
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Hello demonic princess, welcome back

Trina's POV

After I left Merle I headed south towards the border between the demon raceland and human raceland. I wanted to understand my vampiric origins and how best I could use my powers. I remembered once that my mother told me that vampires have a type of dark magic called blood magic which enables them to assume immortality. I was not that interested in my vampiric powers because, although they usually produce amazing power they do it at the cost of other peoples life force. But right now I needed to use my vampire side to save Mr Harold's son even if it meant turning him into a vampire. I remember my mom saying it is possible for people to be turned into vampires artificially but she never revealed how it was done. So I decided to go back to my home in the demon realm hoping to learn something about my vampire side. I made my way through the forest together with Elise and her group but we soon left each other once they reached at the border of the Bermone and stokes Kingdom. I continued my journey through the Forest of monsters soloing all the monsters that dared to attack me. I traveled so swiftly that by the end of four days I was already at the border of the human raceland and the demon raceland. At the border, there was some sort of black mist that seemed to mark the border. I treaded carefully since I did not know the effect of the black mist. When the black mist came into contact with my hands, a purple reddish hue started to radiate from where I had touched. The wall of mist seemed to be dissipating right in front of my eyes. I plunged into the mist not caring what would have happened. The mist created a human shaped hole which allowed me to pass through. When I passed through all I could see was broad view of the green lash land slowly disappearing. I could not see a tree or any other plant for quite a Long distance. There was no sign of life at anyplace. I started to walk not knowing where I was going. The heat from the sun was unbearable. I was sweating profusely. My vision started to become blurry that I started to have hallucinations. I was so thirsty and hungry that I could not think straight. Suddenly, the ground started to move. The mountain of sand seemed to be creating a sort of wave. On seeing this, I ran for dear life so that I would not die buried in sand. I ran and ran asking myself if that was the end. Luckily, I entered into some sort of illusion barrier in which on the other side of, I found a huge wall. There was a gate at the far end of the wall but it seemed to be locked. I ran towards the gate happy that I could sate my thirst and hunger once I enter the town but on reaching there I was met with hostility. The people at the top of the tower on the gate punctured me full of holes before I could even say a word. I lost my strength and collapsed there and then. On waking up, I was in a dungeon cell with all the wounds that had been inflicted on me healed, but my hunger and thirst had not been quenched. A prison guard soon came in and open the door slowly walking towards me. His face filled with rage. Looking into his eyes I could see that the man hated me with all his heart. I was shocked, wondering what I could have done to bring out those feelings in him. When he was just one step away I tried asking him why he looked so angry with me but Instead of an answer, my face was met with a powerful blow. The man then continued on to kick my stomach as hard as he could. The immense pain I received from that kick made me feel like throwing up. I could not take it any more, I had to escape this place. When I tried to use my magic I found it not working. The chains on my hand and the walls around the cell seemed to have demonite. Demonite was a type of mineral that had the ability to confuse a spell caster chant thus making it impossible for them to do any spells or so I have been told. The man then smirked looking at me. He held my head up with a tight grip of my hair as I was lying down the ground. With his face very close to mine. He finally said something. "You will pay for what you have done." Afterwards he left closing the prison door and locking it up. Nightfall soon came. My hunger had now surpassed its limit. All I could think of was food. The feeling of being furnished was only growing stronger and stronger. By good luck a guard as if had felt my pain came with food and water. He opened up the prison door and open up my chains. Bowing he said something that baffled me. " We have awaited for your return my queen." I did not know what was happening. I devoured the food quickly like nothing else. After I finished my meal he led me out of the prison through a secret passage. We then walked through the moonlit night. As we walked, the mysterious man explained who he was and why he had saved me. He said that he was a vampire servant of the last queen. Queen Lilian Bloodbond who was my mother. With my mother gone, the vampire species were persecuted across all of the demon realm. He explained that the current demon king had decreed the execution of all vampires on sight. This because vampires are feared throughout all demon kind because they are very powerful as compared to other demons.

I could not understand this since my mother never mentioned that she was a vampire queen. The man whom I came to know was called Robert then told me that vampires all over the demon realm have convened at a certain place waiting for the return of their queen.

" My queen, I would like you to take your rightful place on throne."

" I am sorry but I can't, I have another place I have to be."

With a disappointed look Robert asked how he could help. I told him that I wanted to understand my vampiric powers and how I could use them.

"The only way a vampire queen could understand their powers is by inheriting the memories of the previous queen before her. But to do this you must travel to the queen's castle whose position is only known to the queen."

I got frustrated since the knowledge of mom's castled died with her. I just wished that I could talk with my mom. Suddenly, the ground around me started shaking. Red mist then engulfed the night air and eventually I was lost in the mist. After walking in the mist for a while, I made it out of the mist only to see a grand castle right in front of me. I open the huge door and in I went. Robert was nowhere to be seen. The hallway was big and spacious. As I walked on, the door behind me closed. I continued to walk until the entrance was nowhere to be seen. At the right side of the wall there was an entrance. The entrance led to a big room with a staircase at its middle. On stepping into the room. I heard a voice in my head saying to stand at the middle. The voice resembled that of my mother. On stepping on the middle, a red magic circle appeared and I was then transported to another room. The room seemed to resemble a library. At the middle far end of the library their was a read glowing heart. I carefully walked towards it wondering what it actually was. After reaching the heart, I carefully picked it up with both of my hands. Red mist immediately engulfed me and there in front of me was my mother. I was so overjoyed to see my mother again.

" I have been waiting for you my child. You seemed to have grown since the last time I saw you."

" Of course since the last time you saw me I was still nine years old but many years have passed since then."

" We do not have much time, it seems my time is almost up. I would like for you to learn about your vampiric heritage. Do you remember the secret spell I taught you? I would like you to chant it. When you do, all the memories of the vampire Queens before you will be yours. I love you my daughter and I hope you can save the vampire race."

After that my mother disappeared and the red mist with her. The glowing heart seemed to also have disappeared. I chanted the spell my mother had taught me. When I finished, my head started to spin. This made me lose my balance and faint. When I woke up I had a vast knowledge of the vampiric ways and vampiric powers and with it I learned of a prophecy. With my knew found powers I quickly exited the castle and found Robert. I explained to him their was something I need to do first. I apologized to him telling him that I was not the one whom was to inherit the throne but another as stated in the prophecy. I then made my way back to the Bermone Kingdom. After seven days of travel I was back. I found Mr Harold's son in a much worse state than before. When Mr Harold heard of my return he asked me if I had a way to save the child. I told him I did but it was through transforming him to a vampire servant. He reluctantly agreed since it was the only way to save him. When I did the ritual the changes we got were far more than I expected. He was cured but he was turned to a she.