
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 1 father and son

Anping Calendar, Year 350. 

Great Xia Mansion, Nanyuan City. 

The Su Family. 

As soon as Su Yu entered the house, he smelled the aroma of food. He dropped his school bag, walked to the dining table, and casually picked up a piece of braised pork and threw it into his mouth. 

While chewing, Su Yu looked toward the kitchen and mumbled, "Dad, can we have some soup tomorrow? Eating meat every day gets a bit tiresome." 

"You're lucky to have food at all, and you're being picky!" 

Su Long's voice came from the kitchen, full of complaints. "Look at you, you're already eighteen this year. When will you learn to take care of yourself? I've been taking care of you for so many years, doing both the father's and the mother's job. I'm finally going to be free." 

Su Yu chewed on the braised pork, grinning. "Dad, you're a great cook, almost like a chef. I'd cook for myself, but the problem is, I can't make anything edible!" 


Su Long chuckled. "You just talk, never do. Why don't you try stepping into the kitchen?" 

Soon, Su Long, wearing an apron, came out with a dish. 

At nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a strong and sturdy build, the apron looked particularly out of place on him, making for a comical sight. 

Su Yu never missed a chance to comment on this. Shaking his head, he said, "Dad, can't you get a bigger apron? It's not like we can't afford a new one!" 

"What do you know!" 

Su Long ignored him, putting the dish on the table, and sat down without taking off the apron. "Eat up! We need to save wherever we can. Besides, this apron is new..." 

"You've been saying that for three years!" 

Su Yu rolled his eyes. Three years ago, it might have been new, but saying the same thing three years later... his dad sure could talk. 

Su Long didn't mind. He started eating, devouring the food quickly. 

Su Yu was used to it and didn't mind, sitting down to eat while sighing, "Dad, is there another war at the front line? I just saw a recruitment truck downstairs. Are they recruiting in our neighborhood? Wonder which family..." 

Su Long's eating paused slightly. He soon put down his chopsticks and said seriously, "Defending the country is everyone's responsibility! From your tone, do you think being a soldier is bad?" 


Su Yu quickly cleared himself. His dad was a retired soldier; he couldn't speak lightly, or he'd face his dad's wrath. 

Su Long snorted lightly and resumed eating. 

As they ate, Su Long's tone changed, becoming more somber. "Yu, the front line is in turmoil. The major war corps are issuing conscription orders again and again! Recruiting new soldiers, recalling old soldiers..." 

Su Yu's chopsticks paused. He looked up at his father, no longer carefree, frowning, "Dad, this has nothing to do with us, right? You retired 18 years ago, and I just came of age and am preparing for university. They can't conscript us..." 

"Eighteen years..." 

Su Long sighed. Yes, 18 years. 

"Eighteen years since I retired. The Demon Suppression Army has issued five recall orders. After fifty, I won't be within the recall range." 

"The first four times, because you were young, I worried you couldn't take care of yourself, so I didn't answer the call." 

Su Yu's expression changed slightly. "Dad, we don't have to go; the policy allows it!" 

"Yes, the policy allows it!" 

Su Long smiled, looking at his son. "So I didn't go. Eighteen years, four calls, and I didn't go! But today, my son is an adult! Eighteen years old!" 


Su Yu's face changed completely. "What are you trying to say?" 

"You know what I'm trying to say." 

Su Long looked at his son, feeling gratified and pleased. "Eighteen years ago, your dad wasn't great, but at least he was a squad leader in the Demon Suppression Army, in charge of thirty people." 

"At that time, your mother was about to give birth to you. I took leave to come back, but then... your mother passed away, and you were just born. There were no elders to help at home; I couldn't leave..." 

"I had no choice, so I retired!" 

Su Long grinned bitterly. "When I left the Demon Suppression Army, none of my team came to see me off! Not because they wanted me gone, but because they feared I'd change my mind and run back!" 

"Eighteen years, no one contacted me, afraid I'd want to go back. I dream of them yelling at me to go home and take care of you..." 

"Thirty people. In the first year after I left, nine died..." 

"None of them retired and went back. The remaining twenty-one... do you know how many are left?" 

"They're still on the battlefield!" 

Su Long's eyes reddened. "I was selfish, so I didn't dare ask or inquire! The first four calls, I didn't answer. But this time... Yu, even if I die, I want to die on the battlefield, wrapped in a horsehide. Your dad... doesn't want to die in the rear!" 

Su Yu fell silent. 

He had long known that his father always thought about the front line, about those old comrades. If not for his mother's death during childbirth, his father wouldn't have retired from the Demon Suppression Army. 

But he thought, after eighteen years, his father would have forgotten, would have let go. 

Today, his father told him, no! 

He couldn't let go! 


Su Yu's face turned pale. "The front line is in turmoil. More and more soldiers are dying. In eighteen years, there have been five calls for old soldiers. Once every three or four years. You know what that means..." 

"I... I haven't even gotten married, haven't been admitted to university, haven't given you a grandchild..." 

