
The Scoundrel

The cold breeze of december hit his bare skin, making him shiver. Sheepishly, he wish, silently, upon the stars to ease the pain. Darkness fill the place and he embraced it, almost like how the darkness gave him the comfort he needs. He fears many things but not the night, he love the darkness and the peace it gives to his soul: a nyctophile. Kiari Gray is a tall, moreno, scoundrel — a title given to him by the many. People call him many names including 'Bastard'. In school, everybody keeps a distance from him. Stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. But at home, inside his room, when nobody's there to judge him but him alone introspecting. He was 10 when he witnessed men in black killed his family — brutally. News broke after, thanks to the newspapers and tabloids which put the massacre on their headline. little did he know, Saynel Zyne faked the article: Kiari survived from the hands of the murderer. Yet all of the stories, with the big help of Saynel, in different pages and articles revealed the whole family died. Saynel adopted him and later on Kiari, eventually, called him Dad. He Kiari and prepared him ready to avenge. He mercilessly killed everybody that stood his way, bringing them no rest in peace at the end of the day.

petrichormusic · Action
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29 Chs


How come someone fell in love to me?

I'm miserable.

Too broken, I'm beyond repaire.

My life is a pool of mess. Loveless and painless.

I killed people mercilessly.

But you kill the demon inside of me.

(Break my wall and I give you my heart as whole)

Our paths crossed with purpose.

I love you, but love will kill us both.
