
The Sea And Back To You

Finn, a stubborn asshole of a pirate, is sent out to take Lee, the prince of a kingdom he’s wanted most, across the sea of Bri to meet his future husband. the two constantly bicker at each other as the voyage gets bloodier but can’t help the attraction they feel towards the other. Could they run away together? Or will a crazy ex- girlfriend and a angry fiancé stop them? Or will the sea that is filled with deadly sea creatures get them first?

livweeb123 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

It's a mystery of how I had ended up in the bilge of of my ex- girlfriends ship. Standing up in the ankle deep sea water with my hands tied to my back was not ideal for me. I'm a better pirate than her but I still ended up in her obsessive clutches.

My eyes watered from the sea salt infested air and my dark hair felt crunchy and hard. Not my best look.

I could see an old guy from the corner, staring at me with dark rims under his eyes. His skinny figure hunched over and waiting to see if I would try something suspicious. I wondered what he did to piss her off.

Just then, the familiar clicking of her black leather boots hitting the floor boards echoed around me. Soon those boots came into view on the stairs, the rest of her slim body following. Her leather trousers dirtied from battles, Linen white shirt that showed to much breast and her red velvet waist coat that went down to her hips. Her cutlass hung down by her waist and as she made her way down the stairs slowly, a toothy grin spread across her face but made no effort to move the blade to my throat. She must love me to much to kill me.

She'd changed the last time I saw her. Her bloody red hair that went pasted her shoulders was now tied to a side ponytail and her red eyes were even crazy then before, rimmed with dark circles. Worse then the old man.

" Finn my darling your home!" She teased. She leaned up to kiss me but I quickly moved my mouth away, her lips meeting my cheek.

" What do you want Romelle?" I grumbled, ignoring the way she frowned at me.

" What I want from you is to love me again and travel the world with me like you promised." She said, running her gloved hands down my chest.

" For the last time, I made that promise when we were 18. Still young and stupid. It meant nothing." I say, shrugging her off of me:

" It meant something to me though, Finn." She took a step back, the playfulness leaving her face and becoming serious.

" Those years together where the best ones of my life and these past 3 years without you are the worst. Please, I know I messed up and that I scared you but we can work it out. Live on this ship and travel the world together. Get all the gold we want as well." There she goes again. Gold. That's all she ever wants. It's what every pirate wants. It was always gold this and gold that. She didn't love me, I was just a pet to her. She wanted to use my skills to get what she wanted. She would go as far as to kill innocent lives for a necklace, sometimes making me do it. Back then, I was to blind to see it but I wasn't going to be used forever. Though breaking up with her almost cost me my life, it was all worth. I got my own ship and my own crew and I can travel around without hurting anyone. Okay, yeah I rob a few places but no one gets hurt. I'm a pirate, stealings in my blood.

" Your a murderer Romelle, Why would I love someone who kills and makes me kill people." I asked. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't stand to look at her anymore. The memories where coming back because of her, I didn't want to go through that again. As sneakily as I could, I began rummaging through my trousers for my dagger.

" Oh Finn darling, this whole fight is because we killed that one family back in Gorik?" She asked, her high voice echoing through the bilge. I had retrieved the dagger but almost dropping it at the memory. The single mother and her two sons laying lifelessly on the old wooden floors of their home, blood pooling around them. All for a couple pounds of gold. The thought now makes me sick to my stomach and Guilt tugs at my throat. I'd never be able to wash their blood off my hands.

" It wasn't just them! Many times we killed for what?! A necklace?!" I was screaming at her now. Maybe by yelling she would see but no she was blinded by greed. She didn't even flinch as I raised my voice.

" Your greedy Romelle. A greedy, emotionless bitch who only cares for herself. I don't want to be a part of your sinister lifestyle." I needed to get out and fast.

She just stared at me through her scarlet eyes, not saying a word. It was creepy.

" Oh Finn." She finally said. I slowly began to cut the rope that bonded my hands. I noticed a loose board on the ships wall, water trickling down. That's what was causing all the water to get in, she's just to blind to know that her ship was slowly sinking. A plan soon came into mind.

" I love you to much to grant your wishes. I want to live the rest of my life with you and your going to learn to love me again." The grin on her face grew so much that it looked painful. She started walking towards me with her hands spread out like she was ready to embrace me. I dodged her, trying to get her to follow me to where I needed her. The rope was so close into being fully snapped.

" No Romelle, soon you'll learn to stop loving me." I said and then snap. The rope fell to the ground and in a flash my hand moves with my dagger and I wedge it into the broken board. Romelle is too surprised to realize what's happening and then it's too late. The board broke and the water rushes in throwing her across the bilge and throwing her in the wall. Quickly, I run up the wooden stairs to the deck of the ship. I can already feel the affect the board had caused. Everyone from her crew was to busy freaking out about the ship to notice I was out.

Before I could think about what to do next, I heard her boots stomping up the stairs.

" Finn, honey, don't be like this." She said as she came into view. Her maniac smile still plastered on her face. Her clothes were soaking wet and a trail of water followed her as she came closer to me, her cutlass in her hand.

I didn't have mine since she had taken it when she caught me so I didn't the only thing I could do. I ran.

I booked it across the deck, running towards the poop deck. Yeah what a name.

Pushing frantic pirates out of my way, I reached the poop deck and look out at the sea. In the distance I could see my ship and where we had docked. Aleko island.

Out not to far from Romelles ship, a row boat towed towards us. One of the people that sat in it must have say me and began to wave frantically at me. A man with blonde wavy hair and the other one rowing had dirty blonde. Vex and Erik. My best buds from childhood and my two best pirates.

" Finn, you'll die if you jump you know. Sharks are known to be around Aleko island." Romelle said from behind me. I turned to her and gave her a smirk.

" I'd rather be eaten by one in an instant than spend the rest of my life with one." I said before plunging into the clear blue waters.