Su Long laughed. "No worries. Dad will wait! Do you think I'll just go to die? Your dad is going to win battles!" 


"Son, enough. Eat your meal!" 

Su Long interrupted, eating while speaking indistinctly, "After this meal, you'll have to cook for yourself! If you don't have food, eat out. There's money in the card, and you know the password." 

"They're waiting downstairs. I can't delay too long." 

"If you get into university, remember to write to me. I'll receive it when I can." 

"Go to the Great Xia Civilization Academy. You give your dad a lot of face. It's almost certain you'll get in. Your teachers have spoken to me. As long as nothing goes wrong, you'll definitely get in. Finally, someone from the Su family is a talent!" 

"How did you get so smart? I even doubted you were my biological son... but luckily, you look just like I did when I was young..." 

Su Yu's face was pale. But hearing this, he couldn't help but retort, "Dad, are you sure you looked like me when you were young?" 

"Nonsense, of course!" 

Su Long raised his head, showing his rugged face, grinning. "Ask the neighbors if we look alike." 

Su Yu felt powerless, knowing his father was changing the topic. He brought it back, "Dad, are you really going? It's not that I look down on you, but you haven't been on the battlefield for eighteen years, and you haven't trained. You're just at Qianjun Level Nine. Will you be useful there?" 

"Who are you looking down on?" 

Su Long was angry. "What's wrong with Qianjun Level Nine? The battlefield isn't just about strength. If it were, there'd be no need for war! Anything is possible on the battlefield. Your dad, at Qianjun Level Seven, killed a Wanshi-level strongman!" 

Su Yu was troubled. He didn't know if this was true, but his father had said it for many years, so it was likely true. 

The problem was, he didn't want his father to go to the front line. 

The front line was in turmoil, with many soldiers dying every year. The situation was becoming more critical. His father, nearly fifty, returning to the battlefield... Su Yu couldn't bear to think about it. 


"Shut up!" 

Su Long interrupted, got up to clean the dishes, and said seriously, "I've registered. If I don't go, I'm a deserter! If I hadn't registered, it would be fine. But now, if I don't go, you know the consequences! Being a deserter means death!" 

"Dad, couldn't you have discussed it with me?" 

Su Yu was angry! 

He knew he couldn't change anything now. As his father said, if he hadn't registered, it would be fine. For these veterans, the recall order wasn't mandatory. Those who survived the battlefield had all made contributions. 

But once registered, it meant reenlisting, becoming a soldier again. Not going would make him a deserter. 

"Discuss what?" 

Su Long dismissed, "Don't worry, I won't die. Even if I did, the compensation would be enough. Remember to collect it! It'll be enough for you to marry and have kids. I've thought it all through for you!" 

Su Long picked up the luggage he had packed earlier, took off his apron, and grabbed his backpack, as if he were just going on a trip. Casually, he said, "Do well in your exams. Supporting the human race from the rear is just as important. Once you get into the Civilization Academy, make our Su family proud!"

"The Civilization Academy... I'll brag about it when I get back. My son got into the Civilization Academy, much better than those guys!"

"It's just a pity I won't be able to see the acceptance letter. Take a picture and send it to me with a letter, so those guys don't think I'm lying..."


Su Yu quickly got up and caught up with his father, feeling a bit panicked.

Dad is really leaving!

For the past 18 years, he had gotten used to living with his father. Now that his father was suddenly leaving, he wasn't mentally prepared for this at all.

"You're an adult now, not a kid. Don't cry!"

Su Long grinned, "If you weren't an adult yet, Dad wouldn't leave! But now, I have to go. Eighteen years ago, in my squad, there were a few boys your age. Ah Yu, do you know? I dreamed of them... In the dream, they were crying out in pain, saying to kill those bastards. Your dad regretted it a bit. Back then... I should have sent you to the military orphanage; someone would have taken care of you."

Su Long's eyes reddened, "Five conscriptions, I packed my bags the first four times, but every time I saw you, I got selfish and couldn't leave! This is the fifth time. Will there be a next time? If there's another, by the time I'm fifty, the Demon Suppression Army won't take me anymore!"

"I'm leaving, heading to the Battlefield of All Heavens... Your dad is going back!"

"This time, your dad will kill a few Thousand Pound level enemies for you, and I'll make sure to leave evidence so you can't say anything!"

Su Long waved his hand and walked forward.

For the first time in 18 years, Su Yu saw his father so free and mighty.

But this... was not what he wanted to see.


"I said stop talking..."

Standing at the door, Su Yu gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted, "If you don't come back, I'll become a live-in son-in-law, take my wife's surname, and end the Su family line. If you don't care, then I'll do it!"


Su Long stumbled, almost turning back to curse.

He suddenly didn't want to leave anymore, wanting to go back and beat up this kid!

This kid could really do it!

The Su family had finally produced a talent, and if he became a live-in son-in-law, Su Long wouldn't be able to rest in peace even in death!