
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 12Draw the snake out of its hole

Pre-exam Class Three.

This was Su Yu's class. He had barely attended classes these past few days, but no one really minded. With the higher academy examinations approaching, everyone was very busy, and no one had the time to care about others attending class or not. Besides, Su Yu wasn't the only one who was special.

Another student in the class, who was at the fourth level of the Kaiyuan realm, hadn't come to school for a long time either. At this stage, adjusting one's mindset was more important.


Su Yu sat down at his seat and didn't rush to find Liu Wenyuan. It was too early, and Instructor Liu was probably still reading. The old man had a habit of reading early in the morning.

Chen Hao sat down next to Su Yu. The two were desk mates, and the teachers didn't assign seats, so they could sit anywhere.

Shortly after sitting down, a plump woman in her thirties walked in with a book.

She glanced at the students and didn't care about who was absent. She opened her book and said, "The higher academy examinations are approaching, so we won't review the basic courses. Today, I'll briefly talk about your future options after graduation."

"We won't talk about the four major academies; everyone is familiar with them."

"Let's discuss what to do if you don't get into the internal affairs academy or if you get in but don't want to go."

The female teacher smiled at the students, "This is a magical era where the ordinary and extraordinary coexist. Some students are not content with an ordinary life and hope to walk the path of the extraordinary."

"So, if you can't get into a war academy, does that mean there's no hope?"

"No, there is!"

Her words, even if the students had heard some of it before, made them a bit excited. Hearing it from the teacher was more trustworthy.

"The first option, and the most dangerous one, is to join the military!"

The female teacher looked at the students with a more serious expression, "I think everyone knows this. Joining the military is the easiest way for ordinary people to access the extraordinary path. Killing enemies in the army earns you merit. Many of you have relatives in the military and understand this."

"The dangers are clear as well. Every year, the number of soldiers who die in battle reaches six figures!"

"But today, I'm not here to talk about the dangers but about the different options even within the military."

She looked at the excited Chen Hao and smiled, "Chen Hao, tell us about the main armed forces in the Daxia Mansion."

Chen Hao stood up excitedly, "First is the Dragon Martial Guards, the strongest army in the Daxia Mansion!"

"Second is the Daxia Mansion Army, responsible for guarding the Daxia Mansion and maintaining its peace."

"Third is Feng Hall, responsible for capturing members of the Cult of the Ten Thousand Races and maintaining social order."

"Fourth is the city guards, responsible for the defense of each city."

"These four armed forces, except for Feng Hall, will all assist the front lines during turmoil. They are considered the reserve forces of the front lines."

The female teacher smiled and said, "That's correct but not comprehensive. The Dragon Martial Guards are not reserve forces. They don't go to the battlefield of the heavens not because of their strength but because the front line doesn't need their assistance yet."

"In addition to the four armed forces you mentioned, there are two more."

Chen Hao was curious, and the female teacher smiled, "The fifth is the frontline army. Some of them are stationed in the Daxia Mansion, but they are hard to encounter. They are also responsible for recruiting new soldiers."

"The sixth is the retired army. Many people know this. Many of them are veterans from the front lines or various institutions, making them a powerful armed force."

She hesitated a bit before continuing, "There's actually a seventh force!"

The students were puzzled. Another one?

"Yes, the seventh is the university guards!"

"Don't underestimate the university guards. For instance, at Nanyuan Secondary School, which is just a secondary school, the head of the security department, Director Huang, is a strong Qianjun level nine."

"And this is just Nanyuan. In the Daxia Mansion, the armed forces of the guards are very strong. It's not uncommon to see Wanshi and even Tengkong level guards. Coupled with some instructors and students from war academies, the strength of the universities is actually very strong, even surpassing that of the Mansion Army, though not as strong as the Dragon Martial Guards."

The female teacher briefly explained, and the students understood. They had overlooked this point.

"So today, I want to tell you that even if you don't get into a university, you don't have to worry about your future. There are many ways to access extraordinary powers, but..."

"Opportunities come with risks!"

