
The Scorched

Our protagonist is born in the Village Hidden in the Sand with a very unique kekkai genkai, capable of immense destruction he must learn what it means to be a shinobi in the time of war and carve out a place in history for his name.

CruzControl67 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

A Little Bit of This

 Pakku. POV


 It was a quick sprint to the border. It only took us half the night and then we made camp. The newly formed clay village luckily had trees for us to make a campfire and shelter us. It felt good to be in a forest rather then a dessert. Pakura sat meditating with balls of fire floating around her. I sat across from her trying to maintain a flame in both hands.


 "You're doing it wrong." She said and I looked up at her. Her eyes were still closed, I sighed.


 "I am following your instructions. Gather fire nature chakra and use wind nature chakra to swell the flame." She gave a light sigh and waved her hand in front of her. The balls of flame jumped to the palm of her hand and combined to one giant ball.


 "Yet you are creating a flame, not a ball." She then raised three fingers and the ball separated to 3 balls, shooting towards me and swirling around me.


 "Cover your hands in fire nature chakra in your hands and hold the ball of fire." I smashed my hands together, dissipating the fire I already created. Rubbing my hands together to build the charka and held my hands out. The three balls stopping swirling and was in front of me now. Two disappeared, leaving one. It slowly fell towards my hands. It touched and pain coursed through my hands.


 "It hurts!" I almost pulled my hands towards me, but a hiss form Pakura cut me off.


 "It has to hurt! Stay still!" I closed my eyes and bit my lip. "I'm getting your skin used to the pain, without us being in a combat situation. This is more painful but safer. Trust me little brother." I opened my eyes and looked at her. She had a pained expression on her face and I looked at the fire ball. It's color shined brightly, the pain was somewhat subsiding.


 "I…I'm ok. Keep going." She swirled her hands around in a ball and the flame moved closer to my hands. Almost digging itself into my skin. "Pakura!"


 "Stay calm and focus on how it feels. This is a breathing fire, and you must be sure your chakra is responding appropriately. One wrong move and your hands will be destroyed. Dominate the fire and crush the wind fueling it." The flame grew brighter and the pain increased.


 "I…I can't…It hurts." I closed my hands and the fire went away. I looked at Pakura and she just sighed.


 "Well, you did better than I did. When dad did this exercise with me, I cried and he made me wait a year to try again." I opened my hands and saw red skin. The skin was still in tact but It stung slightly.


 "Why teach me now? It's because of the war?" She nodded, and I brought my legs to me and hugged them.


 "Fighting different ninja village's shinobi can be unpredictable. I know I can handle anyone thrown at me, but you're not at that level yet, you could fight at the same level as a decent chunin maybe but nowhere near a jonin. Especially a jonin at my level." I nodded and laid down.


 "I understand." I heard her stand up and kick out the fire, and then throwing some water on the embers.


 "Our time here on the border is gonna be pretty boring, you'll spend most of the time training and running scrolls to the village for me. That is until the Kazakage decides to make an outpost here, or if he moves us to a new location. So be sure to wake up early tomorrow, you'll be swinging that new weapon of yours around."


 "Yes Sensei." I closed my eyes and went to sleep.



 Pakura. Pov.


 I laid down and stared at the stars. Watching as they flickered in the sky, clouds sluggishly moved across and the move was big. Very bright.


 I could hear all the different sounds of nature. A flap of a bird's wings, or a rabbit marching through the forest, or a stick breaking and footsteps on the trees.


 'Shinobi. From their loud footsteps I assume Rock nin.' I closed my eyes and concentrated on the footsteps. '5 nin. A scouting party?' I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked at Pakku and he was soundly asleep. The footsteps were getting closer. I could feel their chakars now. 4 earth and 1 fire. I smirked, how unlucky. I jumped into the trees and planted traps around us. Explosive tags, kunai and shuriken trip wires, and string traps. Now I waited at our campsite, for them to finally reach our location.


 I could see their bright red uniform now. Their leader had a huge scroll on his back and a very serious look about him. Then the rest covered their faces with a red mask.


 They stopped in front of me and eyed me. I smiled and waved my hands in front of me summoning 3 balls of fire. This were larger then earlier and far hotter.


 "What a surprise. May I ask to what does the Land of Wind owe the pleasure of Rock nin?" The leader held his hand up in a fist. Signaling his men to hold position.


 "We have no qualms with Sand shinobi. We seek passage through your lands and to the Land of Fire."


 "For an ambush I suspect. I can't allow that, unfortunately. That will only bring war to our village. I cannot allow you to enter our land." Pakku shuffled in his sleep and opened his eyes. I could feel his eyes looking at me. He remained still but he grabbed his weapons hilt. Good, he was prepared.


 "That is unfortunate." The man looked at me and at Pakku, then back at me. "Tell me your name, fire wielder. I shall inform your village of your death." He grabbed his scroll and rolled it open in front of him. Weapons of all sizes shot out towards us and Pakku jumped towards me, he planted his weapon in the dirt and it blocked all sorts of weapons that shot out from the scroll. Baransu was deep in the ground and Pakku looked slightly startled. The four masked rock nin, jumped to our right and left, and I sped through hand signs.


 "Scorch style: Heat Seeker!" The three balls of flame shot towards a rock nin.


