
My best friend

It was February 28th I was wereing a blue and White school uniform with my brown curly hair put into a high ponytail. I was in the car on my way to my new school. I had just moved here and I new no one. I had hoped that maby I could fake being sick and go home but that wouldn't set a good example for me and my mom would be realy mad at me. I was walking down the hallway to go to the office when someone ran into me and all my stuff flew everywere. "Hey wach were your going," I yelled as I started to pick up my stuff. " whoops, sorry I'm late," the other girl said as she ran away to were ever she was going. After going to the office to get my schedule I started to my next class. I was worried that I would be all alone no one would talk to me. I walked into the room and said "hello," to the class and teacher. "Hello there, please go take a seat next to Jace." As i was on my way to my seat i realized that was the girl who ran into me in that hallway. "Is this what you were in a hurry to get to so fast?" I asked Jace. "ya sorry about that i just couldnt be late again to class or I would have gotten a detention. Eather way my name's Jace what's yours?" "It's Jocelyn, nice to meet you."