
The Sea is Free and so are We

Lee was Givin a once in a lifetime opportunity and took it without hesitation. but that's not what's important right now to his story. What is, is his journey at sea to build a new future for himself. Now with the one wish to be the person who he always wanted to be, no longer holding back his desires. R 18, harem family building story and some AU elements [Warning some trap m/m and Yuri f/f content]

Leekz02 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

The Captain's cabin was always the most comfortable and well decorated crew room in any ship. It was just one of the fundamental truths of pirate ships, after all, no matter how the crew operated, the captain was a symbol of its strength, of its might, of its standard of living, and of its reputation.

Even someone who had no intention to play up to the excessive spending that pirates were sometimes accused of, that funded a life of hedonism with ill-gotten gains, would need to have a grand and comfortable captain's room, by virtue of obligation. It just was bad to have a crappy room.

Lee's own personal room was of course, not just the standard or average sort. Yet another one of the things that just about everyone had agreed upon, except Kuina who hadn't been consulted on this one, was the purpose and design of the captain's room.

Big, yes, but not so big as to be grand, just about big enough to fit an armoire, a trophy stand, and a bed… and what a bed it was. A lavish, extraordinarily soft and comfy mattress. Beyond King Size, indeed, it was Pirate King Size, large enough to fit four people, without their shoulders or legs touching, and have some extra room by their head and feet. Nearly three meters, nine feet, long and wide, and a good third of that in thickness.

Soft as a feather, but firm when you put your weight on it. Covered in crimson and gold sheets, with four posts that would allow one to set up a canopy for privacy, should one be required, but Lee cared little for that.

No, what was more important than all of this is how comfortable it was for an activity he'd been looking forward to, perhaps not just for the last few years, but since he came to this world in the very first place. It'd been so long, he'd been anticipating something like this. Truth be told, he'd put so much effort into his training, into his growth and improvement, that he hadn't had time to truly take care of himself.

But now?

Now he didn't have to worry anymore. He entered the Captain's Cabin, and somehow it felt different, it felt heavy, it felt powerful, especially as he entered with a woman on each arm, both of them giggling and talking animatedly, chatting about not much of anything. The energy between the three of them was almost sparking off of them visibly, especially as Lee found himself almost giddy.

"You look excited," Anne said, as she used her foot to drag the door closed behind them. Mary grinned as well, as she locked the door – she had taken the key from Lee's pocket without him noticing, reminding him briefly and only for an instant that these two women were not just extremely sexy pirates, but also powerful ones too.

"I am excited," Lee responded. "Aren't you?"

"More than you can imagine," Anne said, separating from him.

Mary joined her. "We've been waiting for this for longer than you can imagine," she said, her hand grabbing at his crotch for a moment, before separating as well and joining Anne. "You know, contrary to popular belief, women in ships wasn't as rare among pirates as some thought. They just weren't usually in positions that anybody would wish to be," she explained.

Anne nodded. "Or they were the captain," she added with a giggle. "Or the captain's woman."

"Or both," Mary said, looking at Anne. "However… you took us into your ship," she said. "You brought us here, a long time ago. You could've chosen anyone. Stronger, mightier… maybe even more loyal. And yet, you picked us."

Lee raised an eyebrow, and chuckled lowly. "You know, I've wondered why you guys never asked," he admitted, freely, shrugging his shoulders.

"We like to go with the flow. Ride the waves, and let the wind on our sails carry us where it may," Anne explained. "But… it's been a lot of good wind on our sails lately."

Lee hummed.

"So… why?" Mary asked. "Why us? Drake, I understand. That Cologne woman was kind of weird at first but she's got the fingers of a goddess," she said, "and it's obvious you had ideas in mind for both of them."

"Training, and teaching," Anne said. "I could scarcely think of a better seaman to learn from than Drake, or a more skilled martial arts master than Cologne," she said. "Compared to them…"

"So you want to know," Lee said, laughing some more. "It's really not that complicated," he said, gesturing at them, at their bodies. Both of them were wearing clothes that enhanced their appeal, Anne's extraordinarily tight body glove and skirt barely keeping her voluptuous beauty in check, Mary with that wild, powerful look of hers complimented by the cute bunny ears and leotard.

"So you just think we're hot?" Mary asked.

"That's open and honest!" Anne agreed with a smile.

