly, manly shaft put next to the tiny, adorable and almost childish penis the size of one of his fingers that his shiphand sported was almost comical. He pressed down, the upper half of his shaft enough to cover Sura's balls and dick, and the weight and heat of it causing Sura to shudder and tremble.

"Ngnh- that feels weeeird!" Sura called out. "Captain, I feel strange- it's like-"

"You can feel it huh?" Lee said, one of his hands reaching down to his face, cupping his cheek. "You're really talented for this, a natural born seducer," Lee called. "A pretty face, a cute dick, a fantastic butt, amazing legs and a naturally submissive and sexy personality, you're really a gem," he said, sounding more boastful than amazed. "I'm a lucky man, Sura. You know what luck is?"

"I-" Sura blinked. "I guess? When good things happen at random, right?" Sura asked, his voice trembling a bit, eyes a bit misty and breath coming in ragged and fast.

"No," Lee said, running his thumb over Sura's lips. "Luck is opportunity meeting preparation," he said. "You're an opportunity and this," he moved his hips forward and pressed his cock harder against Sura's crotch, "is preparation," he said, ignoring the snort coming from behind, and then pulling back, sliding along Sura's slick and wet cock.

Sura shivered. "Captain-" he cried out. "Will it hurt?"

"Deliciously," Lee said. "Just relax, and let me do all the work," he said, "I'll make you cum your cute little brains out, and show you just how deep the perks of this pirate crew run," he said.

Sura put a hand at a bit past his navel, and Lee realized at that point, he was measuring it himself. His expression of anticipation, excitement and a little bit of fear was tremendously excited, especially as Lee spread Sura's legs with his own, raising them and putting his tight, puckered little butthole on display.

With one hand on his cock and the other on Sura's thighs and crotch, he began to press the tip of his cock against the tightly closed butthole that the shiphand was teasing him with, and it even seemed to respond with pecks and kisses on his tip.

"Ahhn, that feels weird," Sura said.

"You know," Lee said, his lips curling up into the meanest, most fierce grin that Sura had ever seen on anyone, "for someone who's been pretending to be an innocent little virgin," he said, "you sure have one REALLY sexy and willing asshole!"

"Ngnh, eeeh!? Nonononono waiiiiieeeeeeee~!!!"

Lee didn't give him a moment to breathe, pushing past Sura's tight, sealed asshole, spearing through his resistance and forcing his way inside. He was slick and wet, not just from his previous activities, but also from coming into contact with Sura's own overflowing penis, and even so it still was unbelievably tight, his tight little ass seemingly taking a moment to cope with the situation, shock alone preventing it from reacting only long enough for Lee to find his way down to the depths of his bowels.

And then his ass CLENCHED.

And the caps were necessary, Sura went from being open and ready to receive to being monstrously tight in a single, solitary moment, and it was wonderful, the tightness of his hot insides went up to surpass even Reiju's pussy. Assholes weren't naturally self-lubricated enough for penetration, but Sura was even a natural on that front, the combination of the fluids on Lee's dick and on Sura's insides making it easy to pull back even as his internal muscles tried to strangle Lee's fat cock.

As the Captain pulled his dick out he scrapped all the sensitive spots within Sura and the boy let out a sharp cry, jaw almost hanging open as he drooled and rolled his eyes up, his small dick twitching and shaking for a few moments.

It was time already, and Lee had to resist the urge to burst out laughing, because he too was close. If he lost control of his body and muscles, this unbelievably tight boy butt might actually cause a rather unexpected discharge, and Lee was entirely too competitive to ever let himself come apart that easily!

He held the boy down, one hand on Sura's thigh, the other on his shoulder, leaning down to look down upon him from above, their noses almost meeting. The blue haired boy opened his eyes and stared deeply in to Lee's for a few brief seconds, breathing heavily.

"Now cum," Lee said, pecking Sura's lips as he pushed his cock all the way back in again, then mashing his lips down onto Sura's for a fierce kiss as the shiphand lost all control of himself, his little dick spewing cum out almost like a firehose, pearly white cock juice launching between the two of them, plastering to Sura's flat tummy and Lee's abs.