"If you can't outperform others in studying or cultivating, and you want to stand out, you need to pay a higher price, such as... your life!"

The teacher said seriously, "For those students who want to take the path of the extraordinary but can't get into a war academy, you can consider joining the military. The front line is the most dangerous, but it offers the greatest opportunities. Next is the provincial army. The Dragon Martial Guards are out of reach for most, but the provincial army recruits every year, and it is relatively safer than the front line."

"Besides the provincial army, the Feng Hall has also established an academy, the Feng Academy. However, it is not well-known and is relatively rough. You might graduate and be assigned to various cities for practical training right after breaking through to the Qianjun realm."


The teacher said a lot, mainly about joining the military.

In the end, the female teacher changed the topic, "If you can't get into a war academy and are worried about the competition in the provincial army, you can consider trying out for the city guards. The city guards' assessments are relatively simple, and their training facilities are well-established."

"Although Nanyuan City is not large, the city guards' strength is not weak. Nowadays, everyone flocks to the Daxia Mansion, but the Daxia Mansion is thousands of miles away from Nanyuan, far from home. Why not try out for the city guards right under your nose?"

"Currently, the captain of the city guards, Zhang Qian, is a Wanshi level nine strongman. He pays great attention to the reserves of the city guards and often personally guides new recruits. The city lord also values the city guards highly..."


Hearing this, most people, except for a few, understood that this teacher was a promoter.

No one minded; they were used to it. As graduation approached, every place needed to expand its reserve forces. Although Nanyuan City was small, the city lord wanted to build the city guards into an elite force.

The nearest water tower gets the moon first; every year, many people from Nanyuan City join the city guards.

Even if the students from Nanyuan Secondary School didn't get into the war academy, some Kaiyuan level three students had good talent. With some training, reaching the Wanshi realm was not impossible.

"Think it over carefully, don't rush to make a decision..."

The female teacher didn't mind the noise below. After speaking for a while, she let everyone discuss freely and quickly walked over to Su Yu and the others.

She wasn't aiming for Su Yu but Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao, you're at Kaiyuan level three. Although you have a chance to get into a war academy, it's slim. If you fail the assessment, consider the city guards. Your father works in Nanyuan, and new recruits in the city guards can return home for three days each month. It's a good opportunity..."

Chen Hao looked distressed. Why say that? I can get in. I don't want to join the city guards! Why not persuade Su Yu to go? Do you look down on me?

Seeing his expression, the female teacher couldn't help but smile, "What, you look down on the city guards?"

"No... I still want to try. I'll think about it if I fail."

Chen Hao was extremely depressed. He would consider it only if he failed.

The female teacher didn't mind and quickly looked at Su Yu, smiling, "Su Yu, you're a candidate for the Civilization Academy. Instructor Liu has already spoken. I shouldn't persuade you, but just in case you don't want to go, you can consider it."

"The city lord values the city guards more and more. You're a good seedling. If you join the city guards, they won't let you do trivial tasks. There's a secretarial office in the city lord's mansion where you can intern. It's a rare opportunity."

Su Yu thought for a moment and asked, "Do the city guards have many opportunities to go to the battlefield of the heavens?"

"Very few."

The teacher thought he was worried and quickly replied.

Su Yu nodded and smiled, "I understand. Thank you, teacher. I'll consider it."

Considering it was a polite refusal. No way would I go.

In the past, it might have been uncertain. If his father were at home and Nanyuan City offered good conditions, he might stay in Nanyuan. He knew about the secretarial office, a significant and safe institution in Nanyuan with good benefits.

But now his father had left, so why stay in Nanyuan? Besides, could he get the essence blood he needed there?

Thinking about essence blood, Su Yu had a question. He suddenly asked, "Teacher, which has more essence blood, war academies or civilization academies?"

The female teacher was stunned for a moment and quickly replied, "Of course, war academies..."

"I mean in terms of variety. As research institutions, do civilization academies have more diverse types of essence blood?"

"This... should be the case?"