"Every part of you excites me to no end," Lee said. "You say you can't imagine why I would pick you two, of all people… I can't think of anybody more perfect to sail the seas with than you two," he said, grinning. "Both of you know exactly how attractive the other is, after all… you agree with me, don't you?"

"That's it?" Anne asked.

"That's all there is?" Mary added.

"Yep. I picked you because I want you," he said, nodding. "Simple as that."

The two of them burst into giggles, and then laughter. "So we were right, in the end," Mary said.

Anne nodded. "Yeah… I'm really happy we were," she said. "Then allow us to make it official. I am Anne Bonny, and this is Mary Read," she said.

"From now until you don't want us anymore, we will be your crew, your friends and…" Mary began, then the two of them stepped into his personal space.

With true, honest, and absolute sincerity, they gave him uncomplicated and open smiles. "Your lovers."

"I see," Lee said, nodding, "then I, Lee Graham, will be your captain, your friend, and your lover, and I'll never let you down," he said, offering them his hand.

They took it, and shook it firmly… and then Mary and Anne used the ridiculous physical strength they still had and tossed Lee into the bed. He bounced a little, and the bed didn't even creak a little. Truly high quality stuff. Not even when they jumped on it after him.

Mary was first to reach him, desperate and hungry, her lips mashing on his, her tongue invading his mouth. It was obvious in an instant which of them had more experience kissing, but it didn't matter. Lee was nothing if not willing to learn, and as someone who'd spent most of his life getting his teeth kicked in by his martial arts teacher, he was hardly too stubborn to take the lesson for what it was.

Still, the dance of tongues was as lewd as it was wonderful, and the fun didn't stop, Mary pulled back, licking her lips, and Anne dove in herself, sharing her own hot and heavy kiss, softer, slower, but just as demanding and hungry. Different techniques, but Lee kept track of them regardless. His hands moved to each of their asses, both so different, yet so perfect in their own ways, and he squeezed and caressed them as they kissed.

They both seemed satisfied by that, and the kisses continued for several minutes, one of them making out with him, the other whispering encouraging and sweet words into his ear. Nothing that made a lot of sense, nothing too important, just words that made all of them feel good and loved and cared for.

Kisses upon kisses, and soon enough, clothes were being discarded. It took a lot of effort, and a lot of help, but little by little, as they traded kisses, all three of them began to lose articles of clothing, until the only things left on any of them were Mary's leotard, Anne's panties, and Lee's briefs, which Mary was working off of him as Anne shared the last of the kisses with him, before beginning to kiss a trail down his chest, with a quite obvious destination.

Lee grinned. "There are men who would gladly die to just see this, let alone experience it."

"Too bad we're not interested in men," Mary said. "With a notable exception."

"And that's a very happy exception!" Anne giggled, as Mary finally pulled off his briefs, and she looked at Lee's erection. He was big, it was slightly darker than the rest of his skin, and the head was of an almost threateningly dark red color. It throbbed in place. "Woah, looks like you're really backed up!"

"You have no idea how much," Lee said.

"Oh, I think we do, we've been looking forward to this for so long," Mary said. "You go high, I'll go low," she said.

Anne nodded, saluted, and then opened her mouth wide. With ridiculous ease and skill, she took Lee's cock into her mouth, her tongue already beginning to lick at his head while she sucked and slurped around his cockhead, servicing him quickly and without any hesitation whatsoever.

Lee winced and was unable to hold his voice in check at the sudden and extremely good blowjob he started receiving almost without warning, and it was even harder to keep control, his hands fisting and bunching up the sheets as Mary joined in, her tiny pink tongue lapping at his ballsack, only until she popped one of her balls into his mouth and began sucking it.

Anne began to bob her head up and down, taking the entirety of his rather gifted shaft all the way down her throat, giving him the incredible feeling of being constricted all over by the tight hole that was never supposed to be used like that, it was obvious both of them were skilled and passionate, and that they were enjoying themselves, and him, rather potently.

Mary replaced her mouth with her hand and began playing with his balls with her hand while her mouth went lower, and began lapping up from his perineum all the way up to the base of his shaft, touching upon his balls every time, kissing them and licking them as she passed.