 "Earth style: Rock Wall!" Only one of them yelled out and the other three fell victim to my jutsu. I grabbed Pakku by the back of his shirt and threw him out of the way, as far as I could.


 "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I heard him yell in the air and a small fireball shot out towards the leader who smacked it to the side with his giant scroll.


 "Smart thinking, Pakku!" I pulled Baransu out of the ground and swiped it it in the air, causing the multitude of weapons to fly towards the leader, I quickly followed them to engage the leader.


Pakku. POV.


 As I flew in the air, I was stuck. Gravity was my mistress and I was her foolish boy of the night. I looked at the battle and saw Pakura and the head Iwa nin exchange blows before seemingly disappearing in a blur. I looked at the charred bodies on the ground and counted three.


 "There were originally five Iwa nin. If Pakura is fighting one that means…!" I muttered before a kick to the face sent me crashing down to the earth and sent skipping across its surface like a pebble across a pond.


 I believe I skipped 7 times before my body crashed into a tree. My vision was blurry and my body couldn't move like I wanted it to.


 "Weak." A very very deep voice said, and I tried to look in it direction but my head merely hung limp staring at my lap, watching my hands twitch. "You Sand shinobi must be desperate to send children to guard your borders." I felt a hand grab my head wrap and yank my head to force me to look at him.


 "Hag gah id…" My mouth spoke on it's own and I tried to focus my eyes to the point where I could at least see the nin clearly, but I just couldn't.


 "What was that, weakling?" He leaned closer and I could finally see him clearly.


 He was an average sized man, with blond hair. He had three rings on his right hand and I could see a tatoo that ran up his arm from his hand. I noticed a weapon handle on his waist, I didn't know what it was but it was something I could work with.


 I looked past him and smiled. I just noticed the blood that dripped from my mouth.

 "Nice to see you sensei." The Iwa nins eyes widened and he whipped his head to look behind him. In that millisecond of time I grabbed the handle on his waist and pulled it out and wildly slashed at him. It was a simple tanto nothing to special, but it caught the side of his stomach.


 "Gah!" He stumbled back and I fell forward with my body on its side. The tanto still gripped firmly in my hand. I reached to my waist with my other hand and pulled out a kunai.


 "You little shit! I'll fucking kGahch." A giant blade emerged from his stomach to cut him off his anger filled tangent. I relaxed slightly at the sight of my sister wielding Baransu. She lifted the Iwa nin off the floor and pointed the blade at the sky. Causing his body to slowly slide down the blade. He wordlessly tried to grab the blade and pull himself forward, but it was useless. Pakura's eyes showed nothing, her face was as solid as stone, and there may have been a slight scowl on her face but the blood loss could also be playing an effect here.


 She turned and looked at me, she scanned my body wordlessly and bit her lip slightly. She plunged Baransu's tip into the ground causing the Iwa nin to crash violently into the ground and I think he finally died. There was a twich or two but… well… I don't know… I closed my eyes.


 "Pakku?" I felt hands on my shoulder and body was being shaken. "Stay awake Pakku."I opened my eyes and saw Pakura, she was over me now. Her hands were covered in green chakara.


 "Hea…?" I asked and closed my eyes again, just to be shaken again and my eyes went wide.


 "Yes, it's healing jutsu, I'll teach you sometime. But you have to stay awake."


 "Yup." I nodded my head and closed my eyes again. A sharp slap woke me up again.


 "Stay the fuck up!" Pakura was sweating now, and the constant throbbing all over my body subsided, and I didn't feel as terrible as before.


 "Yeah. Awake." I said and looked at Pakura full. Beads of sweat were pouring from forehead and nose. "Signs of exhaustion, healing ninjutsu isn't your strongest I see." A slap forced me to turn to the right and I slightly tasted blood.


 "Can you just be normal, and stop deducing situations." I slowly turned to look at Pakura again and saw her huffing, red faced.


 "Yup." I nodded and saw her lean her head back and rub her neck.


 "I didn't think one of them would target you. Smart thinking with using Baransu as a shield for us, and using a fire ball justu in mid air after being thrown that was good too. Then with you distracting the Iwa nin to kill him, though it may not have worked it was incredibly smart considering my reputation." I just nodded and sat up. Baransu was still in the ground and the bandages that covered it were hanging on by a thread. The tip of the blade was exposed and the metal was black, and looked like it had cracks in it. I stood up and stumbly walked towards it. I pulled a loose bandage and the entire thing came undone.


 I marveled at it's beauty. (It's Maliketh's Black Blade from Elden Ring but without the face in it.) I grabbed the golden handle and pulled it from the ground, and held it to the moonlight. I could see swirls of red inside of the metal that seemed to move on their own. The jagged edges also caught my eye. I held my finger towards it, and gently poked it. I looked at my finger and saw a bead of blood.


 "Baransu…" I whispered and held the sword to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Pakura also observing the blade.


 "Ghazan really did a number with this. Reminds me of the Seven Swords of the Mist. Maybe I ripped him off…" She looked contemplative for a second before shaking her head. "Nah. So how do you like it?" I just nodded my head. "Yeah, me too." I planted the sword back into the ground and looked fully at Pakura. Slammed my hands together and bowed.



(wrote this at like 2 am so sorry for spelling mistakes or if its jumbled. Or i don't know)