The teacher wasn't too sure but still said, "In terms of variety, civilization academies should have more. They have more samples. Essence blood that is not useful from the battlefield of the heavens is provided to civilization academies for sampling. War academies have more in quantity, especially those that aid in cultivation."

Su Yu nodded slightly. He had thought about this before but wasn't sure. Now, hearing the teacher, he felt more confident.

Quantity was important, but variety was more crucial. Without variety, how could he continue to open pages? If he didn't know the language, opening the pages would be useless. Was he supposed to ask others what it meant?

"It seems... I still need to apply to the Civilization Academy!"

Su Yu was thinking when someone called from outside, "Su Yu, go to the instructor's office. Instructor Liu is looking for you."

"Got it!"

Su Yu responded, greeted the teacher, and quickly ran to the instructor's office.


When Su Yu arrived at the teaching hall, he wasn't alone.

He recognized several faces, acquaintances rather than close friends, most of whom he knew by name. Among them were geniuses at the Quad-Origin stage and others skilled in multiple ancestral languages. Liu Yue was among them.

On the faculty side, besides Liu Wenyin, there were also several top-tier instructors at the Nine-Fold Thousand Jin level, making them among the best in the Southern Yuan Intermediate Academy.

After Su Yu arrived, several more students trickled in. After seven or eight minutes, it seemed everyone was present. The headmaster smiled and addressed them, "You 25 are the hope of our Southern Yuan Intermediate Academy this year. Whether in civilized academies or military academies, the recruitment from our side is always scarce."

The headmaster, a martial figure, was interrupted abruptly by Liu Wenyin, the scholarly type, "Enough with the pleasantries. Let's get to the point. We don't have time to waste!"

The headmaster felt embarrassed. Did this old fellow not notice all the students were present? This was going too far; he felt like breaking the old man's legs.

The other instructors chuckled silently, and with a stern glare from the headmaster, everyone fell silent.

It was then that the headmaster spoke directly, "Recently, there's been unrest in Daxia Prefecture. The disciples of the Ten Thousand Races are causing disturbances everywhere. Although it hasn't become a serious issue, Southern Yuan is just a small city with insufficient defense forces."

"So the Academy's suggestion is for you all to go to Daxia Prefecture early; it's safer there."

"Incidents of talented individuals being attacked have already occurred in other small cities. The Ten Thousand Races are creating chaos..."

Su Yu remained silent, but someone in the crowd quickly asked, "Go to Daxia Prefecture... what about the assessment?"

"The assessment in Daxia Prefecture will proceed as planned. Moreover, there are more spots available in Daxia Prefecture, and you all are specially recommended by the Academy to go there. Once you arrive, you'll wait for the assessment."

"How long will that take?"

A girl hesitated, "The assessment is still more than two months away. Are we supposed to stay in Daxia Prefecture the whole time?"

"Not necessarily. If the pests of the Ten Thousand Races are eradicated, all of you can return at any time."

The headmaster was somewhat angry, "The key is these vermin causing chaos everywhere. Southern Yuan is small, and we don't have enough strength to protect you. It's not that we're overly cautious, but if they target you, there are too many opportunities for them to strike."

"On the road, at home, or even within the Academy, you might not be safe."

"Instead of dividing our forces, it's better to concentrate and send you away. In fact, your families and classmates will be safer once you leave, because... to the Ten Thousand Races, others don't hold much risk. I think you all understand what I mean."

Everyone nodded; they weren't foolish and naturally understood the headmaster's implication.

To the disciples of the Ten Thousand Races, it wasn't worth attacking a few ordinary people; it was risky. But killing a few geniuses among them was different—they were highly valued within their ranks. If successful, the rewards would be substantial.

Of course, the people in Southern Yuan weren't true monstrous talents, but Southern Yuan was lax in defense, and cases of talented youths being attacked weren't uncommon.

Seeing everyone understood, the headmaster continued, "So get ready. Those willing to leave, come to the Academy in three days. The City Guard will send people to escort you to Daxia Prefecture. Once there, all expenses will be covered by the Academy, so don't worry too much."