It felt strange, it felt intense, and it was only matched when Anne kissed the base of his cock, making a ring with her lips and a tight seal, and then began to hum, the back of her throat vibrating. Lee bucked his hips, groaning, driving himself even deeper inside Anne, but unknowingly, he gave Mary exactly the access she wanted, and as she played with his balls, she went lower, and then stuck her tongue directly past the tight ring of muscle of his anus, giving him an impromptu rimjob that was about enough to knock any experience Lee'd had prior out of the park, the ridiculously intense pleasure of their double oral service sending him to cloud nine and making him orgasm right then and there.

He erupted within Anne's mouth, painting her throat and stomach in the thick, slightly off white of his seed, even as Mary continued to massage and help along his balls, which squeezed and squeezed to try to eject as much semen as possible as fast as possible. Lee came so hard he almost felt he could've fallen unconscious, and poured all of it right into Anne's stomach, it felt like he'd cum an entire lifetime's worth of semen right into her stomach.

Panting, drained and feeling like he was getting his very soul sucked out, Lee collapsed on the bed, trying to regain control and his breathing as Anne pulled back, catching the last shot with her mouth.

Mary pulled back as well, and Anne grabbed her face by the cheeks, pulled her up, and shared an extraordinarily lewd and nasty kiss, trading and snowballing the semen back and forth, their tongues sometimes darting out of their mouths to lick at each other, as they split and rejoined again and again, until they both finally'd decided they had enough, and swallowed about half of his load each.

The sighed in satisfaction. "Thank you captain, may we have another?" Mary said, cheekily.

"You wenches," Lee grumbled. "You caught me by surprise, but this time..!" he said, circulating his ki through his body, employing the exercises Cologne had taught him to try to recover his stamina as fast as possible, and reinforcing certain parts of his anatomy. Sexual techniques had never been the focus of Cologne's training, but she'd never particularly shied away of explaining potential uses of the techniques.

Including using the chestnuts technique on Anne and Mary's pussies, as Lee's hands moved with speed and swiftness that even legends would be jealous of, and peerless, unmatched dexterity and agility, his fingers touching first their covered mounds, then moving the obstruction out of the way and rapidly teasing every single weak point they had, first all over the outside of their pussies, their labias, their clits even.

All of it, everywhere, he touched and teased, the breakpoint technique that helped pinpoint structural weaknesses in objects had another use, the technique Cologne had taught him to warm his fingers in winter could also be used here as well, even the slipping slide technique that she sometimes used to smoothly move across surfaces without friction, all of it came together as Lee mercilessly and ruthlessly assaulted their pussies.

Neither hid their voices, their hands grasped at each other, and their faces almost merged, cheeks smushing against each other, as the Caribbean Love Birds sang for their captain a beautifully lewd song of love and lust, a wordless chant of pleasure and satisfaction as his fingers invaded their cunts and sought out every single weak point, stimulating them and energizing them with his ki, his very spirit and vital energy, giving them the most ridiculous fingerbang in all of history, and bringing them both to a simultaneous orgasm even faster than they had done to him, the duo of love birds shrieking in tune with each other, their pussies going crazy and convulsing around his fingers, trying to milk them as if they were cocks.

Lee grinned down at them, his cock already as hard as a rock again, throbbing painfull, his arousal peaking even beyond anything he'd ever felt before after that terrifyingly lewd display. He felt energized, confident. He'd been preparing that one in secret, hoping to eventually turn it on when he felt the need, and damn, that felt good to do.

The two of them, faces red and satisfied, looked up at him, then they looked at each other, kissed their lips and nodded. Anne was first to move, getting on all fours, face down, ass up, towards Lee. "Come… come to me," she said. "I know you've been looking at my ass," she said, "and it's yours now," she said, "so come and take it, get yourself off to your heart's content! This is the captain's right!"

Lee gulped. He had, indeed, looked at that ass more than once. How could one not, considering that she overfilled damn near anything she ever chose to wear? He couldn't imagine her not commanding male attention everywhere she went.

Mary's tiny, slim hands grabbed at Anne's panties, and pulled down the garment, getting it out of the way, revealing every intimate part of the blonde for Lee to see, and struggling only a little to get them off entirely. "Go ahead. Show my Anne a good time, and enjoy yourself as best you can!" Mary said, with a wink, almost like a showgirl displaying a prize.

And hot damn did Lee feel like a winner right then, as he lined himself up with her tight little vagina, ensuring that he was poking the right hole and getting himself correctly situated in place, before plunging in, spreading open a ridiculously tight and wet hole, she was excited beyond belief, easily allowing him in, yet clinging to him, every inch feeling like he was getting sucked in, like her pussy was dragging him further in, like it wanted more.