Not that the captain stopped at all, no, he continued, pulling back, then pushing himself all the way back in again, sawing in and out of the shiphand's asshole like it was a pussy, because it might as well be, an asspussy, a boypussy even, truly a marvel of physical aptitude, a hole meant for pleasuring men's cocks even more so than a pussy…

The cute boy had only been picked up on a whim, Lee had just acted on impulse, but what an amazingly well timed decision to make, he was a fantastic fuck!

"That's it, cum even more!!" Lee shouted, his hand moving from Sura's leg to the small dick that was even now flopping about as Lee thrust into the boipussy he was fucking so fiercely, catching the flapping dicklet with two of his fingers and immediately beginning to stroke it. The shaft itself was hard as a rock, it was really cute and the faces and cries Sura made as it was played with even more so. "Nghn, fuck, your ass is amazing, you're cumming again!?"

The stimulation was incredibly intense, and it was only body control techniques learned from dozens of hours of training and which had shattered many a plate that allowed Lee to keep a measure of control, but he didn't even want to anymore. "Nnyhooo, dun wanna~ Kahpteen~ Khuhk, kyum~ wiff mee~!" Sura begged in a small, girlish voice.

"If you beg me so cutely!!! I can't say no!!!!" Lee roared, "here it comes, enjoy your prize, take all of my cum right up your tight ass!"

With a powerful shout, almost reminiscent to the powers that affected the world by will alone, Lee slammed himself deeply and fully, the slapping sound of skin on skin almost like a sonic boom as the two bodies met each other, semen gushing forth from Lee's cum tanks and right into the shiphand's eagerly waiting insides, his asshole going crazy, desperately clinging to and trying to swallow even more of Lee's cock, helping the gushing semen along as it was deposited deep within the shiphand, whose tummy even seemed to grow a little as he was filled up.

Panting, the two lavished in the afterglow for all of about eight seconds, before the door was slammed open.

"I'm back, landlubbers!"

"Drake the fuck!?" Lee shouted. "Can't you see that I'm busy here?!"

"Oops, my bad," Drake said.

"Guuhg, heehehee… kahpteen~ yer kyum~ so hoooot~ ah'fyel~ flowtee~" Sura gurgled, his eyes closing as exhaustion, physical, emotional and sexual, finally took him over.

Only then did Lee realize just how massive Sura's final orgasm was, covering almost the entirety of the small shiphand's chest and stomach in thick, sticky white cum.

Drake whistled. "Sheesh that boyo's got some nuts on him huh," she said, putting her hands on her hips. "Anyway, if you're done with that- oh hey, new crew member?" she asked, looking at Reiju. "Or just harem?"

"Both," Lee said. "I'll explain the matters on that latter. Where've you been!?" he asked. "Also Reiju could you-"

"Right on it, Captain," Reiju said, tossing Lee a rag. Lee pulled out of Sura, and the gushing cum from his ass actually managed to get onto Lee as he moved off, wiping at his crotch and upper body with the rag before tossing it on top of Sura's crotch. "He's going to have to clean this up isn't he?"

"Well it's his mess," Lee said with a grin.

"I'll take him to get cleaned up," Reiju said. "I can see you need to talk seriously now," she added. "We'll probably go through a number of pots… anyway," she said, "have fun!" she said, waving briefly.

"Try not to molest him too much," Lee said.

"I'm not you, you dirty minded pervert," Reiju called, as she grabbed Sura and went about retiring for the time being.

"Normally this is where I would hop on the showers and turn a quick shower into a quickie in the shower," Lee said, "but I'm a bit tuckered out, you'll understand."

Drake barked laughter. "You're not ready for me yet anyway, boyo," she said, making a fingergun gesture. "Get clean and come see me."

Doing exactly that, Lee got himself clean, made sure he didn't stink of sex, as best as he could anyway, and then went to meet Drake. Luckily, the boat was big enough to have a meeting room, complete with a big table to lay down maps in. Convenience, in long term seafaring journeys, was precious and very important.