Liu Wenyin hadn't spoken earlier but now said calmly, "It's best if everyone goes to Daxia Prefecture. Recently... things have been unsettled. These days, the Ten Thousand Races have been active again—attacking geniuses, intercepting trade caravans, and even causing bloodshed outside the city... although it hasn't reached Southern Yuan yet."

"But... something doesn't feel right!"

Liu Wenyin whispered, "Everyone here isn't a child anymore. In such situations, everyone should exercise judgment. The old man's intentions are not about the wine but about diverting attention, or as we say, creating a diversion."

"Those being killed now, those showing themselves, they are all small players of the Ten Thousand Races, many from the Bloodfire faction—some crazy fanatics who have been brainwashed fools. They don't know the meaning of life and death; they're just cannon fodder and followers of the Ten Thousand Races."

"The real big fish haven't shown themselves yet. They're creating chaos to attract the attention of the Dragon Martial Guards, to tie down the forces of the Dragon Martial Guards and the major city guards..."

Su Yu couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, doesn't Daxia Prefecture know about this?"

"Of course, they do!" Liu Wenyin smiled, "Daxia Prefecture is full of talents; how could they not know? But even if they know, can the Dragon Martial Guards refrain from action? The Prefecture Army needs to remain stationed and can't move lightly. Among the mobile forces, the Dragon Martial Guards are the strongest; they must act."

"The Bureau of Wind Chasers (Ji Feng Tang) is currently in a desperate situation, with too many places to defend, because you don't know exactly where the Ten Thousand Races' target is."

"The dark types are bold and can attack with impunity, so even if Daxia Prefecture can destroy them in an instant, if they can't find this group of riffraff, there's no way to deliver a thunderous blow."

Liu Wenyin continued, "So the immediate priority is to reduce the potential points of attack. By concentrating on sending you away, we can have stronger forces to eradicate those guys."

Everyone understood now.

One student angrily said, "These animals, when I come out of the War Academy, I will kill one if I see one!"

Several instructors smiled but said nothing. Everyone had thought about this; the problem was that those guys were too hard to find, and many had hidden themselves very deeply.

"So everyone go back and think about it. Those who are leaving in three days, come to the Academy. The city guards will escort you away."


Everyone agreed one after another. At this point, it seemed like there was no choice but to leave. Leaving could also reduce the burden on Southern Yuan. Everyone understood that.


After everyone else had left, Su Yu hadn't left yet.

He had come this time to find Liu Wenyin and learn a few more of the Ten Thousand Races' languages, including that of the Lu fish—the kind he had dreamed about before, although he hadn't continued dreaming about it in the past few days.

The language of the Lu fish was quite niche, and Su Yu hadn't learned it before, unsure if Liu Wenyin knew it.

As for going to Daxia Prefecture, Su Yu didn't react much. After all, he was the only one at home, so it didn't matter where he went.

The other instructors, including the headmaster, gradually left, leaving only Su Yu and Liu Wenyin.

When Su Yu heard him inquire about the Lu fish race's language, Liu Wenyin smiled and said, "Lu fish are rarely seen in the Battlefield of the Heavens; most of them stay in the Di Shan Realm. Their language has very few speakers, and their script is even rarer. At least among the human races, there haven't been many captures, so I haven't learned it. But there must be someone in Daxia Prefecture who knows..."

Su Yu wasn't disappointed. Seeing his teacher didn't understand, he was about to leave. When Liu Wenyin saw him preparing to leave, he hesitated and said, "Your father went to the Battlefield of the Heavens, and you are alone at home?"


"Then be careful at home..."

Su Yu turned his head. Had things gotten this bad?

"The streets are arranged, the Academy is arranged, and most other homes have someone at the Thousand Jin Realm, so they are safe, but you are alone... it's more dangerous."

Liu Wenyin hesitated for a moment, then quickly said, "Actually... I don't quite agree..."

"Teacher Liu!"

A firm voice came from outside the door.

Liu Wenyin didn't change his expression and continued, "His father is a veteran of the Demon Suppressing Army. Are you saying he's not worthy of trust?"

