
chapter one JASON'S POV.

Today is Friday 6th June 2020 .....if the date is not familiar it's the day that my BFFF comes back to me from his studies abroad after wha t seems like centuries .I have really missed Leo to the point of almost death and today more than ever I think I am going to tell him the truth ,I mean what is the worst thing that can happen?(uncomfortable paranoid laughter).

There is only one person who knows what I plan to do today and it's my little sister Jesca. As someone who frequently minds my business it was not really difficult to tell the "facts" to as she already claims to know so much of me.

I am actually secretly glad for this because she actually told me and I quote if you don't trust your best friend with this then who will you trust? .So due to that tiny hope I am taking this grenade and am hell ready !-sort of..

Me and my best friend have been besties for as long as I can remember (I haven't been counting ) and our friendship have stood the test of time(sort of ) and its actually about time that I told my bestie that I kinda sort of maybe wish we were more than friends...we could be like Grey's anatomy or something (ha ha ha).

I reach at the airport and casually walk to the area where I have to wait for him( not that I can fly ,lol) and I wonder if maybe I should have prepared a speech or two...I am not an expert on this issue of coming out so I don't know which level of difficulty to expect but I suppose it could be easier to like read the words???...oh I don't know what am I actually thinking , somebody please help meeh.

So I decide to turn my attention to something else like looking around at the airport like I am at a starring contest against it or like I am a llost kid looking for his mom (because I feel like one) and I just see the obvious....a bunch of people waiting for a bunch of other people...while doing a bunch of things. like talking to each other laughing at each other jokes blah blah blah, I am not in the mood for people watching today ...or ever I just want my bestie !!!

After actually a brief time people start getting out of the "arrivals" door and soon there are a bunch of people blocking my view with there bodies so I can hardly see what's important (my BFF) and I almost yell at them when he actually found me.

"HEY BRO" I Hear his voice with a tap on my shoulder.

"HEY" I respond with a one shoulder "bro hug"

he is smiling and I am smiling but my heart is going extra cause I hear drum roll s and fireworks and I can't help but wonder if he hears it too?

The rest goes on normal and out of my strategic plans ,we talk of usual stuff...

" you good?" he asks

"yah-am great "I reply and we head for the car .I don't ask him because hell yah he looks fabulous!(I mean he is the guy I have a crush on)but he looks at me like he expects me to ask so I ask anyway...

"so how are things ?,how is abroad?"

"abroad is alot it depends on what terms you are asking"

"I don't know in all terms ?you just tell me the interesting terms,juicy ones" .I reply to which he laughs and I find his laughter beautiful...

"nothing out of the ordinary really ,studies.... annoying teachers, boring classmates , interesting classmates, attending parties....."

"you attend parties?" I ask curiously to which he half laughs at (as if asking why not )

"yah sometimes"

"and do what?" I ask (yah petty question but I just want him to tell more)

"I sit on a corner and cry for mommy" he replies with a smirk ... sarcasm the boy loves it.

"oh how interesting"I reply (two can play one game) to which he smiles and says

"alright I drink , dance ,talk ,etc..party stuff"

"do you kiss people?" I ask out of the blue (or purple?)

"I kissed a few girls sometimes"

oh girls...I hear my mind wonder ...I am not a girl so you can't kiss me ? But then I get out of that thought.

"you date?"


"oh great" I reply abit happily he might kiss bu-

"I mean yah...I am actually with someone like my first relationship...so yah"I think I felt my heart crack on this one but then he didn't say "girlfriend" just "someone" it could be a dude ,it could be a non binary ,and that comforts me somehow.

"where are we going to eat?"he asks diverting the conversation

"I don't know where do you want to eat?"

" ok let's not play games ,just pick a place for pit's sake"

"fine . MacDonald -

"pizza hut .You know I love pizza more!"he replies little did he know I just wanted you him to protest .

"you said that on purpose didn't you?" okay maybe he knows a little .

"said what on purpose?" I ask in my most fake surprised tone ,to which made him release his beautiful laugh into the world again.

"you just want me to argue with you"he said with the laugh again which now became infectious as I laughed too .

"yes...jeez ,so mushroom pizza ?"

"oh no you just drive at the drive through and I will order"

"no I will order ,I am on the ordering side" I said enjoying the shock in his eyes.

"Jay if you dare order that wretched mushroom pizza!!-

we reached bat the the ordering point where we were welcomed as usuals the whole time Leo looked at me while mouthing "I'll kill you".

"I'll like a large peperroni pizza...and two cokes-

"PEPSI!!!" he shouts beyond necessary which makes me smirk

"sorry two pepsis ".

After we finish to pick up our order we head off to his house which used to be his parents house until they moment when they moved out fancy that .

"still don't believe your parents moved out of the house"

"come on you know they didn't simply "move out" they are literally traveling around the world now"

"we should do that "I say wishfully.

"I don't know traveling ain't my passion"

"then what shall we do play ps5?"

"sounds like a plan." he replies as we reach at the house .I think for a sec whether to help him carry his suitcase but I dismissed the thought immediately I mean who will carry the freaking pizza. We walk in the house and get comfortable ready to eat and bond with my bro and bff

"Jay , remember when I said I was dating someone? well it's this girl called Rachel"

"ooh.."was all I could respond with. So it was a girl ? My bff and crush is dating a girl? it can't be-

"she is going to come like on Monday morning so I ask you may like help me go pick her up since I can't drive"I am just still stuck at the dating a girl part I thought we were birds of the same features , haven't we been flying together this whole time?

"also on Monday it's her birthday so I wanted to make it special"

So I agreed ,I mean what are best friends for ? definitely not dating,cause he is now dating this chick.I haven't met this girl and I already hate her .

"but I also have a girlfriend you know?" I say when we were having our pizza while watching some movie on the TV,I wasn't really in a watching mood.

"really?"Leo asked while giving me a questionable look as if perhaps I may be lying to him.

"yes her name is Gwen" I say and bite a piece of my pizza. Oh this was so not a part of my strategic plan Andi can't help but love this deviation I mean how can all this go wrong?

Next chapter