And he wanted more! And more! Slowly but surely he buried his entire length within her.

Mary giggled. "Damn, I'd need some time to adjust to that monster," she muttered, looking up at Lee, "she likes it rough!"

"But always be gentle with Mary, she's small!" Anne said, then gasped as Lee moved his hips, moving his cock inside her without really pulling back or forward, just rocking in place. "Oooh, right there, right theeereee!" she moaned, as he began teasing at one of her weak spots.

Lee panted, centered himself, concentrated his focus, grabbed Anne's hips, and then took the advice that the one who knew her best offered… and began roughly and powerfully pounding Anne's extraordinarily amazing pussy for all it was worth. The blonde's voice came out in long, lewd and naughty moans, and it was obvious she was enjoying herself immensely, Lee felt the ridiculous affections of her pussy double, triple even, as it tried to milk him.

It almost felt like her pussy itself was telling him to just let go and enjoy!

But that wasn't enough, even as he fucked her hard and fast and strong, he wouldn't stop even for a second, he felt Mary's weight settle behind him, and more importantly, he felt her climb up his back, swinging her arms around his neck, and then stealing his lips for a kiss, one of her hands teasing his nipple, the other helping keep herself in place as she piled even more naked and open affection upon him.

Lee's hand left Anne's hip and grabbed at Mary's ass, his finger teasing her pussy as he continued fucking Anne, the threesome rapidly heading towards yet another climax, the lovebirds' song of lewd lust growing hotter and naughtier by the second, Anne's voice climbing higher and higher.

Lee's lips parted from Mary's, and he shoved his fingers in her pussy deep as he could, and pressed against the weakest spot, a bundle of nerves, and pushed his ki against it, over-stimulating her and in a single shot reminding her of the earlier treatment she'd received, pushing her into a quick, sudden and unexpected orgasm, at the same time as he hilted himself in Anne and hit her own weakest spot, repeating the gesture but with his dick instead.

Anne and Mary gasped in unison, and then screaming, declared their orgasms for all to hear, Anne's convulsing pussy pushing Lee over the edge of his own, the combined satisfaction of making them both cum once more allowing him to just enjoy the single moment before he, too, came undone, erupting once more within Anne, this time with neither doubt nor surprise, but still just as much intensity.

He groaned and thrust his hips, alongside each spurt of cum that he poured deep into Anne, relaxing only when he felt satisfied, though he pulled out a bit too early, and shot twice more, staining Anne's ass cheeks, and her back.

Breathing hard and heavy, he took a couple knee steps back, using the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth… not that he was getting any rest, because whatever refractory period he might've had was dashed in an instant by the sight of Mary spreading Anne's asscheeks and diving down, slurping, sucking, and licking up the creampie he'd just so lovingly deposited within Anne's pussy lips.

"Oh you little..!" Lee's voice came out almost like a rumble, as he rapidly grabbed at Mary's ass, hooking a finger around the crotch of her leotard and moving it aside. Keeping the thoughts from before in mind, he slowly, patiently, began penetrating her intimate parts, her ridiculously tiny pussy even tighter than Anne's, but just as eager to receive him. Arousal went a long way, and despite her size, she could take him all the way in almost without problems, as long as he was gentle and slow.

It felt like he was in a hole a few sizes too small, the fit was so snug, but it didn't matter, because she was receiving him, and though he had to go slow, he was enjoying the slow, pleasant sex as well, her pussy was so tight that it was just as intense as fucking Anne with all his strength.

Anne's giggles and pleasurable sighs were definitely helping, but it was hard to tell which of the naughty, wet and slurping sounds came from Mary's mouth eating her beloved's pussy, and which came from her pussy eating her lover's cock, her entire body was just so very naughty that every part of her might as well be a sexual organ!

And even worse… Lee was nearing his limits, though it seemed both Anne and Mary were quite far gone as well. This was his limit, for now, until he had more practice, more preparation… but given the intensely satisfied faces on his lovers' faces, he didn't mind at all. If anything, he felt pretty good for what was effectively his first time, as he reached the limits of his physical and mental endurance, and hilted himself in Mary, allowing himself to come undone within her as well, finally giving her a load to match the ones he had given Anne, his entire body relaxing simultaneously, almost going numb, every feeling replaced with just pleasure.