Lee had spent much of his time and money making sure his little enhanced caravel of a ship could be considered among the most comfortable places to spend months at a time in. It may never be a luxury liner, top of the line and cutting edge, but he did have a lot of people to rely on to improve and enhance the designs of ships to the level of almost magical bullshit. It was still sometimes hard to walk if the sea got choppy, but for the most part? Few would even realize they were out at sea if they spent too long under the deck… okay maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration.

Cleaned up, changed and ready to face the music, Lee entered the office room, to find Drake and Cologne already there, the latter of whom was inexplicably knitting.

"Did we even have knitting supplies on board?" Lee asked as soon as he saw her doing so.

Cologne hummed. "I am very efficient, husband," she spoke, looking more than a bit smug. She put away the supplies, stood up and stretched. She did make some of her own clothes, as finding the traditional style of the amazons in the East Blue was a fool's errand. Maybe if they went to that one island- nah, different kinds of Amazons, Lee corrected himself.

Speaking of which, she looked quite good in red and green, intricate designs of serpents and birds lining the hem of her green shirt in red thread, a red headband with a paper flower as an adornment sitting on top of her head.

"You're looking at me with those eyes again," Cologne said, humming. "Make sure you don't overextend, husband – I am no mere slut that will be satisfied like that little boy," she said. "You know the kind of man you need to be for me."

"Yeah I do," Lee agreed. "And I'll show you, 'master'," he said with a grin. "But not now. Drake," he said, turning to his fellow captain, though of course, it'd been a while since she commanded a vessel now. "You wanted to report right?"

"Yeah, yeah," Drake said.

She was seated on a chair that was a bit too small to contain her, leaning back. Her sleeveless coat allowed her pits to be seen as she rested her head on her hands, feet kicked up on the big table.

"So where've you been?" Lee asked.

"So, when we were getting attacked, I was tracking down the source of the enemies," Drake said, waving her hand, "had to dive underwater, not the first time I've had to hold my breath for a while, and I did find the bay they were being shot from. Submarine, go figure," she said. "I infiltrated it, but there were only what appeared to be brainwashed puppets aboard, not a single thought across all of them," she said, closing her eyes and smiling bitterly. "I thought I was gonna steal us a submarine, but it must've had a self-destruct or something because it blew right up, and it stranded me," she said.

"Good thing small brains don't require a lot of oxygen," Cologne sniped, covering her mouth in a faux demure fashion as if she was pretending she hadn't just said what she had just said.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up," Drake snorted herself, "I'm no newbie to the role of the clown," she spoke. "Anyway, so in my investigation, and based on what I learned before the sub exploded on me-"

Lee thought back for a moment. The sub exploded..? Ooooh…. Ooooooooooh… well shit, he thought to himself.

"-we were being attacked by some dudes that called themselves Vinsomething, Vinstroke?" she said.

"Vinsmoke," Lee said, simply. "Now take it with a grain of salt, been like two decades since I last had the info and it's very foggy, but they're a kingdom from the New World, they have a clone project, that's probably what you ran into, clones with limited brain capacity," he said.

"Yeah that makes sense," Drake said. "They were really weak. Something we need to worry about longterm?" she asked. "Doesn't seem like it's our problem so far, they were attacking the restaurant boat."

"Might be," Lee admitted. "That's where Reiju's from, as well as her brother" he added. "Now they normally shouldn't be around these parts, but like I said, been a really long time and besides a lot of my knowledge's probably worthless by now. Well, didn't plan to try to stick to that shit and not make a splash in the first place, so who really gives a shit?" Lee laughed. "If the Germa 66 wants to come dance, I'll use their ribcages as a xylophone like this is an 80s cartoon."

"I have on idea what that is," Drake said, "but it sounds zany."

"Very zany," Cologne agreed. "I've done my own investigation, especially since the incident that resulted in us coming into contact with her and Sanji," she spoke, flicking her long dark blue hair back behind her shoulder, then leaning forward onto the table, linking her fingers, resting her chin on them with a smile. "We will definitely see them again. Best to prepare for a more concerted effort considering how poorly the last one went."