"Anything is possible. Su Long has been discharged for eighteen years!"

"Then arrange for someone to protect him; otherwise, I won't be at ease."

"We can't spare the forces to protect an individual right now!"

Liu Wenyin frowned and said unhappily, "You Dragon Martial Guards are executing military orders, and I have no right to question. But... I think Su Yu is fine. Of course, if you're worried, Su Yu can stay with me for the next few days. Otherwise, it's irresponsible to send him home."


Outside the door, there was a moment of hesitation, as if making a decision.

Su Yu, however, was a bit confused. What did this mean?

Of course, he didn't interrupt at this moment.

Were the people outside the Dragon Martial Guards?

Before coming, he hadn't seen anyone else outside?


A moment later, there was a sound from outside, followed by silence.

Liu Wenyin looked at the silent Su Yu and chuckled softly, "The Ten Thousand Races' operatives are deeply hidden. We suspect their recent chaos has another purpose, so... we can't passively wait; we must take the initiative!"

"But we're not sure if the Academy, including the city guards, has been infiltrated. There may be hidden operatives, so... this is when we need a catalyst."

"A catalyst?" Su Yu seemed to understand somewhat, but he wasn't entirely clear.

"Yes, a catalyst!"

"Southern Yuan is just a small city with nothing important of value, except perhaps this Southern Yuan Intermediate Academy! Or the City Lord's Mansion, but it's much safer with the city guards there."

"We're not sure if the other side has come to Southern Yuan, but just in case, to turn defense into offense, we've decided to lure them out."

"You... are bait, but not exactly bait."

Liu Wenyin sighed lightly, "If there are Ten Thousand Races' operatives in Southern Yuan and they are plotting something, the news of your departure will make them choose a few options."

"First, they could strike early and kill you."

"Second, they could strike on the road. Though the city guards are there, killing the city guards would require a large force, and halfway, they would definitely encounter reinforcements from Daxia Prefecture."

"Third, they might wait for you to leave peacefully, taking away some of the city guards, weakening Southern Yuan's strength before striking."

"Fourth, they might give up on Southern Yuan. Since you've left, we can concentrate more forces on defense, making it difficult for them to find an opportunity."

Su Yu frowned, pondering, "So, Teacher, if their target really is us, they might choose to strike early now?"

"Exactly, they would come out."

"And if it's not us..."

"Then you leave Southern Yuan. Daxia Prefecture is indeed safer, and the Dragon Martial Guards can handle them in a month or two."

Liu Wenyin said seriously, "So you're bait to lure them out. But few people know this because... we're not sure if they have eyes around us."

"Will it be very dangerous for us?"

"Most people won't be, but you... are alone at home."

Liu Wenyin continued, "That's why I'm telling you, so you're not caught unprepared and attacked. You can stay with me for the next two days. If nothing happens in three days, we'll send you away."

Su Yu thought for a moment and didn't say anything.

The intention of Southern Yuan was to send them away in case something happened; it was best if nothing happened, but if something did, they could take control of the situation.

As for the danger... having arrangements was safer than having none.

If the Ten Thousand Races really targeted them, now that Southern Yuan had made arrangements, they were actually safer.

Su Yu understood this and smiled, "Teacher, don't worry, I understand. But are the Ten Thousand Races' infiltrations really that serious?"

"They are." Liu Wenyin sighed, "Otherwise, they wouldn't be called rats in the gutter—they're just too good at hiding. It's best if Southern Yuan remains peaceful. If something happens, we can only be fully prepared."

"For these two days, you'll stay at my place, under the pretext of learning new Ten Thousand Races' languages."

"Alright!" Su Yu didn't mind where he stayed, but he was curious, "Teacher, don't you control the power of will? Can't you discern if there are hidden Ten Thousand Races' operatives?"

Liu Wenyin smiled mysteriously and remained silent.

Can I handle you?

Dealing with you rookies is fine, but as adults, who isn't complicated? Who would reveal their thoughts so clearly, especially those Ten Thousand Races' operatives—who haven't died despite lurking in secrecy, aren't they afraid of death?