Mary hissed first, then moaned, unable to keep to her task, though Anne obviously didn't mind, halfway gone to nirvana herself.

Lee didn't even finish cumming yet, but he knew he wouldn't be able to go anymore, and so he actually used what remained of his strength to pick Mary up, ignoring her yelp, and then with a titanic effort, managed to move himself and her until he was sandwiching Mary between himself and Anne, though the lovebirds quickly got together and with remarkable and enviable synchronicity, they managed to get on each of Lee's sides, snuggling into his sides, resting their heads on his shoulders.

It was surprisingly all… very comfy. Like this was just how it was meant to be. His arms held them in place, and rested on their thighs. It felt so very… right.

"Was it everything you hoped for?" Anne asked.

"Better," Lee said.

"You weren't bad yourself," Mary said. "I might even let you do me again some-day."

"That's Mary-speak for 'please put it in me again'," Anne chirped.

"Not like thaaat!" Mary complained.

Anne giggled. "As long as you're our trustworthy captain… we'll be your crew," she said. "That's all we need. All we want."

Lee hummed.

"Do you think our cute little spy is going to touch herself to the show we put on?" Mary asked.

"Kuina?" Lee asked.

"Kuina," Mary confirmed.

Lee chuckled. "Well… I'd like to hope she touches herself to me," he said, humming. "After all, you've not managed to get anywhere with her, have you?" he asked.

"We've not even tried," Mary said with a laugh.

Anne nodded. "Yep… we're not really in the business of breaking up relationships! Unless we are!" she said, winking. "But you'd never be the sort of guy whose wife we'd steal!"

"Sometimes literally steal," Mary added.

Lee laughed openly and honestly. "Damn, and you guys wondered why I'd ever bring you two along for the ride?" he asked.

The two of them then leaned in and kissed his cheeks, and with giggles and laughs, everyone relaxed, and the trio, after an extraordinarily intense first time together, rested on their laurels, and retired to sleep together.

The night passed quickly, and early in the morning, it was already time for action once more. Lee felt different already, just when he woke up, and after everybody went about freshening up and cleaning up, something struck him.

"We're going to need people at the bottom rung, deckhands and just, you know," he said, gesturing with his hand as if he'd forgotten the exact term.

Anne adjusted her coat on her shoulders. "A shiphand?"

"Probably more than one, but we could definitely use some people to take care of the chores and such, so we can focus on the jobs that require knowledge and experience," Mary agreed. "That's good thinking. This is a small boat, doesn't need a large crew, but it does get easier with help."

"Also I really don't want to do the cleaning myself," Lee said, looking at the… results of last night. Laundry would be a mess, to say the least. He put it out of his mind for the time being. "Good thing we're stopping at a Marine outpost soon."

"We're going to the Marines?" Mary asked. "I thought you said they weren't exactly the good guys?"

Lee shrugged. "Well, you know how it is," he explained, waving his hand as if dismissing her concern. "I don't currently have a bounty on my head, and until I have an actual reason to make myself a right and royal stinker, I can get some cash out of putting the worst actors on the seas behind bars… I really don't care what happens to the guys on our hold."

"Fair enough," Anne said, shrugging.

There might be honor among pirates, but that honor ended where fighting began. "Gotta pay for supplies somehow," Lee said, "and stealing from shops is a good way to get shops to not sell to me anymore."

"Nothing runs faster than the information mill."

Cologne's voice disrupted the atmosphere, as she opened the door. She looked at Lee. "I see you are no longer a child, in any sense of the word," she said. "Good. Prepare yourself, we'll be docking soon. You'll represent us."

Lee nodded. Of course he would. "Let's get to work, everyone."

"Aye aye, cap'n!"

Fortunately, the hour or so until they reached the outpost passed in a flash, and the outpost was on a small, nearby island. It was tiny, but it was a stop on a trade route, and that meant it had a well-equipped little town attached to it, built around the large white building with the Marines' logo on its front. It was obviously one of those places where nobody asked, and nobody told, as long as you didn't make trouble, people wouldn't make trouble for you.

And that suited Lee just fine, he had no intention to pick a fight with the Marine Corps., at least, not until he was sure he would be able to handle whatever trouble he invited upon himself.

Docking took some time, and as he, Drake and Kuina handled most of the process, he brought up the possibility of hiring a shiphand or two to Drake.