"Nothing we can't handle, but I'll have to pick up my training intensity," Lee said.

"I'll get on that. I suppose you'll also want me to help the Vinsmoke girl along her journey? She's got potential," Cologne spoke. "A bit reliant on her tools – but I can teach her methods to imitate their effects to make her less dependent on them, especially with her ability with poisons, it's quite an intriguing trait."

Drake flicked one of the tips of her tricorne hat, almost knocking her off, tilting it up. She directed a grin at Lee. "And I can imagine that you're going to be looking for more crew members that are gonna bring us even more trouble," she said, then adopted a much thicker accent. "Bet ye'r jus' as excited as me, eh cap'n?"

"You're damn right I am!" Lee said.

"Alright then, let's set course for our next stop!" Drake said. "I can already guess where we're going."

"Yep, time to work on making a name for ourselves," Lee said. "I can't ride your coattails all the time after all!" he said, grabbing a chair, putting it in front of him, stepping on it and resting his elbow on his raised knee, raising the other hand, gathering his chi on it, and slamming it on the table, causing energy to burst and the table to shake. Demonstrating its incredible toughness and excellent worksmanship, the table didn't even crack as he did this. "I'm not satisfied with just this, after all! There's no way that a small harem and a little bit of fun is enough for me!"

"Is your ambition growing too large, I wonder?" Cologne muttered, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sure I can rely on you to make sure my reach grows alongside my ambition," Lee said, looking at her. "I'll be trusting my back to you, so support me, my extremely hot amazing amazon of a wife," he said with a wink.

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me, husband. You don't need to anyway, I agreed to follow you a long time ago, and to truly be the husband of an amazon, you must be a truly great man," Cologne responded.

"Alright then, I suppose this debriefing is concluded then!" Lee said.

"You never did say where we're going next," Drake said.

Lee chuckled, moving away from the table, turning around and then heading to the door to exit the meeting room. He adjusted his own hat on top of his head and the hair tie that kept his hair out of the way, before he did a grand, theatric shrug, starting with his shoulders and ending with even his hands. They didn't see it, but he had a placid, almost goofy smile on his face.

"We'll figure that part out as we go," he said, turning his face to look at the two from over his shoulder. "You two should be getting prepared, though. I'll become a man worthy of bedding the both of you before you know it," he said.

"Together? What a scoundrel," Drake said, "I like that drive and greed."

Cologne nodded. "Well then, I'll be looking forward to this, husband," she spoke. "I do believe you have a way with your tongue, Sir Drake," she said.

"Oh I'll show you why Lizzie liked me so much, you sexy amazon," Drake responded, winking at Cologne.

Laughing, Lee stepped away, clenching his fist. "I might not know what's going to happen in the future," he muttered to himself, "but that just makes everything that much more exciting," he said, facing forward and walking with purpose.

As he walked, however, there was a nagging feeling of curiosity in him.

He had met Sanji and Zoro, of course – he remembered them very well from the original story that would occur in the world of One Piece, and though similar, they were both walking different paths than they had before. Sanji was the most blatant, stronger, more confident and more mature than he had been at this point in time, but even Zoro was a different man, who had a different goal in mind and a different motivation.

That made Lee think.

"You know what," he muttered. "I think I know where we're going next," he said, thinking of Straw Hats, and more importantly, thinking about the beautiful good looks of the first female crew member Luffy had picked up. Though he couldn't remember the exact details of the matter, he still remembered the name of the archipelago, and the village in it.

If memory didn't fail him…

"Cocoyasi village," Lee muttered to himself, then he turned around, stopping the door from closing behind him and sticking his head back into the meeting room. "Oi, Drake, I think I know where we're going. Have you heard about the Conomi Islands?"

Drake smirked. "Yeah."

"Great. 'cuz that's where we're going."

"Oh I know a pretty lady by those ports or two," he said. "I think I get you," she added.

"Then get us there, Drake!" Lee ordered.

"Aye aye, cap'n!"

And then it was decided.