
The Sculptor

Struggling to pay off her dept in med school, Hayoon has to find a way to survive without basic necessity's. When she's offered a job paying double what she needs, it may cause more harm then good

Yumi_Ito · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

"And now we will discuss the differences between bacteria and viruses, we know they are both microscopic organisms that can cause disease in humans. While these mic.." Zoning out of the teachers lesson, I began to notice the small things, like the whispers of students and the birds singing their morning song, the things that make life enjoyable.

"Miss Mae, if you would pay better attention you might actually pass your finals this year." Mrs. Lee grinned and pointed her ruler at me as she stated her sly remark. My eyes stopped their wandering and looked into hers, catching a small twitch of fear in her stance, her eyes slightly widened and her body became stiff . "Fine." Sighing, she walked back to the board unaware of the pale green eyes that followed.

The day slowly dragged on, feeling like eternity, but all I could do is wait. "Hayoon?" Snapping out of my daze, I look to my right to see Jin-ae "We're gonna be late to lunch come on!" She said practically dragging me out of my seat. "Hold on, I gotta grab something." I reach into my backpack pulling out a ramen cup and water bottle.

"Aw, Hayoon, can't you grab lunch in the café?" Her concern was justified, I hadn't had a real meal in over 3 months. "I'll be fine, I've survived like this for a while, as long as I can make it finals, It'll be fine." Her eyebrows were scrunched in worry, but I know she's just looking out for me. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out with her, even if I'm not the most fortunate money wise, at least I have a hella good friend.

Walking to the café with Jin-ae, it seemed to hold a little surprise. "Daeshim, oh my god where have you been!" My excitement levels peaked, I hadn't seen him in over a year! "Hayoon! I may or may not have skipped class to come visit." With him living in japan, the trip must have been exhausting, but his toothy smile was enough to tell me it was worth the trip.

As Jin-ae sat down at our table, I poured the water from my bottle into my ramen cup and stuck it in the microwave for the teachers, hoping they wouldn't mind me using it. "That can't be your entire lunch?" Daeshim's voice rang over the loud waves of the machine. "Oh, it kinda is...I'm not very hungry." A beep was heard saying it was done, I pulled the cup out and began to walk to our table.

"Oh come on, your a stick you need to eat more!" He exclaimed as he followed me down the row of tables, barely hearing him over the chatter of the other students.. "It's fine, this has been my usual for a while!" I told him as we rejoined with our friends and sat down. "So," Jin-ae spoke out, "How's life in japan been?" We all turned to Deashim, who was seated next to me.

"It's been really good, I learned a lot about their culture and language over there, its been a wild ride!" His excitement was contagious and all across the table you could see sparkly eyes and smiles from ear to ear. "How has school been for you guys?" Daeshim asked. "Well, if the teachers weren't so pushy I'd say pretty good." I replied first before stuffing my mouth full of ramen.

"And this human needs to get some help." Jin-ae points towards me, "We need to find her some work!" She said demandingly, as she knows my situation. "Guys, my dad sends me stuff from wherever he is, its ok I'll survive." I stand up and throw out my cup and give Daeshim back his chopsticks, "Thanks for letting me use them." He stuffs them in his bag and turns back to me. "Of course, I have plenty after living there for so long." He happily replied as the lunch bell rang and we all packed up.

Waiting for class two be over, I snuck my phone from my bag and hid it at the edge of my desk, turning the brightness down so it wouldn't reflect off my glasses. I tap my messages and see an old unread message

Unknown: Hey are you free to call sometime soon?-Delivered September 29th

Thinking back to before the school year began, I had received a paper with a number, saying to call it after school had started, though I never messaged it, it seemed to suspicious.

Hayoon: Who is this and how do you know me?

After a few minutes, it marked as read.

Unknown: I know it seems strange, but I've been trying to get to you for a while, we've never officially met, and I hope you'll be excited to meet me.-Delivered November 5th

Hayoon: What do you mean? Could you please tell me who you are

My nerves started to get to me, I had no idea who this was and they already had plans.

Unknown: Just meet me at the front of your university at 2:30 pm tomorrow, I promise you no harm, if not, well I guess I could just stop by your place and say hi.-Delivered November 5th

I quickly shut my phone off as the bell rang for my final period, I hooked my backpack over my elbow and sprinted out the door, I had no idea what I was going to do tomorrow, I don't trust this, but something in my gut is telling me I should go.

"Hayoon, you ok?" In my already panicked state, I whip around to look behind me, my heart beating in my throat. "Hey, its just me, you alright?" I simply laugh it off "Oh you just surprised me that's all!" Forcing a smile I walk next to her down the almost empty hall, passing other chatting students occasionally, as most students had already left.

Walking through the rows of cars, Jin-ae pulled out her keys and unlocked the doors. I hop in the passenger seat, "Wait, hold on, I left some of my study sheets in the class, I'll be right back" Closing the door, she made her way back into the building, disappearing behind the doors. I pull out my phone thinking about the strange messages from earlier, I couldn't help but question who it they could be.

They seemed to know me, as he knew my university, and where I lived, could I have a stalker? I done know what they would want from me, its not like I have money, and I don't really talk to anyone but Jin-ae, so I couldn't have upset someone. They said I should be excited to meet them, could it be a childhood friend I forgot about?

"Hey Hayoon!" I quickly shut off my phone and put it back in my pocket, I roll down the window so I can hear her properly. "Jin-ae, why are you yelling-" Cutting me off, she walks up with another person. "I think I may have just found you work!" Looking beside her, I see a tall male, with short black hair and heavy set eyes, he looked around my age but I couldn't tell.

"Hi, I'm Jun-seo, I work at the art center and I've been looking for a model to pose while I'm sculpting, what do you think?" All I could do was stare, he just met me and he's already offering me the job? "Me, a model, do you think I'm suitable for it?" He reached inside the car, grabbing, my face and turning it in many directions, I would guess looking at its structure.

"I think your perfect for the job, when do you think you can start?" The question hit like a brick, I had just been offered a job, but I had no idea how to balance school and work, especially in my sophomore year. "Is it ok if I think about it? I have a few adjustments to make before I could work." He reached into his bag and pulled out a card, "Of course, just give me a call if you decide you want to." As he handed me the paper, there was a number, the location of the art studio, and his email. "Thank you, I'll let you know!" he smiled and turned his back, walking away.

"I'll be awaiting your call....

Miss Mae."

This has been something I've wanted to start for a long time, and thanks to all the support on my other books, It gave me motivations to keep going!

So....here we go!

Yumi_Itocreators' thoughts