"Yeah, definitely," Drake agreed. "When it comes to this sort of stuff, that's where money comes in. Become profitable… and you get to stop doing the annoying part of the job."

Lee nodded. "I guess in the end you always wind up right, huh?"

"At least when it comes to the sea, gahaha!" Drake laughed, patting him in the back.

The Marines received the shipment of idiots, and after confirming their identity as the crew of a not particularly notorious, but still problematic pirate, as well as the death of their captain, arrangements were made, and at the end, all Lee had to do was go to the ranking officer's desk and get the request for the reward approved.

So that's exactly what Lee did.

"Anyone wanna come with me?" Lee asked.

"I've got business in town," Drake said, "so I'll accompany you at least halfway there."

Anne and Mary shook their heads. "We're gonna stay on the ship, perform maintenance," Mary said.

Lee rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what kind of 'maintenance' they'd be performing. Possibly on his bed.

Cologne hummed. "I shan't, too much to do, too little time."

Kuina shrugged. "I can't do much here so sure, I'll go with you."

"Right, let's go then," Lee said, rolling up the papers he'd need signed and stamped, and then sticking them on his pocket. "I'll see about buying myself some more fitting clothes with this, too," he said.

"That's the spirit," Drake said, slamming her open hand on his back, nearly knocking him over. "Whoops, still weak from last night, huh?"

Kuina's blush was atomic, and it only got worse as Drake continued needling Lee and asking about details about how good it all was, all the way until they got right to the entrance of the Marine building, which was right next to the liquor store that Drake was heading to…

"Can we stop talking about sex for at least ten seconds!?" Kuina protested, stomping her foot, and swinging her sheathed sword at Lee and Drake, who ducked and stepped back, effectively.

Kuina's sword was stopped, however, by the person, or rather the people, who just came out of the Marine building, the leader at the front of the group raising his left arm and using the back of two of his fingers.

Blood red hair, covered by a straw hat with a red strip of cloth to accent it. "Watch where you're swinging that, little lady, you might poke someone's eye out!" the stranger said, with a voice full of good cheer.

Lee's eyes widened and he almost felt his blood run cold, colder than ice even. "You're… You're Red Hair Shanks!" he said.

The red haired man used his right hand to adjust the brim of his hat, and offered Lee a smile. "I see my reputation precedes me! That I am, indeed!"

"W-what are you doing here!?"

Alright, so, Shanks being on the East Blue wasn't such a big deal, he was there, that made sense, but… but why here!? Why in some middle of nowhere Marine outpost!?

Shanks laughed. "I get that a lot," he said.

Kuina had obviously recognized who she had almost hit with her sword.

"Oh, if it isn't the King of Lightweights himself!" Drake called, laughing.

"Oh damn, Drake? Fancy meeting you here of all places!" Shanks replied.

"You know each other!?" Lee shouted.

"Can't go running about these oceans without at least hearing of this guy, and I'd come to find out, he can't hold his liquor anywhere near as well as he says he can!"

"Lady, you could drink entire crews under the table and have space to spare!" Shanks spoke, laughing. "It ain't my fault I wasn't aware you could drink the ocean itself and come back for more!"

Drake laughed openly. "Come on, man, let's catch up! Your treat, since you lost!"

"Fair enough! Come on, everybody!"

The two men with Shanks followed after him, and Lee didn't even register their appearances, as they wandered into the liquor store to go purchase some more stuff to get plastered with, his jaw just hung.

"Wait… wait… oh… oh fuck…" Lee muttered. "Kuina… did… did he have both arms?"

"Y-Yeah?" Kuina said. "I can't believe we just met Red Haired Shanks, he's the- he's the second greatest swordsman in the entire world!"

Lee's blood ran cold.

Because there was no avoiding or denying it now.

Things were not as he expected them to be. Shanks still had his arm, and he still had his hat.

"Ah… ah fuck," Lee said, mostly to himself. He could feel his pulse quickening.

"Lee?" Kuina asked. "You look weird…" she asked, frowning. "You okay?"

Lee felt his lips curl up into a smile. "Well this is starting to get interesting now, isn't it!"

Kuina had a smile of her own, as she shook her head. "Interesting is not the word I'd use, terrifying is more like it!"

"That's what makes it exciting!" Lee spoke, nodding at her. "Come on… let's see if we can find out what the hell Red Hair is even doing in this place!"

"Right!" Kuina agreed.